
Rewriting Kakashi's Destiny

In this story, a person, finds himself in a new reality, as a skilled shinobi named Kakashi Hatake, through a transmigration. As he navigates this world, he embarks on a journey of self-discovery and growth. Along the way, he reconnects with his past, honing his abilities and creating new jutsu along the way. Through training, camaraderie, and introspection, Kakashi overcomes his past sorrows and finds renewed purpose and determination. Follow us along with anticipation as we witness the birth of a renewed era in the Naruto world. 1ch/day

Hungry_Daoist · Anime e quadrinhos
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18 Chs

Planning ahead

After finally completing the Hatake kenjutsu and being in the midst of training, a shadowy figure materialized before him. It's an ANBU operative, clad in secrecy, delivering a message with a sense of urgency.

"Hokage-sama requests your presence at his office immediately," the masked ANBU stated solemnly.

With a knowing look and a feeling of anticipation, Kakashi followed the ANBU with haste. As he entered Minato's office, he was met with the unwavering gaze of his sensei, the Fourth Hokage.

"Kakashi, I've seen the new jutsu you've developed," Minato began, his voice a blend of admiration and concern. "I want you to explain it to me in detail. You should not have been capable of making such a jutsu."

Kakashi stood before his sensei, his expression calm and collected. "Of course, Minato-sensei," he replied respectfully.

He proceeded to elucidate the intricacies of the Flying Thunder God Technique: Guiding Thunder Barrier Amplification, detailing its origins, purpose, and potential applications.

"The Flying Thunder God Technique: Guiding Thunder Barrier Amplification is a jutsu I developed thanks to the help of Lord Third, he provided me with the scroll of the FTG technique."

"The FTG: Guiding Thunder Barrier Amplification is a mix of a barrier, sealing and flying thunder god technique which teleports anything that enters the cloak-like barrier to another space."

"It has the advantage that you do not have to stand stationary. You can also simultaneously use other jutsu since it is now technically considered as a barrier jutsu which allows you to use other jutsu at the same time."

Minato listened attentively, impressed by his former student's ingenuity and determination. However, his next proposal caught Kakashi off guard.

"Kakashi, you have impressed me, however I do not want you to take such unnecessary risks anymore. Creating space-time ninjutsu is incredibly dangerous."

"And besides, I believe your skills are crucial to the village's safety. Which is why I want to join the ANBU, your abilities will be put to good use there."

Kakashi, not surprised in the slightest, responded, "Thank you for the offer, Minato-sensei, but I must respectfully decline," he responded firmly. "I have my own path to walk, and joining the ANBU would restrict my freedom to act as I see fit."

Minato's brow furrowed, but he respected Kakashi's decision. "Very well," he acquiesced. "But I hope you'll reconsider in the future."

As Kakashi left the Hokage's office, his mind raced with thoughts of Danzo and Orochimaru. He knew that Danzo's schemes were a threat to the village's stability, and Orochimaru's potential defection was a risk that could not be ignored.

"Now I have time to implement my safeguards, I can't just stand by and do nothing," Kakashi mused to himself. "I need a plan to stop Danzo and prevent Orochimaru from falling further into darkness."

With newfound resolve, Kakashi began devising a strategy, drawing on his years of experience and the teachings of his father and sensei.

He knew what the path ahead would be like as he knew what would happen in the story, but he was determined to protect the village and those he cared about.

As the moon rose high in the night sky, Kakashi's mind churned with plans and contingencies. The weight of responsibility rested on his shoulders, but he welcomed it with open arms.

With his mind set on his mission, Kakashi embraced the challenges that lay ahead. Whether it was the shadowy dealings of Danzo or the enigmatic allure of Orochimaru, he was determined to navigate the treacherous waters of intrigue and danger.

For Kakashi, the journey had just begun. He would walk his own path, forge his own destiny, and emerge as a beacon of strength and unwavering resolve for the village he cherished.

Changed '' to "" on request. It might read easier with this change. Let me know if you guys/girls want it changed back or not.

Also Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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