
She has death wish

Since the prince himself decided to asphyxiate someone on his own, the head servant did not intervene. After all, his role was limited to managing the servants. Everyone in the room was sweating with cold sweat, looking at each other. Once again, they are going to witness another carnage of the prince, except that this time nobody knows if the victim was guilty or not. After ten minutes everyone had thought that the prince had coldly murdered a young girl without blinking.

But Lyria, having reached her apnea record, violently pushed back the hand that prevented her from breathing and sat down. Emanating an angry look, she stared into his eyes and began to insult him with all her might:

- "Non, mais tu es cinglé ?! Salle brute ! Qu'est-ce que je t'ai fait pour que tu veuilles me tuer ! Il faut être malade pour agir de la sorte !... Tu me sauves d'une soi-disant noyade, ensuite tu m'assommes et maintenant tu m'asphyxies... Je me fiche pas mal que tu sois un membre d'une foutue royauté ! Sache que ça ne te donne pas le droit de vie ou de mort sur une personne qui n'a rien fait de mal ! Penses-tu que la vie d'une personne ne vaut pas plus que celle d'un animal ? Au moins les animaux on les tue parce qu'on les mange par la suite ! Mais toi ! Toi !... Tu asphyxie les gens pour…!" ("Are you nuts ?! Dirty jerk! What have I done to you such that you want to kill me! You must be sick to act in this way! ... You save me from a so-called drowning, then you assault me ​​and now you are suffocating me. I do not care if you're a member of a royalty! Know that it does not give you the right to life or death on a person who has done nothing wrong! Do you think that a person's life is not worth more than that of an animal? At least animals are killed because they are eaten afterward! But you! You! ... Asphyxiating people for ... ")

She did not even know why she received this kind of treatment. She was so angry that she kept repeating herself during her shouts of insult.

The people in the room were completely confused. They did not really understand much of what the person they thought was already dead was speaking. But certainly, considering how she screamed, and her expression, they could guess that the person was insulting this ruthless prince. Of course no one dared to speak but everyone thought that the girl was suicidal. After such an episode it was necessary to be quiet, but on the contrary, she is insulting the prince.

The prince, tired of her shouts, seized her by the wrist and shook her, saying,

- "ça suffit maintenant ! C'est celui qui prend les autres pour des idiots qui l'est le plus ! Tu n'as que ce tu mérites !" ("That's enough now! It is the one who takes others for idiots who is the most! You only have what you deserve! ")

Hearing this sentence, the anger increased a notch for Lyria:

- "Je n'ai que ce que je mérite ?!... Sale abruti !" ("I only have what I deserve?! ... Dirty idiot!")

And she punched him straight on his cheek but he dodged it, which even angered her more. So she continued to punch him incessantly.

Everyone was stunned by the spectacle they were attending. One person blurted out, "This girl!...Is she this bold or does she really want to die? I'm baffled ". The head servant retorted, "Watch your tongue if you do not want a bad ending for yourself."

It was at this moment that Lyria noticed that servants and master seemed to speak a language equivalent to english. Since her arrival in this world, she seemed to sense to be talking oddly. The first time she conversed with the prince at the river, she already noticed it but as she understood herself and understood her interlocutor, she did not give any importance to it. At that time, she thought she could return to her original world, so it doesn't matter. But at this moment, she did not know if a return to her original world was still possible. Since her arrival in this world, about 3 hours had already elapsed. Considering that her disappearance from the other world took place in the ocean, returning there without any after-effects after 3 hours had passed would probably be equivalent to death or to being reduced to a vegetative state, in the case that her body had remained on the other side.

Lost in her thoughts, Lyria had the same look she had at the shore before deciding to return to dive in the water. The prince's voice rang and brought her out of her thoughts again:

- "ça y est ? Tu t'es calmé maintenant" ( "That's it? Have you calmed down now? ")

Discouraged, she replied weakly:

- "Fout-moi la paix ! C'est de ta faute si je ne peux plus revenir de là où je venais " ("Leave me in peace! It's your fault if I can't come back from where I came from "

- "D'où viens-tu exactement ? Comment as-tu échoué à la rivière ? "("Where are you from exactly? How did you end up in the river? "

- "Qu'est-ce que j'en sais moi ? Moi aussi je voudrais savoir par quel miracle je me suis retrouvée dans cette rivière ! La dernière chose dont je me souvienne avant de faire surface à la rivière c'est une grosse vague !"("What do I know about it? I too, would like to know by what miracle I found myself in this river! The last thing I remember before coming up to the river is a big wave! ")

Faced to this situation, she felt helpless and lost all her liveliness. The prince stood up, scrutinized her for a moment, and concluded that she was telling the truth. So he, too, began to conjecture that according to the language spoken by the girl and this ocean story, the possibility that she comes from Alesia is very high. But for 'the how and why' of her arrival to Androgys, no plausible explanation was reached. She could possibly be a spy, which would explain her ability to fight. However, what happened at the river leaves a doubt: her helplessness and her insistence on wanting to go back from where she came from precluded the possibility of her being a spy. Another possible conjecture is that she may be an inconvenient personality and some people wanted to make her disappear but she could escape, and above all, she lost her memory. This conjecture was more plausible but no one has heard of the disappearance of a young Alesia noblewoman. Above all else, her attire completely rejected the idea that she was of noble origin. "What kind of nobility would wander outside, exposing herself in a shameless attire ?! "

Seems like her clothes greatly shocked a whole people. hihihi

Ayrinaomicreators' thoughts