
She is way better than you

She was the head student of Jenny. There was no way she was able to get that position with her power in the kingdom alone. She had the talent, and was way more powerful than any one in the kingdom. Samuel had already faced Jermaine, but what he did not know was that she was stronger. There was an oath that she had to take before becoming Jenny's student. It was that her powers and strength was a result of Jenny's teachings, and they had only one purpose, Reviving the arc wizard's name.

She was not allowed to fight in front of anyone, until Jenny allows it.

Samuel was awestruck. This was like the most unbelievable thing Samuel had witnessed. He had made a big mistake in underestimating her.

Samuel asked Jenny,"What happened?"

Jenny was smiling. She was not able to contain the happiness that this battle had brought to her. It was like she had suffered through a lot, but had nowhere made a mistake in her life. The struggle was hard, but the fight was ultimately won.

Samuel was left without an answer. The only thing that Jenny said was,"You have 2 days to figure out this technique. If you don't, I will extract your life and return you to an infant with no memories of anything. Then, I will start training you from the start. That would be more efficient."

Samuel was scared stiff. He did not want that to happen. And that is not all. He had to practice with Lara.

"Please, can I train with you Jenny?"

"No chance. You are too weak right now. Anyways, sorry Lara. I did not want to give you this responsibility, but time is of essence. It is either now or 10 years later. He has to become powerful."

Samuel was dumbstruck. She was apologizing to her for having her take his responsibility. What was this situation?

Jenny said."Do not irritate her. You do not deserve such a highly skilled instructor, Because of the lack of time, she is teaching you. In reality, She is way above your class. She is way better than you."

In his world, This would have been the correct time to say.



Capital city, Sefrack

Sarah was under room arrest. she was not allowed to get out of her room. She was considered a traitor in her own Palace. She was about to be hanged after the curfew time ended. She did not feel betrayed, however.

Because Samuel had left a note for her. It said 3 words.

"I Will Return."

That was enough for her.

She was waiting for him.

Just like the real Samuel Merlin.

Her life was on the line. Her love was on the line.

She was staring at the sunset from her window. It was the sign of her love.