
Revenge Marriage : My Sweet Husband

18+ Revan Maheswara is a successful businessman who has a dark past because his father left him with his mother and brother for another woman. To complete his revenge, Revan marries a beautiful girl named Davina Deolinda who is Dilan Arsenio's lover and incidentally is the son of his father from another woman, which means Dilan is his brother. Marriage without love, makes Davina always feel afraid and lonely because of the cold nature of her husband, Revan. "I've been trying to stay strong all this time. But, to be honest I feel really scared and lonely." Davina Deolinda. The love in Revan's heart slowly appeared because of Davina's patience who tried sincerely to love him and forgot Dilan, whom she loved so much. "I intended to let go of everything because this marriage is only because of a grudge. But, you didn't let me go...You keep on remembering me, pretending to love me and keep making me feel guilty." - Revan Maheswara

Wintermyne · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
15 Chs

8. Fall in love

It's 08,00 pm, and raining very hard outside. Lightning flashed and thunder rumbled along, making Davina's mood furious because she waiting for her husband who still hasn't come home from work. with a restless heart, she paced back and forth in the living room accompanied by her mother-in-law.

"Sit down, sweetie. Revan must be on his way home. Don't worry too much," said Alina, seeing her daughter-in-law was worried.

"How can I not be restless, Mom? my husband doesn't tell me he will come home late," Davina said sadly.

"Maybe he forgot. You know he's only been married a few days. He's probably not used to telling his wife yet."

Davina sighed in resignation. Now she can only hope that her husband is fine and that will be back home soon. She is very worried about her husband's current state.

A few moments later, Revan came and stepped into his house.

Davina smiled in relief to see her husband arrive home safely because she was afraid If bad things happen to her husband. She's afraid that she will lose someone again like her father before.

Davina trotted over to Revan who had just arrived.

Revan who saw it was a little surprised because Davina's facial expression looked different from usual.

"Where have you been? Why did you just come back? I was so worried about you." Davina grabbed her husband's briefcase.

"What's wrong? Why are you worried like this? I'm from work and what's wrong with you?" Revan asked, furrowing his brows in surprise.

Alina stood up from her seat and approached Revan. "She can't calm down because you haven't arrived home yet. Besides, why didn't you tell her you were going to be late? the weather is very bad, so you don't have to make people at home worry about you!"

Revan is still confused and doesn't understand why Davina is so worried about him, while he doesn't care about her situation because he doesn't love her.

Seeing Revan's reaction which looks normal makes Davina bow her head reluctantly to see him. The beautiful woman who had just assumed the title of a wife pondered for a moment. she began to think that what she got if she worried about her husband too much. After all, it is true that their marriage is not based on their love.

Although Revan was very sure when he married her, Davina also still doubted if he was sure to marry her based on love.

Revan is indeed quite considerate and kind to Davina, but it seems that she has never been admitted as a wife by Revan. Davina feels that she is just a bird in a golden cage.

The atmosphere became awkward because Revan looked at Davina flatly, while Davina just lowered her head in resignation.

"Never mind, you better go to your room and rest," said Alina, breaking the awkward atmosphere.

Davina raised her head, then looked at her mother-in-law who was standing beside her.

Alina smiled seeing Davina.

"Please make hot tea for me," said Revan then left Davina and his mother.

"Sorry for my son's attitude, he's always been so obsessed with work that he's never dated a woman at all...I hope you are patient with his true nature," said Alina while gently rubbing Davina's back.

"Yes, mom. I will try to be patient and a good wife," said Davina.

"Now make tea for your husband before he finishes bathing,"

Davina nodded slightly and left her mother-in-law. Meanwhile, Alina could only sigh at the behavior of her youngest son who had begun to show his true nature.

"Poor girl...I hope you can be patient until my son can love you," Alina muttered and smiled wryly.



Slowly, Davina stepped into the room to give the hot tea that her husband asked for. the beautiful woman sighed and tried to smile faintly.

A pair of beautiful beads saw Revan had just changed clothes and sat on the couch in the luxurious room. Davina approached her husband, then gave him the tea he had just made.

"Thank you," said Revan after reaching for the tea that was offered by Davina.

The handsome man took a sip of his wife's hot tea.

"May I ask you something?" Davina asked doubtfully.

The beautiful woman was still standing in front of her husband, twisting her clothes in nervousness.

Revan smiled and put his teacup on the table.

"Sit down," said Revan, patting the space next to him.

Davina nodded her head obediently and then sat quietly beside Revan.

"What do you want to ask?" asked Revan curiously.

"Um…, did you... You know Dilan before?" Davina said nervously.

Her heart beat faster. Her lips were pursed for fear that Revan would be angry after she asked such a question.

"Dilan? You mean your ex-boyfriend?" asked Revan to make sure.

Davina bit her lower lip because she was getting nervous. Her hands clenched into fists.

"Y-yes," she replied.

"Dilan is my half-brother," said Revan calmly.

There was no sign that Revan was angry. seems fine, unlike what Davina had imagined before.

"But why are you suddenly asking about Dilan? Are you still in touch with him?" asked Revan.

"N-no...I'm completely out of touch with him, I'm just a little surprised because during our wedding... You seem familiar with him. That's why I'm curious," Davina explained at last.

Revan smiled for no reason. somehow when he saw Davina who panicked and nervously explained everything made him feel that she was adorable.

"Dilan's mother took my father from my mother. In fact. She is my own mother's best friend..and I hate her," said Revan with a face that turned serious in an instant.

"I-I don't know about that at all," said Davina, looking down.

"Calm down, I'm not blaming this on you. I just don't like it if you still have a relationship with Dilan..do you understand?" said Revan who smiled back.

Davina began to think about what Revan's nature was like, why her husband could change so quickly in an instant. Her husband can turn into a cold and scary man, but after a while, he can also turn into a caring man.

Davina raised her head to look at Revan who was also staring at her closely. Their eyes met and looked at each other.

until a few moments later, Revan brought his face closer to Davina and reduced the distance between the two. Meanwhile, Davina's heart was beating wildly.

However, what Davina felt was not the same as what she felt when she was nervous for fear of Revan getting angry. she felt something different when her husband looked at her more closely.


Revan's lips landed on Davina's cherry lips which spontaneously made the owner widen her eyes perfectly in surprise.

Until a moment later, Revan turned his face away and looked away.

"S-sorry..." he said softly.

"Um. .. It's okay," Davina said.

The two looked away from each other until the atmosphere became silent and very awkward.

'What are you doing you, idiot!' Revan muttered while hitting his forehead.
