
Losing One Song, Gaining Middie

That look. Heero knew about that look. He didn't know the first time he met Relena what it meant. It took time to understand Relena Dorlain's line of thinking. She was not a typical student back then. He threatened her with death, and she seemed to be following him to get that mission completed faster. It wasn't until later that he started to understand her.

She set her sights on goals, and like him, even if it meant her life she would proceed to accomplish those goals. She did it often with alluring charm that swayed the audience, instead of fighting and mobile suits back then. The goals weren't the same, but she went after what she wanted.

It was an involuntary look. It meant there would be a battle with Relena herself. As Duo would say, Mommy wants daddy in the picture. "It would be worse with me, Relena."

"I'm right here. You were the one who kidnapped me," Relena said, taking him at his exact words.

"I'm not good father material." Her eyes weren't changing.

"I see," she answered. "That's a strange thing to say at this time."

"I mean it, Relena." Damn. "Relena."

"Heero. I don't blame you for this situation," she uttered. "I understand why you chose this path. I hope that you never have to open fire on Trowa or Dorothy."

"A man who would kill his own allies would make a terrible father."

"If you planned on killing them, you wouldn't have warned them," she came back with. "You are only doing what's best for us. I understand that. I am sure they understand too. Did you give them any kind of help before warning them to stay back?"

Double damn. She was always good. Even now. "Yeah," Heero said. "I let Trowa know the exact location where I met Dorothy Catalonia specifically. Gin Phillips and Middie Une will eventually find their way there after looking hard enough. He'll beat them there and be ready."

"I hope Trowa Barton does get to her," Relena said.

"He will." Heero already knew that. Trowa would be pulling out all the stops. He'd get Middie Une, and get back to Earth. 

The Colony Heero Met Dorothy Catalonia

Middie Une investigated under the table and around it. No longer having to wear the religious veil, she moved around easier in her hoodie outfit again. 

This should be the place according to what they gathered up. She didn't see any evidence that showed them where she left to next. "She was pulled away from here, and then someone came after her, knocking law enforcement out." Middie got back up from the table. "They say he resembled Quatre Winner."

"The former gundam pilot?" Gin asked. "Whoah. That's strange." He scratched his head. "Duo Maxwell was at Finn's house, claiming he was some half-brother of mine. I wonder why someone as rich as the Winner estate would want her?"

"If he was a gundam pilot, then there's no predicting whether this was him or not. Still, it's a clue," Middie Une insisted. "She might be with him, hiding in the colonies."

"Breaking into the Winner Estate is going to be the heaviest yet," Gin said. "We'll need more than a little backup. Quarantine should be over soon. We'll relax up here and wait for more help to take it on." He smiled at Middie Une. "It has been one long week though. I thought we'd never get out. No place had the gall to just send us straight up, only to pass us on to another station. We inched our way up here."

"No one wants to be responsible for spreading it to a single colony." Middie Une felt Gin touch her shoulder.

"Come on, One Song. Let's go do that relax thing," Gin insisted. "They have nice hotels in this colony. It's a healing colony. Bet they are nice enough for us to take our minds off things."

Middie stood up. "Right." Middie embraced the hoodie hiding her face. A double hotel bed didn't sound relaxing to her. Why even try to protest. Gin is taking you in, like it or not. No one can fight this family, and no one can fight RTL. They are RTL's enemy, so it's the safest place to be. She moved away with Gin to the nearby hotel. Except? 

Something. Something was wrong. 

"One Song?" Gin called for her. She had taken off running for some reason. Bathroom? Nah, they were right next to a hotel. "One Song!" Then, he spotted her. Not far away, sitting at a table. "You startled me, One Song." He sat down next to her. He glanced back to her. Something was strange. "You okay, One Song?"

"It's not One Song."

Oh. Shit. He knew that hoodie looked slightly darker.

Trowa flipped off the hood and grabbed Gin as he struggled. "Where's Middie Une?"

Gin danced in the air, his legs not able to touch the ground. "Trowa. Barton." He could barely breathe. "Don't hurt her."

"I would never hurt her." Trowa glanced around again. Middie wasn't like Gin, she had moved away as soon as she felt an uneasy presence. Trowa had been hiding behind them with an outfit similar to her so that he could take out Gin's men, and then get to Gin and deal with him. "Are you assigned to kill Dorothy Catalonia?"

"I don't want to," Gin said. "Revenge of the Lost is making us. You are working for them too, right?"

"If you go after Middie Une, I will make you pay." Trowa let him go. "You don't have the eyes to kill anyone. It doesn't mean you can't get those eyes." Then, Trowa stopped. He spotted it. Movement out on the side. Strange leg movement for a second, trying to hide behind a wall. "Middie Une." He called for her, this time not wasting one moment with what ifs or wonderings. She wasn't far and she would be listening. "I am not here to gun you down. I don't know what lies they made up, but they only want to hurt you by making you kill someone who is the same as you. Pregnant and manipulated by Revenge of the Lost."

"She's pregnant too?" Middie's voice came from the general direction he suspected. She came out in a slower walk, a little wrong. "Are you sure?"

Trowa couldn't see past her hoodie, but he knew it was her. Trowa let go of Gin and flipped backward, showing up behind Middie, and sealed her against him with one arm.

No Name grabbed her and pulled her away without a word.

"Please don't do this, No Name, I wasn't a part of the raid that hurt your family," Middie pleaded. She was desperate. No Name was one of the best fighters at the time she was a spy, and he was only a kid back then. "I mean Trowa." She tried not to aggravate him any extra. He brought her to a rental car, let her go and pulled a gun on her.

"Get in," he demanded. He saw Gin approaching from behind but kept his gun on her. "One move and I'll take her out right now."

Gin held up his hands. "Please, man, have a heart. She would have been like a toddler at the time of your-"

No Name cocked his gun, silencing him. He looked back at Middie. "Get into the car."

No choice. Middie got into the rental. No Name headed toward it himself but kept his gun trained on her as he got inside and started it.

"I'll get you back, One Song!" Gin yelled as they started to take off. 

"What are you going to do with me?" Middie asked as they started to move away from Gin and all hope of safety.