
Revenge of a Dying Lilac [SYSTEM RULES] {BL}

You died not because it was the heaven's judgement but because you were wrongly accused. Your death makes you realize your greatest regrets. And so, the normal life you thought you always you have, hiding it's dark secrets and is now slowly unfolded the deeper you dig in to the world of a so called system.

crimsonfujo656 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
31 Chs


Sure, the way Alexander sees it, he sure have a terrible end. Even so, he wanted to see the old couple before he pass. He wanted to thank them for giving him a one of a kind home, love and comfort. He wanted to thank them for everything they give to him. And he wanted to apologize for making them worry.

Kalvin is staring blankly to him. It's like the world is hollow and that only darkness evade the world. It keeps on rolling in the galaxy without life. Lifeless just like himself. A real feeling he hid longer than he could imagine. He gently touched Alexander's cheeks as he smile weakly. His eyes are of somewhat fierce and mild. He run his fingers down to Alexander's collar until it reaches his naked chest and said:

"Do you know what keeps us humans unable to recognize things differently? It's not because we are innocent but It's because we are naive. Too naive that we forgot our own existence. The existence that make us awaken from our wicked dream. If I were to decide which path to take I would choose to be someone whom don't just value life but rather play with it until it will fully developed mechanical changes that soon will extinguished human race. Isn't that nice, host player 69?"

Alexander gulp as he continuesly but silently calling out for his system. His heart palpitates wildly as he wanted to burst out of rage. His system is not just a killing tool but also useless. When he don't want to die, the system will tried it's best to kill him. When he needed it most, it is nowhere to be found. How reliable, truly. Alexander don't wanted to cursed his bad luck but also wanted to end his journey of suffering. He is unable to understand what Kalvin was talking about as he was busy trying to loosen up the rope even if his wrist are pouring out blood.

Kalvin get up from the bed as he glared at Alexander's shivering body. Fear and excitement overwhelmed him. It does give him satisfaction but it is not enough. Not enough to release everything he had. It's like a whole new kind level of experience that he couldn't help but feel amuse. Tremendous amount of joy that he almost loses his own sanity, forgetting his current mission as he continue:

"I'm sure you experience that kind of feeling. We all know that this world we step on is just a hologram. A beautiful fraud. A world like this isn't visible in the real world. How exciting it truly is. I envy the creator. How I wish I could be out of here. How I wish I can be gone, but no. That kind of dream is only for weakling and I am not. I've been struggling to emerge myself to accept this kind of faith. I once asked myself, am I that kind of person to be played with? Am I that kind of person to be toyed? I desire to live with my own choice. I desire to be someone without this fucking system controlling me. But hahahahaha do you know what's funny? It's because no matter how much I tried I ended up losing. I always ended up failing hahahaha. System that, System those. Everything is about system. Everything is controlled by them. Do you know why I know it all? because I saw it with my own eyes. I saw everything. From the very beginning that they infused me to some kind of experiment. Until I walk up and realize it's all just a fucking nightmare. The undeniable happiness I thought were real when I thought that they finally freed me from pain, aches and sorrow. All of those stings. I lost my motivation in life. I lost my freedom to choose. I lost my wing to fly. I lost my--- but now it doesn't matter to me at all. It doesn't matter if I were to be played with. It doesn't matter if Im going to be their clown as long as I'm happy doing it. As long as I can have my revenge. Revenge. Yes, revenge hahahaha. I seek for revenge. Vengeance is what makes the world colorful, enchanted and mesmerizing. Ah, how I love it. Love every single bit of it. It's so full of misery, full of agony, full of dead"

Alexander was in dazed. He couldn't contain the emotion he has. Every word Kalvin said hit him deep. It's like he discovered something he shouldn't have. Even he thought that the world he sees the moment he was born are real. Even he thought that everything his true. But when his eyes open up in a place full of apparatus, that he even inside of a cylinder tube, he found out that nothing in this current world are authentic. Nothing. Even the people he meet, leave and go. All of them. But still, he cherished them all. He cherished the memory they shared. He cherished the time when love wasn't ruled by hate. Even if it isn't real, he pour his feelings to them. He gave them everything he have even if he received pain in return. The feelings are real. The happiness and madness. The longing and lost. The dream and goal was real and valid. If only he can make a change. If only he understands what this world meant. If only he has any idea how to stop them. If only he is brave enough to face it all.

The heavy atmosphere didn't subsided but only arise. Not just the cold but the intensity of feeling he have deep inside. The lingering nervousness is somehow making him numb until then, he hear a faint noise. A noise he familiar with. The noise that gives him slight of relief. The noise that is giving him light. Now everything is ready.