
Revived Necromancer

Damians life was never positive. He had an abusive mother and a mostly absent father. All of that changes when he dies and a mystery system seems to activate backing up his memories and reviving him in another world where swords and magic rules. What will Damian do now that he has this mystery system and access to magic? How will his close ties to death effect his new state of being? Is this all a fantasy he has while he's unconscious? I do not own the Cover rights art Cover: Necromancer Hyun Lee If you like Revived Necromancer feel free to Join my Patreon. https://www.patreon.com/user?u=3698683 Or you can expedite my next chapter by donating $10 to my Paypal: paypal.me/JKachinosky

Lothos_Carpathia · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
27 Chs

Chapter 14 The Twin Trolls Boss

Chapter 14 The Twin Trolls Boss

Opening the doors to the boss room inside is pitch black Damian can hear heavy breathing as he steps in along the wall braziers of purple flame light one after another causing his steps to halt. *Fwoom* *Fwoom* *Fwoom* Eventually the fires shed enough light to reveal a hulking mass in the center of the room. Its form is hunched over even then it easily reached 8 feet tall. Damian could see that the form was raising and falling steadily with the rhythm of the breathing he could hear. This led him to the conclusion that the mass was the trolls he was here to fight taking a few more steps forward the doors behind him close. the mass starts to straighten up easily reaching a height of 10 feet.

Even then it was clear that the hulking mass had issues standing straight as it was hunched over it stood similar to a gorilla with its arms reaching the stone floor its weight on its knuckles. Its head was similar to a bull without the horns and its face was flat rather than forward. Prominently displayed coming out of either side of its slobbering mouth were two large tusks with the inside set being slightly shorter than the outside set, The outside set was ridged and came to an edge similar to a sword.

Its shape was made of muscle that rippled as it moved. Its head shoulders and back were covered in dense fur that was matted and shaggy. It was a molted grey and brown color giving Damian an image of a woolly mammoth that was built like a gorilla.

Damian rushed towards the beast as an arm came rushing towards his face faster than he expected he couldn't stop fast enough but managed to get his arms up to defend his face the impact was solid. The fist alone was the size of Damian's upper torso.

*DING* -5 HP

*DING* -15HP

Suddenly Damian was sent flying upward and away from the beast, pain shot through his body as the air in his lungs was knocked out of him. He made contact with the wall bouncing off of it Damian could feel the air knocked back into him allowing him to take a deep gasp as he landed face-first into the ground. Forcing himself up to look at the troll, its arm was still in the same position. Damian was sure he had stopped the attack for a split second before a second was delivered but the other arm hadn't moved. Confused and in pain Damian slowly found his footing.

As he stood up the beast started lumbering toward him again its speed managed to catch him off guard. As it threw another blow Damian managed to dodge under its arm when he noticed something peculiar, a bulge started to form from under its arm as another fist and arm erupted from its side Damian quickly jumped back and to the side barely dodging another fist aimed for his head, just as quickly as it appeared it retracted back into the side of the creature.

"I see, it can grow arms out of its side that's how it hit me even though I blocked the first attack." Damian realized he hadn't done enough research on the creature in front of him. "But wait, I should have realized something like that was possible after what Ben said about it being able to split in two. That means I have to think of this as a two on one." Damian thought to himself shaking his slightly.

He rushed towards the beast this time managing to get behind it. Yet again he was met with another fist coming towards him he ducked under the arm swinging at him and slashed with his Ice blade making a clear that quickly froze an area of the arm. Jumping from a crouched position in order to dodge the second arm that coming for him he delivered a kick to the side of the head of the beast causing its body to shift the side barely missing him with yet another blow. Landing in yet another crouch Damian could see ice crystals starting to form along the beast's legs and torso rolling forward before leaping into the air again Damian delivered a cutting blow to the middle of the creature's chest and part of its face in a rotating uppercutting motion. Damian couldn't help but scream "Shoryuken!". He felt the room turn side ways he realized the troll had caught his leg in mid-jump he was flung across the room.

*DING* -5 Hp

The system alerted him as he came rolling to a stop, he climbed back to his feet only to see a disgusting display as the second of arms were pushing off elbows of the first one he could see what looked like a skeleton fulling itself out the beast. Very quickly the beast lost some height in less than a second there were two 6 feet tall trolls glaring at him with murderous intent in their eyes. The two trolls had seemed to split their colors as well with one being all brown and one being all grey. The grey one charged towards him its speed reduced a bit because the size of its stride had shrunk.

Damian realized that the fight had just gotten easier for him fighting one large was something he was unaccustomed two but fighting multiple smaller creatures was his normal style. Damian moved in his normal method, the slices slowly started to pile up on the grey beast suddenly Damian sprinted away before launching a firebolt at the monster. He quickly sprinted toward the best that had hunkered down at the edge of the room. launching two more fireballs at the creature catching it off guard his dance of death commenced. The blood froze before it could reach the ground as crimson ice sculptures appeared out of the slices left by Damian in a few seconds the troll had turned into a pristine work of art his blade started doing less and less damage to it as it started freezing solid Damian created yet another ice club and brought it to the work of art shattering it into hundreds of pieces before casting dozens of firebolts at the largest pieces and turning back towards the first creature. which let out a roar filled with anger and pain.

"You... Kill... Brother! You... Die!" It bellowed. Damian was dumbfounded.

"Well holy crap, you can speak," Damian replied with a smirk. "I mean, I'm still gonna kill your ass, but good on you." He taunted before throwing the cat at the monster making it block the bat. He used the moment of distraction to swiftly dash behind the creature and cut a large gash behind one of its legs. Resuming his dance he pilled up the slices along its back neck and arms as it started to freeze. The beast was unable to keep up with his movements. Damian could see its breathing starting to slow as the beast started moving in a more rigid fashion. "Gotta say if you two had stayed fused you might have won. You two were really doing a number on me. Hell if the other had come into the fight with you, to begin with, you may have won, but fighting you one at a time, well the odds were in my favor." He said sincerely stopping for a second to pay respect to the beast that had dealt damage to him since he came to this world. Damian launched a few firebolts at the beast before continuing his assault ending it in an almost identical fashion, Before walking to the wall and leaning against it and sliding down it as the world started to slowly fade to black he could have sworn he heard voices nearby as he passed out.