
Do They All 'Fit'? (Part 3)

"Okay, look at what you've been up to." Heero was finally making some headway. When serious things started, it was the best time to catch slip-ups. The rebels were starting to advance, to move plans. He had finally located the missing suits they must have had. Now, what were they trying to accomplish? There was a man who'd been kidnapped by them, but nothing else telling. According to this new data, this Crystalia had started the group a long time ago. It wasn't just a rebel faction that started, it had been around for over a decade and a half. No wonder it was so good at covering its tracks.

Heero heard his phone chirp again. Duo's news. It was supposed to be important, he'd better take it. He picked up the phone and answered it.

"Not so busy now there, Hot Shot?" Duo asked him. "This is serious, Heero. I went ahead and told everyone else so you could get done what needed to get done. I need to get this done though, so I can finally go in and live my life for the night."

"I'm listening," Heero said, slightly typing on the computer. What had they been doing?

"Visual prompter. This is a face-to face thing as I scan you a thing, thing. After that, you deal with it however you want."

Fine. Heero scooted over to the visual prompter. Duo's face was on it.

"Alright, Heero. Prepare yourself."

"I am always prepared." He could handle anything that he had to deal with.

"Okay then. I'm sending you a scan now, of a letter someone sent me tonight. After this? You might consider giving her a call."

Giving who a call? Heero watched the scan come through. It was from a woman named Jewel. He knew that coding, that was the group he was finding information on right now. Her group had been taken over. She had been responsible for Hilde's pregnancy. So, his friend hadn't been lying to him.

Heero looked back at Duo. His eyes were a little wider now. "Is this real?"

"Everything matched up for me," Duo said. "Might want to ask Relena if she had surgery not too long ago."

Heero looked back at the scan again. He looked back at Duo. "This isn't what that group does."

He turned off the visual prompter.

He sat.

He thought.

He leaned back in his chair and stared at his computer. At the name of the rebel group he'd been following.

Revenge of The Lost.


Zhang Colony


Mei-Lin looked up toward Li, her husband-to-be from her prison bars. He wouldn't come to greet her for anything. She watched as the cage was unlocked.

"Someone sent us proof of your innocence, all around." There was true concern now from his eyes. "You were correct, and you stayed true to your beliefs this entire time." He bent his head slightly. "The Zhang and Wang family is proud of you, every one of us."

She looked toward him. She was freed? "What proof was found?"

"Everything, Mei-Lin," he said. "Everything. From the man in your home being killed while you were sleeping, to the footage of the hospital. We were sent everything anonymously." Finally, he broke a smile toward her. "You will make a fine wife, your integrity remained high throughout this whole ordeal." He hugged her. "Everything will be fine. You will still be my wife. Another date is being set as we speak. I will raise the child as if it were mine since the father is unknown. It will be a proud Zhang."

She nodded and hugged him back. A strange action she wasn't used to with him, but one she would have to get used to.

"Everything is settled from last time, the marriage should not take long," he assured her. "Maybe even as little as tomorrow, to get rid of this awful sting that had to happen. No one understands why this happened, I'm sorry."

Mei-Lin nodded. She had no idea either, but as long as she could be welcomed by the colony again, she would be happy. Except? "Relena Dorlain," she said to Li. "She wanted me off of the colony, since I couldn't identify the father."

"Only the people of Earth concern themselves with that nonsense. It's doubtful that there will be trouble," Li assured her. "You will give birth naturally here. It's better to be at home for this change in our lives."

A slight nod. She wasn't so sure about that, but she would not be able to leave on her own. Most likely, it would be fine. Most families didn't have problems in space anymore. Few rarely did. "Does anyone know why?" Why it happened?

"Not yet," Li said. "We will handle it as the time comes. If the Zhang find who is responsible? We will make them pay. I make this promise to you."

Such respect now for his future wife. She could have used it earlier. A proper Zhang, but not a proper man who would defend his wife first, when push came to shove.

She would remember that.