

The setting takes place in Zelrun, a fantasy planet filled with magic and monsters. It's a world filled with adventures, beauty and darkness, all that is however going to be disrupted as the threat of invasion from "people" of another dimension which even took the lives of the "Magic Gods", a title given to the strongest group of people thousands years ago to stop the threat only temporarily, appears again. Some of those standing at the top have started their preparations for survival, some of them having different clashing paths to survival, Some who just want to watch the world burn, all of them clash. It isn't just the battle of a generation, It's a war of an era. An era that lasted from the God's end to date, nears it's chaos filled end. Can they survive the threat? or will they all die? is peace...possible? There is a boy however, who has an unseen or rather....forgotten power, who couldn't care less about this shit. _________________________ This story follows Nier Silvernova, a man who is and wants to be alone, he wants to just die but before that he must do something, he is on a journey through the world searching for the forest of judgment, a relic of the Death God...driven by the past. On this journey, he'll come upon various people, cultures, places....all with both sides of darkness and beauty, as the threat of annihilation of the world as he knows lingers...but in all this..may be he'll find true purpose. _________________________ I'll leave some notes here and give a brief review later - Mc maybe unlikable to some/most in the start, but i assure you that he is forever changing and will have character development though it would take long - all side characters will be 3d and have motivations and the antagonists will have great motivations, great backstories and development and you might end up rooting for them sometimes and sympathize with them - Romance is an important part of Mc development and FL will not just be a trophy driven by mc but a mutual development with great buildup and just mc saving damsel in distress, she will have all qualities in point 2 - characters will be gray, and if you want an emotionless ultra badass op mc with useless harem then just leave since Mc will have emotional moments - massive worldbuilding - battles will be strategy focused - characters will die :) (The cover artwork doesn't belong to me, all rights are the owner's) Alternative titles- Epic of Lord Moon-Eye, Moon-Eyed Searcher

The_Honoured_One · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
21 Chs

Chapter 17: Story of the Clayborn

(Magnus Pov:)(Before Nier's arrival)

Today as I was waiting for my favorite snack to arrive after coming at the HQ early morning like everyday and talking to Jan about different matters when Tony came in and told me that someone wanted to meet me. Usually citizen's problems aren't addressed by me since I do missions more but after hearing about the person's battered appearance and cautious behavior. I decided to let him in.

*Knock Knock



What was this chill? Did my mana react on it's own?...Fear?

Jan seems like he didn't sense anything wrong. It was probably because of my higher sensitivity to mana.

The door opened and a person with the appearance decribed by Tony entered my room.

Black cloak, white hair, eyemask and a katana at the back and blood smeared on his face

He really does seem like someone who came out of a fight.

Who is he? I can't just ignore what I felt. How many people are there in the kingdom that could evoke a reaction from me? Probably none...but he did...Some special element? Blood? Species? I sense no harmful intent. Even his mana feels weak but I shouldn't underestimate this guy.

I should first listen what he want to say.

"I am Magnus Ironstar, Leader of the Iron Mountain Squad and I heard you had something to say"

Why aren't you not responding didn't respond? He is looking at Jan?

"Oh...well, send him outside first" He says.

"Why would that be needed? He is the vice leader, he will help in your problem as much as I will"

"I'll tell you after he goes out, you'll understand" He stood his ground.

Hmm...Send Jan outside...What does he want to say? You know...I should hear him and I'll decide if I want to tell anyone what he says.

"Do you have any problem with that brother?"

"No, not at all. I'll guard the door" Jan smiled as he stood up and left the room.

"So, can you speak now" I ask him finally

"Huh, well how should I start...you see I took a mission. You know what, I'm feeling sleepy. So- tch-

"You could come later if you want?"

If he does come later...I'll hear him. After all, it's better to clearminded before telling something important

"No no no um...and before I start. Make sure nobody else listens.-"

Well nobody will be able to listen anything but I guess I could take some precautions anyway.

" -It would on you if things get out of hand. So let me start- I took this escort mission to Dainport...


...and that's what she told me"

Reya Mistey huh.

The girl told him about informing the Mistey house and the only active knights from that house are both in the Silver Sky Squad. The girl should as such be Ms.Reya. Her older brother is the vice captain, so that's a problem as well.

If everything he said is actually true...then this is a serious matter. Very serious. I should first and foremost recover her body and give it to her family.


Reya Mistey- you have my thanks and respect.

"Usually the death of knights are taken care of by their respective squads but I will take care of it should everything you told me be true"

"You know...If I am being honest. I really do not care about all this stuff. I just want my reward or in this case- apology money if that word exists and um...

He's really sleepy.

Originally I didn't want to do this but after hearing everything he said and his unwilling to sleep

"Mr. Nier- if you really don't want to sleep- take this. It'll delay your sleep.

I present him a Sleep Delaying Pill made by Royal Alchemists which would usually cost over 50 earth coins considering this is a diluted version. I have these in case I need to overwork myself but I need to make sure his mind is clear again.

Actually- I messed up. Should have given him this when he mentioned the "Four-eyes"-turned-into-a-zombie part.

Speaking of which-

"Nope...I-I..I am fine

No you are not!

"I can see that you are a deeply mistrusting person and I respect that but I assure you it's not harmful.....unless you take them too much for too long- Eh?"

He is sleeping already?

Well...I should check everything first in this time..I'll see what I do with him later.


In a city bustling with people and celebration.

A group of children were walking with a beautiful green-haired adult woman

The people in the city seem to be chaotic yet it seemed as if most had the same destination in mind.

"Where are we going big sister?"

"Today there is going to be a duel and so everyone is here to watch it. Even the young prince will be present."

"Duel? A fight? Between who?"

"Heh, well...one of them is the Vice-Leader of Golden Sea Squad and other is a C rank adventurer. You see, the adventurer was challenged by Vice Captain Gio "

"Um..Isn't it unfair for the second person? They will have to fight a Vice Leader of a...a-"

"Hmm...Indeed, Chances are that he is going to lose-" Diana said softly.

"Then why did he accept the challenge?" the white-haired boy asked.

"For his honor, pride and to overcome the odds. If he cannot even face the challenges in his life, how can he overcome them in the future?"

"But won't everyone make fun of him if loses" the boy asked innocently as the children around him listened as well.

"No Nier. They will see him as the man who stood against an unfair challenge. Life is like that..we- the children of Maya never back down from any challenge, no matter what it throws on us- we take them head on. You see- I'll tell you the story of the clayborn-" Diana said with smile. The children were able to listen the tale as the noice had died down by then.

-Once upon a time, there was an island- the island was completely empty of life and was only filled with rocks and dirt. One day, a traveller arrived on that island- a woman. She was unrivaled in beauty and she was filled with so much vitality and life that the moment she stepped on the island. Plants began growing around her steps. She was a goddess-they say. The Goddess of Life.

How she got there. Why she came there. It's a mystery. But on the island devoid of life, now lived someone filled with it. As time passed by, animals from around the island started populating it attracted by her. And she loved them as much as they did. There was no hate, envy or greed between them.

One day she got dirty from mud. She went to a nearby water source inside the island and cleaned it. The dirt was cleaned and got mixed in the water. The water itself became a source of life energy. And that's when it happened. Slowly the rocks underneath the water started gaining life. Sentience. But they could not move. The rocks now filled wih cognition could not move and they felt trapped forever. They started hating their 'mother'. It felt to them as if she wanted to torture them.

The goddess was unaware of them and didn't know what happened underneath the lake. Years passed and something changed. The once peaceful and unselfish beasts had become hateful, envious and greedy of those who lived in the lake which had now useful herbs grown around it turning the lake into something of a paradise if it wasn't already one being the place that the goddess bathed in everyday. As for her, it seemed that she had moved to the places still devoid of life.

The rocks throughout the years had also changed. They had become crystalline and beautiful saturated with energy. They didn't hate her anymore and were just grateful of her for giving them life. But they had changed in another aspect. It was peaceful to do nothing. They saw the chaos up there and felt that life was best without the hardships up there. They found peace in nothingness.

But everything changed when-"

Suddenly a loud murmur started as trumpets rang and several horses entered the arena interrupting the story.

Diana told them she'll tell the story later.

On the front were some guards but on the middle most luxurious horse sat a man that while was handsome with dark grey hair, golden eyes and a fine body. He seemed to be deteriorating into a mess.

The King of Mayaricorn- Magnar Ironstar.

Besides him was another equally luxurious horse on which sat a young boy with ash grey hair and black eyes.

"Is that the pwince!?" Lupa asked with excitement.

"Yes, that's Magnus Ironstar" Diana answered calmly.

"I heard someone call him a traitor's son. Why?" Someone chimmed in.

"Hmm..I guess it was someone who was loyal to the previous king. You see, the current king didn't exactly inherit the throne. I'll tell you about it later."

"Hey, who's that!?" Nier asked curiously looking at the horse behind magnus' horse.

"That's Skar Ironstar...he is the prince's brother...not related by blood. At least not fully...I'll tell you about it someday. "


"Stop it Llenar... I'll tell you later"

"Heh..Llenar, you should listen to her- you'll hear about it later..hehe" Nier spoke with a mischievous smile.

"When you kwill me? Will I know it when you kill us? Brother"




"NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO" Nier screamed as he woke up from his nap.

"HOLYYY SH*T" Magnus screamed as he saw Nier wake from his nap.