
Crisis' Foreboding

Shortly after, Tang Xiu didn’t bother himself with the winery issue. However, he had bought a number of materials to make wine in the storehouse. His winemaking method was very special since he used a lot of herbs and fruits aside the grains. But the main problem in brewing wines, was time. It took at least several days only to ferment the grain, making the fruit into jams and boiling the herbs before the truly good wines could be brewed

However, after everything had been bought, he realized that he had no money left. The first day he got the 2.5 billion, he paid the 2 billion debt to Chen Zhizhong and gave 300 million yuan to Kang Xia, while the remaining 200 million was given to Chu Yi to pay the medicinal herbs he bought.

“I have to think of a means to raise money!”