
Vacation by the sea

It was a good start on a common summer day. It was eight o'clock in the morning, the sun was high enough in the clear sky, sprinkled here and there with a few heaps of clouds.

Like every weekend, Lyria got up late that Saturday, although she had enjoyed a well-deserved week of vacation. But hey, the depression was already beginning to resurface since work would resume next Monday. She pulled her arms out of her duvet and began stretching herself on her bed, squirming in all directions and moaning weakly. She lazily opened her eyes, wondering if she should continue to sleep or enjoy the last day of her vacation, as she had to hit the road the next day.

The sun's rays penetrated between the shutters of the windows of her bungalow, giving way to a rather messy play of light in the room.

All members of her research team had already been up for a long time and had already had breakfast. Some of them were by the beach, lying on chairs for sunbathing. Others were in the sea for a swim.

There were not many people except the research team and some tourists since it was the low season. It was definitely not the vacation period but since the team had been working continuously even during the weekends of the last month, due to a deadline to be absolutely respected, a short week of vacation after a month of hard work was the least whims to satisfy.

After weighing for at least fifteen minutes, Lyria hardly left her bed. She told herself that it was better to get together with the others, as they already found her so reserved or even asocial.

She washed up and put on her sports outfit, a set of black leggings and a form-fitting tank top with a touch of pink. She tied a hibiscus flower sarong around her waist. Being ready for the rest of the day, she headed to the hotel restaurant for a snack and then joined the team.

She greeted the girls who were in a tanning session and discussing their respective boyfriends among themselves. Of course, Lyria could not stay very long in their company since she was completely in a minefield with regard to this kind of conversation. It is not that discussions about guys did not interest her, but it is rather that with a height of two-meter ten, no guy of her entourage found her to their taste, although she was well proportionate.

Oh yes, Lyria was a beautiful young woman of twenty-three, with hazel eyes circled in black, an oval face with a straight nose and a pulpy mouth, neither wide nor narrow. Her silky hair, a dark chestnut, was well provided. Her body, perfectly proportioned, highlighted her beautiful face: slender feet, wide hip, small waist, round and firm buttock, medium chest. She had the body that any woman would envy, to a decimeter close ...

Of course, no man wanted to take a Goliath as a girlfriend and even less as a wife. That made her decide since her nineteenth year, to resign herself to the idea that she would remain single for the rest of her life. This decision had increased her indifference to people, especially the opposite gender: she had no need for recognition of others and nothing to prove to them.

There was a time when discussions about her length made her feel uncomfortable, especially during her adolescence. She was still wondering from whom of her parents she could inherit this gene of extraordinary length since it surpassed the average length of men in her country by thirty-five centimeters.

There was really something to complain about her story. Not only was she an orphan who was not adopted until she left the orphanage for the university, but she also far exceeded the men in length. Being abandoned at a young age, she had to make up her mind to continue to live alone for the rest of her life at her late adolescent stage.

At least, despite all the setbacks of life, she has completed her studies in botany and is now part of a mobile research team working on medicinal plants.

Although the integration within the team was not easy, her work spirit earned her recognition and her acceptance within the whole team. Somehow, they thought there were still advantages to having a Goliath for a task where a simple David could not succeed.

Nevertheless, she was rather optimistic, instead of complaining about her fate, she focused on the benefits of her situation and managed to see that she was not as badly off as many people ...

She continued her way to the sports equipment warehouse and took a stand-up pedal board and headed for the sea, detaching her sarong on the way. The sea was rather calm, some guys of the team were playing water skiing, others were playing ball while swimming, so it was a relaxing time for everyone.

Lyria was slowly moving away from the shore while pedaling. The soft breeze sent her long fringes back. A feeling of joy and well-being invaded her when suddenly a big wave appeared and engulfed her. Pwaahhh ...

Dear reader,

It's a pleasure for me to share this story with you. I am an amateur writer, so I will ask you to excuse my future mistakes in this writing. Your suggestions are welcome.

Thank you for reading it. Enjoy! :)

Ayrinaomicreators' thoughts