
Reverend Sovereign

“Remember my name. In me, shadows of obscurity give way to the light of enlightenment. I am the whisper that will grow into a roar, the flicker that will blaze into a conflagration. From an unassuming nobody, I shall rise.” In a world where magic is the essence of life and one's social standing is determined by their mastery of mana, a young man named Klaus awakens with no memory of his past. Dungeons and dimensional gates dot the landscape, spawning fearsome creatures that pose a constant threat to the magical realm. Society thrives on the power of mana, yet Klaus finds himself an anomaly in this world, unable to harness the mystical energies that others control so effortlessly. Fate, however, has greater plans in store for Klaus as he embarks on a journey to uncover the truth of his origin. Witness Klaus's meteoric rise as he emerges from the shadows of obscurity and ascends to the pinnacle of power. From an unassumed nobody to the Reverend Sovereign.

AshenShade · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
70 Chs

Lessons In Strength

The harsh sound of contact echoed throughout the room, a guttural groan from Klaus punctuated the moment as he crumpled to the floor.

"Again!" An icy command sliced through the tense silence, the voice devoid of sympathy or humanity. It was a mere second after Klaus's body impacted the ground.

Keira watched Klaus from the corner of her eye as he painstakingly lifted himself from the hard ground. Veins in his neck pulsed with a surge of anger, yet her lips responded with a cruel, dismissive sneer. Her expression remained an impassive mask as she gestured him forward, her hand slicing the air between them with an air of challenge.

Klaus's hand morphed into a hardened fist, his body a coiled spring ready to unleash.

His fingers curled into a tight, trembling fist, Klaus launched forward, his fists darting left and right towards Keira like a chaotic storm. The fury in his eyes was met with calm precision in hers as she gracefully sidestepped his barrage of punches. Every dodge was a ballet, a choreographed dance of evasion, her movements as fluid as water.

The sight of Keira's hands casually folded behind her back only deepened the scowl etched onto Klaus's face. His attacks continued, a tempest of misdirected rage that only grew wilder with every missed strike.

"Hmm." Keira's tsk of mockery rang out, a clear indictment of Klaus's faltering offense. The once powerful storm had turned into a disarray of desperation.

"That's enough," she declared, her voice ringing throughout the room. As if punctuating her words, she seized Klaus's wrist in a vice-like grip. Almost instinctively, he drove his knee towards her abdomen in response. Her other hand flashed out, meeting his knee with an unyielding palm strike.

"That's enough," she repeated, her voice as cold as winter's heart.

Klaus tottered back a step, his hands balled into tight fists, his scowl deepening. His eyes, brimming with frustration and defiance, were locked onto Keira, awaiting her next words.

Drawing in a shallow breath, Keira finally broke the silence. "We've been at this for two hours, Klaus, and all you've managed to produce is little more than a farce," she stated, her words as unfiltered as a winter's wind.

"Maybe the praise has gone to your head. Talent is an empty vessel without the power to give it meaning. Until you have the strength to back your gifts, you're simply taking up space. Never forget that." Her voice was a hammer, each word a nail driving into Klaus's pride.

The impact of her words caused Klaus to lower his head, but within him, a flame was kindled, a fierce determination sparked by Keira's biting critique.

"You need to shed this illusion of grandeur, this notion that you're someone special because of a few praises. I couldn't care less if you can decipher ancient languages. This is a battlefield, not a library. Here, strength is the only language spoken," Keira's voice bit through the air, icy and hard-edged.

"Set your priorities straight," she snapped, striding towards Klaus. "I'll demonstrate the basics one last time."

Her fury remained undiminished, a wildfire blazing in her eyes. As she stared at Klaus, it seemed as if the storm within her was only growing more ferocious.

A short distance away, Margaret and Valeria watched the spectacle, their mouths agape and their faces etched with surprise. They too had experienced Keira's ruthless training regime, had felt the sting of her punches, and the harshness of her words. This spectacle, whether it was the physical combat or the verbal lashing, shook them to their core.

"Is she preparing him for war?" Valeria murmured, her eyes fixed on Keira, unable to suppress the tremor in her voice.

In reply, Margaret could only offer a bewildered shrug. The spectacle unfolding before her was a puzzle, far removed from the training she had envisioned.

Valeria's fingers absentmindedly raked through her hair, her mouth agape in bewilderment. "Aunt Margaret, this seems excessive, doesn't it?" She didn't wait for a response before continuing. "If Klaus had something hidden up his sleeve, surely he would have revealed it by now."

Her words hung in the air just as Klaus was sent sprawling to the ground once more. Keira filled the silence with a barrage of insults, her voice a harsh crescendo against the backdrop of their harsh training.

"I think you might be right," Margaret admitted, her gaze fixed on the relentless training before them. "I knew Keira was strict, but this is beyond anything I'd imagined. She's not holding back at all."

Valeria nodded in agreement, her brow furrowed in concern. "This is more of a pummeling than a lesson. How can he learn anything when he spends most of his time on the ground?" Her words trailed off as she watched Keira berating Klaus.

"Come on, Klaus! You're making me think you're not cut out for this," Keira chided, her voice sharp and biting. "Maybe you should consider a quiet life in town, deciphering ancient texts or something."

Valeria's eyes twitched at Keira's biting remark. Each time the woman opened her mouth, it was as if she had a quiver full of arrows, each one sharper and more cutting than the last.

"Aunt Margaret, do you think she's venting her frustrations on him?" Valeria asked, turning towards Margaret with a question in her eyes.

Margaret was poised to respond to Valeria's speculation when she was abruptly interrupted. "It makes sense, though I can't be sure," Valeria mused, her eyes narrowing in thought.

"Maybe she's holding a grudge over the incident at the waterfall." Valeria shook her head, dismissing the idea almost as soon as she voiced it. "But that would be petty since it was an accident."

No sooner had the words left Valeria's lips than they both burst into laughter. Their eyes met in mutual understanding, and a shared sense of camaraderie kindled between them.

"I should have remembered, Keira's middle name might as well be 'Pettiness'," Valeria chuckled. "But it's puzzling why she's acting this way. She only behaves like this toward people she has a soft spot for."

A sudden realization dawned on Valeria, illuminating her features. "Could it be that she has feelings for Klaus?" The question reverberated in the air, a note of intrigue that lingered as she turned to Margaret, a broad smile playing on her lips.

Margaret, however, retained her neutral expression. "I hope so. Klaus has a promising future ahead of him. It would be wonderful if they could be together."