

The noisy sound of the sea tide came from outside the window.

Because few people cleaned it, the small wooden house facing the sea was full of dust.

But Hilliard and Ian didn't care. They sat cross-legged on the bed, facing each other.

"How much do you know about the sublimators?" asked the old knight.

"I only know that there are sublimators." Ian answered simply: "And psychic power."

"At least I can spell the words correctly." Hilliard didn't think Ian would know much. He nodded slightly and said: "Then do you know about aliens and monsters?"

"Yes." Ian naturally knew: "I have seen them."

How could immigrants living in Nanling not know about monsters? Those powerful creatures that can use psychic power naturally and wander in the wild mountains are legends in everyone's mouth.

It is said that some of the totems worshiped by the natives are powerful monsters that are friendly to humans. Their protection made the imperial army return empty-handed and had to recognize the autonomy of the natives in the redwood forest.

And the monsters in the sea are more common.

In Ian's memory, when he was four or five years old, he and his mother were at the port, watching from afar as fishermen worked together to drive away a huge sea snake.

The blue-black sea snake was more than 30 meters long, its scales were stronger than steel, and its long tail could even create vortices in the sea to help it swallow fish.

Neither harpoons nor crossbows could cause harm to it. In the end, it was driven away by the viscount's merchant ship, which risked sinking and crashed into it.

"All living things come from the same source, and are the offspring of the sun. Whether plants or animals, monsters or aliens, and even us humans, we all need to bathe in the sun's glory, so all living things are brothers and sisters."

"But as time goes by, all things are differentiated, with different talents and abilities."

Hillyard turned his head to the side, and the sunlight that passed through the curtains and windows seemed quiet and silent. He stretched out his hand and let the sunlight shine on his palm, dyeing it with a layer of gold.

The old knight said calmly: "In ancient mythology, the common ancestors of many intelligent life forms such as humans, elves and dwarves obtained the fruit of wisdom and then possessed wisdom."

"And the ancestors of the beasts, those alien beast ancestors with powerful bodies and even various supernatural powers, obtained the fruit of life, so they have extraordinary power."

Turning his head, the knight looked at Ian and said seriously: "Combining wisdom and the power of life is 'sublimation'. The sublimators are all travelers on the road of sublimation, pursuing the ultimate promotion."

"In short, the sublimators use wisdom to make themselves comparable to or even surpass the power of alien beasts."

——Mythology? Sun worship. Unexpected science.

Ian did not fail the culture and history courses. He knew very well that what Hilliard said was only a small part of the complete myth system, and the inheritance of the sublimators was inextricably linked to it.

Sun worship is not uncommon. It is better to say that the position of the sun in any myth is quite important.

From the perspective of energy transfer, the sun is indeed the source of all living things, and all living things are brothers and sisters under the knees of the sun, the loving father and mother.

As for the key words of wisdom fruit and life fruit, Ian wrote them down for the time being and prepared to ask for advice later.

Because now, he has another question to ask.


Ian frowned in confusion, and asked softly: "How to combine wisdom and the power of life?"


Hillyard said concisely: "This is the true meaning of the practice of the sublimator."

"The alien beast itself contains the power of the fruit of life. Through wisdom, refine its elements, extract its essence, and use alchemical techniques to use the materials of the alien beast to mix into potions and supplements, so that humans can also absorb the power of the fruit of life and gradually improve their rank on the road of sublimation."

"As for the effect, Ian, you can touch my arm."

Hillyard raised his hand and showed his arm to Ian: "I He is a knight of a certain great man. He was once a high-level sublimator. However, in the past battles, due to the source poison, almost all of his sublimation organs were destroyed, and even the higher-level sublimation structures such as the 'spiritual nervous system' built in his body were completely dissolved. "

"In other words, I am basically a mortal and no longer have the divine power of a high-level sublimator."

"But even so."

Clenching his fists and flexing his muscles, the old man emphasized at this moment: "My life essence has also been transformed, far more powerful than ordinary people, and even some low-level sublimators."

At this moment, Hilliard's face has returned to its true appearance, no longer looking like Osenna.

He can't be said to be as handsome as an elf, but he can be said to have a regular appearance. The man has a straight nose, his gray-brown long hair is slightly curly, and he has a calm and solemn military temperament. The wrinkles do not make him look too old, but just engrave the majesty of time for the knight.

"Okay, teacher."

After agreeing, Ian reached out his hand without hesitation and touched Hilliard's arm.

--He had wanted to touch it for a long time. The body of the ascender in this world must be extraordinary!

However, when Ian really touched it, he found that the 'skin' he touched only looked like skin.

"This touch..." The boy couldn't help but open his eyes wide.

It was a layer of fine smooth scales superimposed on each other, a layer of crystal shells, strong and flexible, and it seemed difficult to be invaded by water and fire. It could be said to be a layer of portable chain mail.

And under the skin, it was not flesh and blood in the traditional sense, but a non-Newtonian fluid that was extremely soft and hard. Ian even had the illusion that he was touching a human crane. When Hilliard exerted his strength at his peak, he might easily lift up a house, or even more than that.

Ian looked up and stared at Hilliard. The old knight's brown eyes looked ordinary at first glance, but Ian was keenly aware that the other's pupils would shrink and expand all the time according to the surrounding light and the distance of the target, adjusting the angle, just like a high-precision reconnaissance camera, covering everything in the field of vision.

This kind of power... Ian's breathing was slightly quickened for a moment.

This unprecedented possibility...

It is what he has been pursuing and exploring all the time!

Sensing the boy's mixed expectation and desire, Hilliard nodded with satisfaction.

Obviously, the smart boy in front of him has noticed the key.

"The teacher's body is very special."

Releasing his hand and calming down, Ian seriously concluded: "Although it looks like ordinary skin, muscles and eyes, it has extraordinary abilities."

"Under the seemingly human body, there is an extraordinary power."