

It didn't need much more effort for Liam to make the Silverheart Dwarf speak.

Threatening him with the worst fate in the afterlife was a far more devastating outcome than betraying his own people. In fact, the Gods told the Dwarves to value their own life the most, even more than the lives of their own flesh and blood. This was also why they were considered a rather selfish and barbaric race.

The Silverheart Dwarf had revealed many more important pieces of information. This also included that they had established a small village in a cavern system only a few kilometers away from the Underground Tower. The cavern village was only a few kilometers away from the closest city as well.

Apparently, they had focused on the cavern system because there had already been an abandoned mine, and there had been a few newly manifested ore deposits that had popped up with the appearance of Arcane Power and the concentration of Arcane Power in that area.