
Revere - Eternity Here

Follow Tobi, a regular fella who finds himself plumb in another world faster than you can say 'yeehaw!' Stranded and bewildered, he crosses paths with the mysterious Naiara, whose peculiar ways soon become familiar companionship. But that ain't all, partner! Alongside Naiara, Tobi befriends Ponce, a critter with more bark than bite and a heart as big as the prairie sky. But hold onto your hat, 'cause there's more to this tale than meets the eye! Tobi uncovers the hidden truths of this new world, where discrimination between different species runs deeper than a canyon and secrets lurk in every shadow. And just when Tobi thinks he's seen it all, an even darker secret, revered by some and feared by many, awaits him. Can Tobi and his newfound friends navigate the treacherous paths of this world and uncover its mysteries before it's too late? Saddle up, 'cause this ain't your ordinary ride!"

Screen_Gaming · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
36 Chs

Guest Tutor 2

In the days that followed, Gray and Hans found themselves summoned before King Julius III. The atmosphere in the royal chamber was tense, the king's expression stern. He handed them their new mission: to infiltrate the Holy Empire of Intrisha and gather any information, no matter how trivial, and report it back to the Kingdom of Intrisha.

Gray, still haunted by her previous encounter with Naiara and the sight of the prince's longing gaze, was determined to prove her worth. The young prince, always the strategist, began planning their infiltration meticulously.

Gray and Hans' Infiltration Mission

Objective: Gather intelligence from the Holy Empire of Intrisha and report back to King Julius III.


Navigating the Empire's Defenses: The Holy Empire was known for its stringent security measures, especially around key locations and figures.

Blending In: Given their backgrounds and previous encounters, Gray and Hans needed effective disguises and cover stories.

Avoiding Detection:With the Holy Empire's high alert status, any misstep could lead to severe consequences.


Assume New Identities: Gray and Hans adopted new personas. Gray took on the role of a wandering scholar whom on a whim decided to study the art of close quarter combat in the holy academy of intrisha, while Hans became a traveling merchant. These roles allowed them to move around more freely and access various social circles.

Establish Contacts: They sought to establish contacts within the empire, they sort out those that could provide them with information. This included sympathizers, spies, and disillusioned citizens.

Collect Data: They focused on gathering data on the empire's political dynamics, military capabilities, and any hints of internal strife or external threats.

Stay Under the Radar: They employed various tactics to avoid detection, including frequent changes in their appearance and routines.

Key Locations to Investigate.

The Academy: As a hub of knowledge and power, the academy was a prime target. They aimed to understand the kind of training and indoctrination students received, especially since a rumored noble from the enigmatic continent of Chamilós had appeared.

Military Installations: Understanding the empire's military strength and readiness was crucial, but why?.

Religious Centers: Given the empire's strong faith-based governance, insights into the religious leaders and their influence were vital.

Initial Findings

Political Instability: Gray and Hans quickly discovered hints of political unrest. While the empire projected an image of unity, there were factions within the theocracy government and military with conflicting interests.

Military Movements: They noted increased military activity along the borders, possibly indicating preparation for future conflicts.

Religious Tensions: Despite the public's devout faith, there were murmurs of discontent among the clergy and the populace, hinting at possible fractures within the religious order of the Goddess of faith.

Reporting Back

Using a network of covert communication channels, Gray and Hans relayed their initial findings back to King Julius III. They emphasized the need for caution and further surveillance, as the situation within the Holy Empire was more complex and volatile than it appeared on the surface, they made this initial findings the very first day they became spies of the kingdom.

Meanwhile, at the academy, Tobi's disguise as a noble from Chamilós allowed him to navigate the academy with relative ease, though he remained cautious of revealing too much about his true nature. The students, divided by nobility and gender, brought their own sets of challenges, with some nobles displaying arrogance and entitlement. Tobi had to carefully balance asserting himself without drawing undue attention.

Tobi couldn't believe his ears. Lucia, the new academy instructor, stood before the assembled students and had just introduced herself in her usual brash manner. She then proceeded to call the academy students of noble origin "brats." Tobi's heart raced as he listened to her, fully aware of the potential consequences of her words.

The academy was a place where noble pride ran deep. Many students boasted about their properties, lands, or the conquests won by their ancestors, even though they themselves had achieved little. These students held their lineage in high regard, and being called "brats" by an instructor was a direct challenge to their status and dignity. Tobi worried that Lucia's provocation might incite their innate pride, leading to a backlash against her.

He watched as the nobles exchanged glances, their faces a mix of shock, indignation, and confusion. Murmurs of discontent spread through the hall like wildfire. A few of the more arrogant nobles stepped forward, their eyes blazing with anger.

One of them, a tall boy with a haughty expression, he had silk blonde hair and purple pupils, he spoke up. "How dare you address us in such a manner? Do you not know who we are? We are the heirs to the most powerful families in this empire!"

Lucia's expression remained unchanged. She crossed her arms and smirked. "Oh, I know exactly who you are." She said as a grin appeared one her face slowly. "A bunch of privileged kids who think their ancestors' achievements somehow make them special. Let me tell you something, titles and wealth mean nothing here. In this academy, your worth is determined by your own abilities and actions, not by your family name, earlier when i introduced myself, i did not introduce myself with my families name do you know why that is?."

The hall fell silent as the nobles processed her words. Tobi could see the conflict in their eyes, torn between their pride and the harsh truth Lucia was presenting.

Another noble, a girl with an air of authority, stepped forward. "You speak boldly, Instructor. But we have trained under the best tutors, learned the finest techniques. We are not to be underestimated."

Lucia's eyes gleamed with a fierce determination. "Good. Then prove it." She said challenging the girl and all other nobility present. "Show me your skills, your strength, your worth. Let your actions speak louder than your titles. Because out there, in the real world, it's not your family name that will save you. It's your own power and resilience, my family name can get me anywhere in this empire but in the outside world where monsters prowl the wastelands, how well do you brats think you would fare? And how strong are you going to be, when facing a horde of monsters while everyone around falls like sticks?."

Tobi felt a surge of admiration for Lucia. Her tough love approach was exactly what the academy needed. She was challenging the nobles to step out of their comfort zones and truly earn their status through merit, not birthright.

The nobles seemed to be taken aback, but Tobi could see the resolve forming in their eyes. Lucia had lit a fire in them, pushing them to rise to the challenge she had set. As the tension in the hall eased, Tobi felt a sense of relief. Lucia might have been provocative, but her intentions were clear: to push everyone to be their best.

Over the next few weeks, the academy buzzed with a renewed sense of purpose. Lucia's challenging methods and blunt honesty forced the students to confront their own limitations and strive for improvement. The nobles, in particular, worked harder than ever, determined to prove themselves worthy not just of their family names, but of their own individual strengths.

Tobi continued his training, keeping a close eye on Lucia's interactions with the students. Her methods might have been unorthodox, but they were effective. Under her guidance, the academy began to transform into a place where true merit and ability were valued above all else. And in that challenging environment, Tobi felt himself growing stronger and more capable, ready to face whatever the future held.

Even though it all seemed to be going well for Ragard, Tobi and Lucia. 

Behind the scenes, the people in power in the holy empire of Intrisha had noticed the presence of a noble from another continent such as chamilós.

The grand pope, in his innermost sacred chamber, where he indulged in acts of demoralized sexuality.

The tortured screams of those whom were deemed sinners by the holy church rang out. His daughter, lady Vivienne opened the doors, as they creaked open slowly, the doors gave way to reveal the pope half naked and covered with a diaphanous piece of white blanket.

Bodies upon bodies laid about.

Females on females were experiencing the joy of exploring each other's bodies, same goes for the men in the chamber whom were all experiencing the same pleasure as they all ravaged each other's bodies. 

The grand priestess, lady Vivienne strode past all the bodies that laid bare on the floor, they had either passed out from exhaustion or intense torture. 

As she made her way towards her father the grand pope, she could smell it in the air, a poignant musty smell that screamed ancient, falling to her knees as a customary greeting to her father the grand pope, without looking him in the eyes she clenched her fists and bit her lip as hard as she could. 

"I hear Father, that the daughter of the fifth paladin attends the holy academy, Is this true?" 

Her voice faded into nothing as the only thing she could hear was the muffled sounds of kissing and moaning.

Without any response from her father, she continued.

"I would like to attend the academy too,"

Lady Vivienne said.

In a voice that can be likened to a croak he said "You have my blessing."

This chapter took a lotta planning before i was sure that i could publish this, sometimes i was like f this i'mma just write etc [the reader would understand right??]

Screen_Gamingcreators' thoughts