
Revere - Eternity Here

Follow Tobi, a regular fella who finds himself plumb in another world faster than you can say 'yeehaw!' Stranded and bewildered, he crosses paths with the mysterious Naiara, whose peculiar ways soon become familiar companionship. But that ain't all, partner! Alongside Naiara, Tobi befriends Ponce, a critter with more bark than bite and a heart as big as the prairie sky. But hold onto your hat, 'cause there's more to this tale than meets the eye! Tobi uncovers the hidden truths of this new world, where discrimination between different species runs deeper than a canyon and secrets lurk in every shadow. And just when Tobi thinks he's seen it all, an even darker secret, revered by some and feared by many, awaits him. Can Tobi and his newfound friends navigate the treacherous paths of this world and uncover its mysteries before it's too late? Saddle up, 'cause this ain't your ordinary ride!"

Screen_Gaming · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
36 Chs


The cavern fell into an eerie stillness as the monstrous creature, once a formidable adversary, now stood subdued in the presence of the little girl who called herself "Naiara." The prince, Hans, and Gray exchanged incredulous glances, struggling to comprehend the sudden turn of events.

With a gentle yet commanding presence, Naiara approached the once-ferocious monster, her demeanor radiating an aura of tranquility and authority. As she reached out to the creature, it responded with surprising docility, bowing its massive head in deference to her.

Amidst the stunned silence, the prince, Hans, and Gray could only watch in astonishment as Naiara worked her magic, taming the beast that had once threatened their very lives. In that moment, they realized that there was more to this little girl than met the eye, and they awaited with bated breath to discover the secrets she held within her enigmatic presence.

As Naiara issued her command to the now-tamed beast, the cavern stirred with a sense of urgency. Without hesitation, she gracefully mounted the creature, her demeanor commanding and self-assured. The prince found himself captivated by her ethereal beauty, a sense of longing stirring within him as he took a step forward, drawn by an inexplicable desire to follow her.

However, before he could act upon his impulse, Naiara fixed him with a piercing gaze, her eyes betraying a hint of sternness beneath their enchanting facade. "And just where do you think you're going, human?" she admonished, her voice carrying a note of authority. "Under that rubble lies another human in need of your assistance. I trust you'll see to their well-being."

With a flick of the creature's tail, Naiara signaled their departure, stirring up a cloud of dust that hung in the air like a veil of mystery. The prince stood rooted to the spot, torn between his desire to follow Naiara and his sense of duty to aid the trapped Gray.

With a renewed sense of purpose, the prince sprang into action, channeling his wind magic with precision and focus. With each gesture, he lifted rubble after rubble, his determination unyielding as he worked tirelessly to clear the debris that had ensnared Gray's legs.

As the last of the rubble was lifted away, revealing Gray's injured form beneath, a wave of relief washed over the prince. Gently, he reached out, his hands trembling with a mixture of fear and tenderness, as he carefully assessed her injuries.

With a steadying breath, he began to administer what aid he could, using his knowledge of healing magic to ease her pain and mend her wounds as best he could. Though the task was daunting, since he could only stop the bleeding with the magic he had left.

As the collective of knights returned to the hallowed grounds of the Holy Empire of Intrisha, a palpable sense of nostalgia hung in the air. In a land where wars were a rarity, the knights seldom ventured beyond the borders of their homeland. Their return to the familiar sights and sounds of their beloved empire stirred a deep sense of pride within each of them.

In times of need, when the Holy Empire required a formidable force to quell any threat that dared to encroach upon its sovereignty, there was one knight who was always called upon to answer the call of duty: the legendary "Maddog." Renowned as the indomitable hound of the Holy Empire, Maddog was a force to be reckoned with, her prowess in battle was unmatched by any other.

As the guards stationed at the gate bellowed their commands, the air crackled with the sound of chains tightening and mechanisms whirring into motion. With a mighty groan, the colossal gates of the Holy Empire began to part, their massive halves swinging open with deliberate precision.

The chorus of grunting and heavy breathing filled the air as the gates yielded to the strength of those who operated them. Each movement was a testament to the collective effort of the guards, their muscles straining against the weight of the massive levers and chains, as they swung open to welcome the returning knights.

With each passing moment, the gateway to the Holy Empire widened, revealing the bustling activity within its sacred walls. As the knights crossed the threshold, a sense of pride swelled within them.

As the knights marched solemnly through the bustling streets of the Holy Empire, a sea of faces greeted them on either side of the road. Merchants, sailors, housewives, slaves, children, and men alike—all stood in respectful silence, forming two separate lines that stretched as far as the eye could see.

The air was thick with anticipation, a palpable energy coursing through the crowd as they awaited the passing of the knights. Cheers and applause erupted from the onlookers, their voices raised in admiration and gratitude for the valiant defenders of their homeland.

But amidst the jubilant cacophony of the crowd, the knights remained stoic and somber, their expressions betraying the weight of their burdens. Despite the accolades and adulation heaped upon them, their hearts were heavy with the memories of battle.

In the hallowed sanctuary of the cathedral, Lady Vivienne, the revered holy priestess, knelt in solemn devotion before the towering statue of the goddess, bathed in the soft glow of dimly lit candles that adorned the sacred space. The grandeur of the cathedral seemed to amplify the reverence of her prayers, as she offered supplication to the divine presence that loomed above her, a majestic figure standing at a towering 44 feet tall.

Amidst the tranquility of her communion with the goddess, the gentle echo of footsteps reverberated through the hall as a nun approached. With each step, the sound of her footfalls mingled with the delicate melody of the glistening blue tiles beneath her feet, drawing closer to Lady Vivienne's side.

As the nun reached the priestess, she inclined her head in deference before leaning in close, her words a whispered breath against Lady Vivienne's ear. "The Imperial knights have returned," she conveyed, her voice carrying a note of urgency beneath its hushed tones. With that simple revelation, the tranquil sanctuary of the cathedral was imbued with a sense of anticipation. 

As the nun departed to deliver Lady Vivienne's message, the priestess rose from her prayerful posture and made her way to a nearby window adorned with vivid depictions of ancient heroes locked in fierce combat with mighty dragons. The vibrant scenes captured the imagination, each stroke of the artist's brush bringing to life the valorous struggles of those who had come before.

With a heavy heart, Lady Vivienne gazed out at the window, her eyes tracing the intricate details of the battle unfolding before her. The heroes, clad in gleaming armor, faced off against the formidable dragons, their courage and determination evident in every stroke of the artist's hand.

But amidst the grandeur of the scene, Lady Vivienne found herself lost in contemplation, her thoughts consumed by the implications of the knights' return. Though the battles depicted in the window were of a bygone era, she knew that the challenges facing their realm were far from over. With a silent prayer for strength and guidance, Lady Vivienne turned away from the window, steeling herself ready to meet the knights.