
Returnee's mom

Kagura, a single mother of a son, who for the last 10 years has created nothing else but hardships and disappointments for her mother. Kagura whose friends left her for not believing them and disowning her failure son is falling into depression... However a sudden morning, when Kagura is thinking of her current lifestyle, she could hear her son waking up screaming and runs to check on her, he's crying and when Kagura asks what's wrong? Her dear son hugs her, she could not hear anything after that. Because what she did not know her son had experienced next two hundred years into the future and had now returned and planned to live a different life.

parch_Seeker · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
34 Chs


Kagura put her blindfold back on, she would have to stay on this realm a little longer because Leo possibly couldn't have gotten out yet and she needed to do things for the next one. She was still wearing the same puffy white robe, that hid her face and all skin expect hands and eyes.

She was walking on the streets towards something resembling an inn. She found one called morning sun. The sign and door were clean, there wasn't a big window to expose the whole entrance. It was the total opposite of the one on the tenth realm.

She stepped inside and a girl with rabbit ears was behind the counter. Kagura glanced on the left , where was a signboard. She noticed her wanted sign, it's price was lower by more than half but she was still at the top. That's why she was wearing the blindfold.

With her magic, she can hear perfectly and find everything because of that. She makes her own sound waves, which no one notices because of her eye magic, so she uses illusion magic on herself.

"How may I help you ma'am?"

"When are the academy enrollments?"

"For students, they are tomorrow, teachers two days and researchers in three."

"Thank you."

As Kagura was already so old, she couldn't become a student, becoming a teacher took too much of her time, so she wanted to become a researcher. This meant, that she had to own some kind of topic, that she wanted to learn and then show what she learnt.

She already knew what she wanted to learn, she would only need to learn the basics and those definitely be in the academy's library. She didn't have much money or any extra stuff to give for selling. She didn't want to do any unnecessary fighting to expose herself.

The academy would have a room for her anyway so she only had to stay in an inn for two or three days. While she was still inside the last one, it said on the wall that it cost two Onyx per night. So, she needed six Onyx, it was not much, but here there weren't any black streets.

There were casinos but the security was tight and she didn't want to go to prison, that would probably be the most dangerous place for her right now.

She was trying to figure a way to get some money without any big work... Then it hit her, what was the most easiest way to make money for a woman with a figure like her?

Pickpocketing, what else? She was magnificent in wind magic and short. She could steal many coins without anyone noticing, she also needed to feed Ciara, it had been asleep mostly after she entered the realm of suffering, but when it woke up it needed mana and some other food, probably bugs and dead mice, it's a bat after all.

She would find those in the hotel room probably so Kagura just walked towards the street with a lot of people and blended in. And she was right, no one noticed her. She was a short woman with a large robe so no one saw her face, blindfold, or figure.

After a while she started to take coins out of people's pockets with wind magic, they did not weight much and not many kept them in pouches so it was easy to just take them. She actually got all three in just a minute.

The amount of people couldn't be explained, you could just barely walk straight but still hit everyone around you, she probably but coins in other people pockets too but she didn't care, she only cared about the six that would give her a place to live in.

In another two minutes she was back at the inn, she had just left from. She handed the rabbit six coins.

"I want to be here for three nights."


The girl put the coins behind the counted and took a key from the same place and handed it to Kagura.

"Room 12."

Kagura thanked and went to her room. Its interior reminded her of the one on the eight realms but there wasn't holes in the walls or rat poop on the bed. This time Kagura really had nothing to do before the research exams.

She didn't have any techniques to explore, but... She didn't know what she was supposed to research at the academy. The books would be free and all so she didn't need to do anything else but enter there, but how.


Kagura came back from her thoughts and opened her robe and Ciara flew outside. It was the same size and had not changed in almost any way, it really had just slept for the entire time. Its fur was still fully black and so were its leather wings. It had red eyes and only those plus it's ears could be seen on a dark night.

After flying a little bit, it landed on Kagura's shoulder. It rubbed its ears on Kagura's jaw and Kagura slightly brushed her fur with her fingers. They stayed like that for a minute but then Ciara jumped down on the bed and went back to sleep.

While Kagura was brushing her, she had fed some mana so it was now tired after eating. Ciara was a pretty weird beast, Kagura had heard about bat monsters but they were not as black as Ciara and didn't have red eyes as she did.

Wait, isn't that a good thing to research at the academy, she could say that she's come to study Ciara and that would be the perfect reason! She could study magic at the same time and even if she doesn't find out about anything regarding Ciara, she could quickly run away and they would not follow her, if they didn't know who she was.

That's it, Ciara was such a weird beast that the academy would definitely let her study her more, she only had to make sure that no one was overseeing her studying and could do it alone and in peace.

The other reason why she wanted to enter an academy was because of Leo. Leo was in the right age to enter an academy, which was for people less than 28 and she knew, that Leo's only strengths were fire and wind magic.

Both of them were common type, so he needed something to use for an advanced one. That's why he would enter an academy. To look for an advanced type magic, that would suit him the best. So in the academy, Kagura could look for him, if he entered any of the places that she was in.

After that, they could live in peace on this realm, it was a very famous one because most of the people who came here, came to study magic. Because they could then improve it on the next realm, it had a lot of different things in common with the eight realm.

There was a lot of people there, who had born in the realm because the fifth realm was a nice place to settle in. So no worries Leo, I will find you and then we can live in peace.