

Shortly after the Chitauri invasion in New York another globally affecting incident occurs, one that Fury manages to keep under wraps however. Nanites are spreading around the world at a slow rate and turning some organisms into EVOs. The only known cure: Rex Salazar Pairing: Rex x Daisy / Rex x Ruby

Grimm_48 · TV
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs


It's been four days since Rex last saw anyone ever since Skye left the Vault and he's become pretty angry with everyone seemingly forgetting he exists because he remembered snippets of his past in Hydra.

The real reason no one visited him is that none of the main team are actually at the base and were working on trying to find the escaped Ward as well as locate the city whose map he helped decipher.

"Rex, this is Melinda May." the Asian agent suddenly is heard in the Vault.

"What the heck is going on? It's been 4 days." Rex complains, looking at the camera in the room.

"We are all on mission. I'm only calling because Skye asked me to." She answers.

"Fine. Why isn't she calling herself then though?" Rex asks.

"She got abducted. By Ward, he's working with Whitehall." May informs him.

"Anyways, Skye wanted you to know in case something goes wrong." May tells him and hangs up.

"Goes wrong? May what's happening?" Rex shouts and pounds his fist against the white tiled wall but receives no response.

"Fuck. I doubt I can anyone else here see reason and get me out. Which means..." He says to himself and looks up at the ceiling.

He then constructs large stilt like metal feet underneath him and a massive drill, starting to drill upwards through the 2 meters of concrete until he comes out in the base's server room, luckily not having hit any of the many cables running through the room.

"Where are they?" Rex murmurs and goes to a workstation, searching for his friend's location, his limited hacking skills he didn't know he has until he started doing it on autopilot coming in handy.

After 10inutes of exhaustingly breaking through Shield's security he finds a location on Skye's team.

Once he has a destination in mind Rex leaves the base secretly through the air vents, tricking the sensors with his nanites into giving wrong readings all over the place.

Once he's outside he constructs his rotor wings and flies to the nearest private airport, where he steals a small plane, once more happy for Hydra's intensive training when he is able to fly the vehicle without having prior experience to his knowledge at least, arriving in Puerto Rico about 10 hours later.

After arriving by dropping the plane in the ocean and landing on the island with his rotor wings Rex starts his search for his Skye.

After half an hour of asking around he finally gets a clue from one of the residents who points out that there has been a lot of movement in the old, abandoned theatre.

When he gets there, he decides not to waste any more time and sneaks into the building over the roof.

Rex makes his way through the large building until he sees his reason for coming, tied up in a kitchen area together with a man in his late forties and Grant Ward.

Rex sees only two guards in the room and walks right into the room, the two guards aiming their guns at him immediately.

"Hey, what's with the hostility. I'm looking for Whitehall." Rex says with hands raised in surrender.

Ward uses the guard's distraction and kicks at one of their knees hard, making him go down, both guards aiming at the black dressed double agent, giving Rex enough time to swing at them with his gauntlet construct, sending them flying right out of the window.

"Whoa they fly nicely." The older man says excited about the Hydra soldier's demise.

"Who's this?" Rex asks, going over to Skye and untying her.

"Coulson let you out?" Skye asks him surprised.

"Not exactly, but it doesn't matter right now. Let's get you of here first." Rex says.

"What's with them?" Rex asks, the older man breaking free of the inhibitor on his neck by himself and rushes out of the room to look for his revenge against Whitehall.

"That was my father." Skye informs Rex.

"What is he doing here?" Rex asks while Skye picks up the discarded gun on the floor from the soldier Rex tossed out the window.

"Trying to kill Whitehall and to get me to use that obelisk for some twisted reason." Skye says.

"Use it? Won't you turn to stone?" He asks.

"Apparently not. I can touch it and inside it is something that's supposed to evolve me." Skye says.

"Evolve you?" Rex asks.

"I'll explain later. First we need to find Whitehall and Raina." Skye tells him, Rex leaving the kitchen first with Skye behind him.

"Hey, what about me?" Ward asks, trying to free himself from the ropes on him.

"Oh right." Skye says coolly and fires three shots into his chest before leaving with Rex.

"What was that?" Rex asks shocked.

"Necessary." She replies.

Skye then leads them to the room she last saw Whitehall and they find Skye's father giving Coulson the beatdown.

"Dad! Stop it. I will shoot." Skye shouts upset, aiming her gun at him, but Rex pushes it down, shaking his head.

"Fine. You will see though. Collect your gift and you'll see. Only I will be there for you after you change and change is scary." Her father tells her confidently while Rex goes over to Coulson and helps him up.

"How did you get here?" He asks surprised.

"Let's discuss that another time. We should get out of here first. Where is Whitehall?" Rex asks.

"Dead." Coulson answers, standing on his own albeit weakly, Skye giving him a hug.

"The diviner. Where is it?" Skye asks.

"Not sure. But we should get out. Trip and the others are about to blow the city underneath us up." Coulson tells her.

"We can't leave yet. We need to stop Raina. Rex, will you help me?" Skye asks.

"Of course, just tell me what to do." Rex says while nodding.

"We need to get to the underground city." Skye says and takes his hand, leading him to where Whitehall was drilling into the earth with some kind of laser.

When they get there, they see a large and deep hole with a winch and a rope. Skye presses a button for the rope to come back to the surface, but Rex grabs her around her waist and hops into the hole, the rope zipping past them on the way down while he slows their descent with his nanite constructed metal feet, pressing them against the rim of the hole and landing safely on them when they reach the underground city.

"Show off." Skye says before looking around for Raina and the device in the stone walled pathway.

"Where to?" He asks, the city parting in two ways from where they landed.

"Split up." Skye says and takes off to the left while Rex goes along the right way.

Meanwhile Coulson informs his team that Skye and Rex are in the city and Trip goes right back down the hole on the other side of the city to disarm their bombs since they had to use a manual starter nothing remotely triggered.

While Trip is running through the city to disarm the bombs Skye and Rex each search for Raina, Skye being the first to find her inside a chamber with some kind of podest in the middle.

"I have been waiting for you. My whole life, our whole lives have been leading up to this point." Raina says, holding the obelisk while Skye is aiming her gun at the woman, the two slowly circling around in the room.

"I'm taking the obelisk and we're leaving this place." Skye tells Raina.

"You've got it all wrong. Whitehall, Shield everyone had it all wrong. It doesn't destroy. It gives life." Raina tells Skye.

Meanwhile just outside the chamber at another one of its four openings Rex runs into Mack.

"Mack? What are you doing here?" Rex asks, grabbing onto his friends massive arm and turns him around only for him to stare back with completely black eyes and turns back towards the chamber, as if waiting for something.

"Great. I'm guessing that's the way then?" Rex scoffs and follows the path to the chamber.

"You found her." Rex says, arriving next to both Skye and Raina.

"No this is wrong. You're not supposed to be here. This is our moment. Mine and Daisy's." Raina shouts and lets go of the obelisk which starts to float towards the podium on its own.

"Make it stop!" Skye shouts.

"I can't." Raina says almost laughing in joy.

"No one can now." She says and suddenly the four openings start to close.

"Skye. We should go." Rex says worried, joining her side.

"I can't. Someone needs to stop the weapon." Skye says.

"You are a lot of work. Fine, we'll both stay." Rex says exhausted and grabs her hand, squeezing it tightly, showing Skye just how freaked out he really is.

Just before the walls close completely Trip jumps into the room.

"No stay out!" Skye tries to warn him but there is no turning back for the Shield agent with the wall closing completely, leaving the four people trapped inside while the obelisk opens up and a crystalline structure reveals itself under an artificial light beam.

"How do we stop it?" Trip asks.

"I don't think we can anymore." Skye says, squeezing Rex's hand in return.

Moments later a foggy gust of wind waves over everyone, almost knocking them on their ass.

Raina and Skye suddenly start to get enveloped by a stone cover spreading over their bodies while Rex has a similar result, only his looks like a metallic version with his nanites hardening and covering him.

"Skye, I think I lov..." He tries to say, but is the first to be completely enveloped, still holding her hand and looking at the brunette.

"Oh god no." Skye pants, panicking and turns to Trip in horror while she gets covered as well.

Trip tries to stop it and kicks the crystal structure, shattering it to pieces, one of which lodges into his stomach.

He looks to Skye in grief, before slowly turning to stone like anyone else who came in contact with the obelisk.

Skye's stony cocoon starts to break apart and upon seeing Trip turned to stone as well a force wave comes off from her, shacking the very earth and the underground city as well as breaking apart Trip's dead body.

With the city on the verge of collapsing Skye doesn't even completely see Raina and only manages to grab onto Rex's now extremely heavy frame and pull him to the opening, pounding against it until soon after it opens by itself, Skye going out of the chamber while dragging the statue of Rex along behind her.

When she gets out of the chamber, she sees Coulson and Mack standing in the pathway, Coulson having followed them down to the underground city and Mack now released from the alien control he was under.

"Help me. Trip is dead. We need to save Rex." Skye shouts crying helplessly, and the two shocked men help her carry the statue of the Hispanic man to the exit Whitehall created in the ceiling, where they manage to get everyone to safety back on the surface.

Once on the surface both Skye and the Rex statue are placed under quarantine in the bus due to the unknown effects of the obelisk.