
Reverend Insanity: Experiment N.001[dropped]

Two men are standing in a windowless office dimly lit by a small lamp on the ceiling. "Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!" "That was the last group we had!" "They were supposed to be top-of-the-line superhumans. Demons in human skin!" "How does this make any sense!" ~ Scientist Port Till(the head scientist of 'Interdimensional Travel') "If I don't produce results soon! then I'm going to be 'fired'!" ~ In this business 'fired' was code for getting wiped from history and his head was starting to develop bold spots. "U-um Sir. If I may interject." ~ Sim Art his Assistant spoke up. "What!" ~ One could hear the clear rage in Port's voice. The Assistant swallowed and loosened his necktie ~ "Technically that wasn't our last group..."

KlLOLO · Livros e literatura
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102 Chs

First Gu of the new world.

In a dark cave where the only light source is the blood-red moss that hung on the walls.

The ground is stained red, with trails of bones from a variety of animals, and even some humans.

The smell is putrid, it was like a decomposing corpse had been left somewhere in the cave.

A blood path Gu master is in the process of refining a Gu, with a recipe he got from a blood path inheritance.

Human Blood Heart Gu recipe:

Tools: Blood Infuse Gu, Expand Skin Gu, Wide throat Gu.

Ingredients: 3 human hearts, 20 liters of blood, 1 liter of Blood Healing water, and a human vessel to contain it.

Method: Use Wide Throat Gu and Expand Skin Gu on the vessel, and have the vessel Swallow the 3 hearts. Use Blood Infuse Gu to push the blood into his body. Wait till his body starts to convulse, then pour the Blood Healing Water down his throat. After a minute his heart will turn into a Human Blood Heart Gu.


Turns blood into power.

Will passively make your blood purer.

looks like a slightly larger very healthy heart.

The effect will increase more or less depending on the type of blood and how much blood.

Bonuses: Undetectable, doesn't need primeval essence, condensed blood, Bloodsucking.

Tip: Best used as a secondary heart, while the effects will lessen, it will consume a lot less blood, and can also be turned off.

Tip: for every rank up, replace the 3 human hearts with 3 Human Blood Heart Gu of a lower rank.

Average Success Rate: 80%-70%-50%-20%-0.8%

He closed his Gu refinement book after having read it for the sixth time.

The heart on the vessel started to glow and shine, with a blood-red tint.

At first, with every beat of the heart, it would enlarge by a percent.

Then slowly it is brought to halt, and the blood-red glow that was once there slowly disappeared, till it looked just like a slightly larger heart.

"Yes, It worked! With this healing Gu, I don't have to worry about injuries anymore. With this, I will make those oh-so-righteous clans fear me, and I'll be on top!!! And the best part is it doesn't require any primeval essence. it will also passively make your blood purer over time!"

E001 opened his eyes to notice that he is in a dark blood red cave in a large pot, and standing in front of him is a crazy man laughing hysterically.

The Blood path Gu master is quick to notice him waking up, "Oh? Finally awake, are we? To be honest, when I first saw you, I was worried you were a Gu master who had found my secret cave but to think I was lucky enough that a mortal out of nowhere would show up unconscious right in front of my cave. You see I needed a vessel, but some righteous gu masters were hot on my tail. But don't fear you're part of an incredible refinement recipe. You're making history!" ~ After noticing no reaction from 001, he frowned.

The Gu master stretched his hand towards 001's chest to pull out the Blood Heart Gu, but then he heard a very quiet whistling sound.

Suddenly his survival instincts kicked in, every hair on his body rose at the exact same moment, and his core Gu was screaming for him to run.

He quickly spins around looking everywhere for a sign of someone, his body drenched in sweat, his heirs standing on end, and his eyes crazed.

He searches his cave for half an hour, and after finding nothing he starts to calm down, "Strange? This must be one of the drawbacks of refining the Human Blood Heart Gu"

He walks back into his refinement room, only to see that his vessel had not only climbed out of the pot but had also put on his clothes.

"Good! Your legs are healed! I must thank you for showing me the healing capabilities of Human Blood Heart Gu, and as thank you gift. I'll make it painless!" ~ He charges toward 001 and looks into the eyes of his vessel so that he can witness his victim's fear, but the moment he looked into 001's eyes, his eyes widened, as if he had just seen death itself, and then his heart stopped.

But as if by fate his Lightning Thump Gu activated to re-awaken his heart.

Instantly he tries to balance himself, to stop himself from falling, but due to the adrenaline that lighting thump Gu gives, he had momentarily forgotten why he was afraid, and when he looks into 001's eyes again.

This time his mind goes blank, and his body falls to the ground lifeless.

001 stood up straight and dusts off his clothes, he then walks up to the now-deceased body of the blood path Gu master and starts to search the body for any information he can get.

First, he finds some creepy drawings showing different organs of the human body, then a book labeled 'recipes', and lastly a vial of blood.

Just as he completes his search, something flutters away from the body, and he snatches it before it can get away.

"A bug?" ~ 001 was confused, first by how did this thing hide from him when he searched the body, and second, why does it have the image of a human skull on its back.

Right when he is about to search the cave for more things to better understand his situation he heard the noise of footsteps coming toward the refinement room. ~ "When I get my hands on him!"