
Reviving Uzushio

James Arrons is sent to Naruto by the Sage of Six Paths as a Champion with gifts given to him and a mission; Make the World better. So that’s what he will do, to the best of his abilities of course.

Foxy_Skies · Anime e quadrinhos
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10 Chs

Shitoro’s Preperation

Shitoro Village Arc, Pt. 5

Five Days Since War Declaration,

Yutane jumped from tree to tree as fast as he could, taking very little rest as he made his way toward his destination; Konohagakure. His heart pounded and his mouth was parched but he did not care, Uzumaki Fusa ,his Kage, depended on him. He had another chance and he would not ruin it, not this time and not ever again.

It had been a week into his journey, since that Defense Meeting. He had only stopped twice for food and water, after that he would immediately get back to making his way to Konoha.


He stopped, hearing the voice as a Nin appeared before him, it looked like a Konoha ANBU. Except it had a blank white Kabuki Mask. Yutane did not yet know the Nin before him only looked like Konoha ANBU. He had never seen a true one before except the white masked ones before him. He couldn't help but wonder if it was the same ANBU as last time.

"I am Konoha ANBU Cat. Name and Reasoning for being in Fire Country?" The blank masked ANBU questioned, almost sounding…emotionless if Yutane listened closely.

"Uzumaki Yutane, I am delivering a message for the Third Hokage." Yutane responded, feeling relieved.

"I shall then take the missive from your hands and deliver it." He spoke, showcasing no emotion now that Yutane thought about it…

The Nin's hand held out as Yutane froze up, a memory surfacing.

'''I shall take the missive to the Hokage, for you.''' The ANBU held out his hand, voice without emotion.

'''Thank the Sage, my legs are killing me!''' Yutane spoke, eagerly giving the scroll away.

'''Thanks man, now I can finally rest!''' Yutane said with a light laugh, something that the ANBU did not respond to, the blank masked Nin only jumping away without response.

Leaving behind a relieved Yutane at having done his job, having given the scroll to the blank masked ANBU…

Blank mask…

Yutane's face slowly took on a realization, a realized face of horror as he gazed at the ANBU, the fake ANBU. It was no wonder nobody arrived to Uzushio, the Hokage never got the previous message, he had been tricked! He nearly had been tricked again just now…

"I…" He gulped out, staring with great horror at the fake ANBU.

"I will deliver the message, hand over your scroll." The Nin spoke, voice robotic.

It was completely emotionless now that Yutane was more aware of the Nin, it was frankly horrifying. The Nin before him did not sound like he had an inch of worry or well anything, no emotion.

Grim determination sparked through the Uzumaki, his eyes narrowing at the fake ANBU in a swirl of emotions. "Go to hell!"

Then quick as he could he made a break for it, hearing the Nin behind him give chase. Yutane grit his teeth all the while and put all of his chakra into his limbs. It would prevent him being able to use chakra to fight but he needed to get to Konoha as fast as possible, to not only notify them of this Nin but to deliver his Uzukage's message…

Seven Days Since War Declaration,

It had been a week or two since the Defense Meeting and my official Declaration of War on Suna. Since then, much has changed. The first and most obvious was the giant Earth wall that surrounded the village, the giant wall being filled criss-cross with sealing. Other changes were less obvious like the series of trenches outside the wall. Others obvious but not mostly nor less, like the Shinobi Recruitment stations set up around the village.

It had been an idea of mine in getting more Shinobi to bolster our numbers, and at first some of the my Nin had been skeptical at its effectiveness. Believing that showing would do just fine instead of stations calling out for any civilian wishing to enlist in the Shinobi Forces. However, this tune quickly changed when people lined up in droves at the Stations. Lines went for practically miles long, it was a massive success. There were still rules if you wished to enlist in the Uzushio/Konoha Shinobi Forces however.

Of which were;

1. The Enlistee Must Be Above Age 11

2. All Teenage Or Young Enlistees Must Have The Blessing Of Their Families

3. The Enlistee Must Be In Good Health

4. The Enlistee Must Remain In Service For Up To Four Years

Despite the last condition, people still signed up in droves. For while the chance of dying was high, this was their village and for that? They would gladly die for it if it meant their loved ones and future generations could live. They would gladly give their blood, their sweat, their tears, and their lives for their fellow men and women of Shitoro Village.

The Training Process was short and through due to what was coming. Once enlisted, the Enlistee would immediately have to take a Chakra Paper Test in which it would be determined not only their respective elements but also if they even had enough Chakra to preform Jutsu or well any at all that they could use; Thank you Gai, Dai, and Lee. Regardless, it still crushed people deeply when it showed they had too little or none at all. Some broke into tears and begged to still be able to defend their home, only to then be immensely thankful once told that to be an Uzushio Shinobi; You did not require chakra nor too much chakra as you could still become a Taijutsu learner or preform Wally and Trenchy tasks. Many had been and were overjoyed at that. It was ,however, explicitly stated that whether Konoha itself would accept Taijutsu Exclusive or Small Chakra Reserve Shinobi was completely up to it and thus the Hokage himself.

The first days since the acceptance of the Enlistee would be the hardest. As soon as possible, the Enlistees would be broken down and then built back up. Before that however, they had to pledge their loyalty to Konoha, which they did eagerly. After that, the Instructor ,Niko, would immediately beat them to the ground until they were so exhausted that some passed out and others became mush. Some of the twelve year olds cried, other persons only got more determined.

There were however some very fool hardy people among the trainees at that time, fangirls and also some extremely dimwitted guys. The fangirls were there as they thought that being a Shinobi would impress their crushes or ,in other cases, allow them to be closer to their crush. Such girls were thankfully exclusively in the teenager pile and were very few in number, only .05% of the girl Trainees were fangirls. As for the dimwits, they were either sexist idiots or well…idiots in general. The sexist ones kept making comments to the Trainee girls or ,in other cases, Niko which quickly led to severe punishment. The idiots ,usually saying something stupid to Niko, got almost the same punishments but not quite as they didn't flirt with or call Niko weak, weak minded, better fit for a homely role, etc. like the sexist ones had. All three types by six days in quickly learned that being a Shinobi was far, far different than being a simple Civilian.

I almost felt like breathing a sigh of relief at not having to deal with a bunch of Sakuras and well, idiots in my Forces. Though that sigh of relief would have to wait…

"How close are the Suna Nin, Azune?" I asked the fox, his beady little eyes looking at me.

"Mere Miles out, Uzukage-sama. The Shinobi will be here tomorrow, all three hundred of them." The fox reported grimly.

At that, I gained a worried look, "Three hundred?"

"They gained Reinforcements recently, Uzukage-sama." The fox reported, leading to Katsukko ,to my left, to gain a thoughtful look.

"It seems Suna is in deeper straights than at first thought if they are so easily willing to send forth so many Shinobi for just Shitoro…" Katsukko spoke out, hand under chin.

"They could have also seen our wall and the trenches through recon." Hasa voiced out, pointing at the drawn wall that surrounded Shitoro on our map.

I ,and my Jonin with Azune, stood around the front of the table that lie in the small meeting room that had essentially become a makeshift war room. Outside of said room, newly minted Shinobi patrolled the halls with two newly promoted Chunin standing guard before our meeting door.

"It is possible…" Geteru voiced out, nodding.

"Either way, it seems we will need to begin to send our Shinobi to the trenches and the wall. Gather the remaining trainees, it is time for Graduation." I ordered Niko, to which she nodded and left.

Leaving I and the other three Jonin to plan out our defense for what the Second Shinobi World War would be known for, Trench Warfare…

Six Days Since War Declaration,

Yutane let out a hiss of pain, more shrunken striking him in the back, causing him to nearly tumble from another tree branch. He did not know how long he had been running for Konoha but light was beginning to pour over the world from out East, birds chirping which showcased the beginning of the new day.

Shrunken hit him again but this time in his legs, making him howl in pain as he was flung from his spot by the sheer force of the shrunken. His body flinging through branches and leaves and tree limbs, heading toward a clearing he had seen just a few trees prior. He let out a grunt, slamming into a pile of firewood sideways that had sat beside a small shed. He groaned, getting up onto shakey legs as the false ANBU appeared.

"Hand over the scroll, Uzu Shinobi." The ANBU ordered emotionlessly.

"Not going…to happen…" Yutane rasped out, getting into a taijutsu stance shakingly as crimson red dribbled from his wounds and from the corner of his mouth.

The fake ANBU said nothing, immediately going for the attack. The fake was aggressive and hit hard, Yutane staggering a little each time he blocked a hard and fast strike. Each one seemed to be almost reinforced with chakra as well, now that he thought about it. Such thoughts were interrupted however when the Nin slammed a hard leg into Yutane, knocking him so hard that it left him dazed as he hit the ground. Bones cracked and broke on his landing, the false ANBU showed no mercy.

Which was why it was such a relief to Yutane when a figure appeared before him, this one too dressed as the fake but with one key difference…it had an animal kabuki mask.

"Unknown Shinobi, surrender now, you are surrounded. Failure to do so will result with severe consequences." The new arrival spoke, a stern but angry tone filling his voice.

The fake ,however, did not listen. Instead lunging robotically for an attack.

"Fire Whip!" A new voice called as a whip of fire lunged at the fake Shinobi.

The fake Nin dodged and intoned, "Water Hurricane."

A blast of water shot from the Nin's hands at the second real Konoha ANBU. The fake ANBU Nin dodged again as a kunai flew past his head, landing behind a tree. He spun around, throwing a kick at the third Konoha ANBU that had shown up just as another kicked the Nin from behind. The false ANBU let out a grunt but did not react in pain, going to make hand seals. Only to be stopped ,and just in time too, when the guarding ANBU that stood before Yutane threw shrunken at him, causing the fake to dodge but to not get away unscathed all the same. The Nin ,having dodged, began to make a run for it. He did not get far however, being tackled by a hidden forth Konoha ANBU. The false Nin attempted to get away but failed as the ANBU knocked him out with a chop to his neck.

Yutane panted in deep pain, hisses of pain escaping him as he lay there, crimson rivers of blood escaping from his wounds as an ANBU with a Ox mask walked foward. "What happened?"

"H-He tried to prevent me from d-delivering a message to the Hokage…. They did this to m-me before…" Yutane let out, coughing up some blood.

"Who is the message from?" The man before Yutane asked, anger evident in his voice that someone had attempted to prevent a message to the Hokage not once but twice.

"S-Sandaime Uzukage U-Uzumaki F-Fusa…" Yutane breathed it, leading to the Konoha ANBU to be shocked.

They had heard Uzushiogakure had fallen and rumor had it that the Uzukage had as well, to hear that he was alive…

"We are taking you to get medical attention as soon as possible, do you wish for me to deliver the message to the Hokage?" The ox masked ANBU asked, voice betraying anger but also urgency.

"N-no, n-never again… M-must follow K-Kage…" -The Uzumaki attempts to get up on shakey legs, immediately being supported up by one of the two other ANBU as he coughed up blood again- "…sama's o-orders….o-only Hokage c-can see…"

Yutane's vision swirled as all went black.

Seven Days Since War Declaration

I stood before the gathered Shinobi gathered, each looked grim and others determined as I began to speak, "Today, I must give regretful news."

Many began to whisper as I continued, "Sunagakure is coming and soon but that is not all…they come with two hundred more Shinobi."

Many paled and some began to panic a bit, "You all will be going to the Trenches and to the wall by this afternoon, be ready for a battle for your town tomorrow. May your Will of Fire ,as the saying goes, burn with passion and love."

With that, I walked away, to leave Niko to begin assigning the teams, "Thank you, Uzukage-sama. I will now begin Team Assignments, Team 1…"

My frown stayed ever present as I walked…

Six Days Since War Declaration,

Sarutobi Hiruzen rushed through Konoha's streets, great anger and urgency on his face as he bolted ,with ANBU, for Konoha Hospital. He slammed the Hospital's doors open, rushing toward a shocked Nurse.

"Take me to Uzumaki Yutane's room now!" He ordered, making the med-nin jump up and begin leading the small group of Hokage and ANBU up to the third floor.

In front of Yutane's room, Hiruzen found ANBU Ox, Cricket, and Boar.

"REPORT!" Hiruzen ordered, he was in no mood for any pleasantries right this moment.

Especially after learning what had happened from ANBU Ferret after having been told a blank masked false ANBU had attempted to kill Uzumaki Yutane in order to prevent a message from the surviving Uzukage from getting to him. Furious did not even describe how he felt right now, he was livid.

"Uzumaki Yutane is awake but weak and extremely injured, sir. He is suffering from Chakra Exhaustion, several broken bones, blood loss, and severe concussion." Ox reported, only making Hiruzen more angry with whoever had done this.

Hiruzen did not yet know of Danzo's Root as Danzo had created his organization in secret. The Elder believing ,after the First Shinobi War, Hiruzen to be a weak and unworthy Hokage; Created his own ANBU to serve Konoha, to continue his old Sensei's perceived teachings. Far worthier teachings then the pathetic First Hokage's foolish teachings of love, kindness, and forgiveness.

"Let me in, NOW." Hiruzen ordered, eyes with roaring flames.

The ANBU felt shock, he had never seen The Professor so angry, so full of rage. It was terrifying… Nodding anyhow, the ANBU opened the door, Hiruzen immediately rushing in.

"Where is the message?" The Professor asked immediately with a still angered voice, not wasting time.

It was very unlike of him and the Third Hokage did feel bad for having to barge in like this…but they were at war. A single second wasted, is a second that someone is dead.

Yutane coughed, a shaking hand reaching for his vest pouch that sat infront of him on his hospital bed. He unclicked it, taking out the message scroll with that shaking hand. He reached out his hand with the scroll, his bandaged bloody hand shaking.

"H-Here, H-Hokage-S-Sama…" He breathed out in coughs, breathing labored.

Hiruzen winced, feeling more terrible for the manner in which he arrived and came in. Hoping to make up for it, he gently took the scroll.

"Thank you, Chunin Yutane…" Hiruzen spoke softly the Uzushio Nin as he held the scroll.

"W-Welcome…" Yutane spoke, hand returning to his side as he began his heavily injured breathing again.

Hiruzen opened the scroll, reading over it. His first reaction was immense relief then shock then anger.

He whipped himself around to his ANBU escort with fire in his eyes, his hands gripping the Uzukage's message as he spoke. "CALL THE JONIN COMMANDER IMMEDIATELY!"

They would not fail…not this time…and not ever again…just like Uzushio's Hermès; Uzumaki Yutane…