
Return Of The Princess : Kim Hyo Ra

Kim Yoora is one of the most famous writers in the Capital. She has printed a lot of books with the Thriller and Horror genre. Thought that is broad and open, taking her too deep into the world which is very stressful and always makes the heart of the reader racing. One time editor Kim Yoora wanted a fantasy story with a royal setting. This is indeed a challenge for Kim Yoora. She has never written a single story about this genre. To hone Kim Yoora's skills, she said yes to her editor's words. To create a fantasy story with a royal setting. Until one day, when she was on vacation with her editor Han Soo Lee, and looking for references for her new story. Kim Yoora even felt that her body was pulled by a whirlpool and made herself into another world. A world where everyone still uses a stretcher and horse as a means of transportation. She becomes the main character in the story she made by herself. How is the story of Kim Yoora, can she return to modern times, or even live to death in the kingdom? NB: Support my story' with comments, add to the library, and give me a power stone. Thank you.

AgathaQuiin20 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
162 Chs


These days Kim Yoora is struggling with books bought together with Iseul at the market. Since rising from the dead, not many people still do not believe. And assume that Kim Hyo Ra has high magic, so she can rise from the dead. Even though if you look at this, it's only the body of Princess Kim Hyo Ra, while her soul will still be Kim Yoora in the future.

Almost one book Kim Yoora read, and it didn't escape Iseul who was staring at her for a long time. Even Iseul thought that Kim Yoora's eyes would dry up, after reading many books. And strangely, Kim Hyo Ra also rarely paints beautiful landscapes, and likes to spend time writing and reading.

"Oh my… this person is really evil, it's like Jae Hwa and Kim Sun Hee." Kim Yoora comments and equates her antagonist with two invisible beings, but has traits like demons and demons.

Hearing this, Iseul could only smile a little. This was the first time she heard her princess cursing and calling people older than her by name. It's possible that if Jae Hwa heard it, it was certain that Kim Yoora would get a dungeon sentence and not even be fed.

"Princess, don't say things like that. Later when they hear, the Princess will be punished." Iseul said a warning.

"So stupid!! At least he's in prison, and he's not given food. Later when he does, Iseul you have to feed me."

"Princess take it easy, I will definitely---"

Iseul's words were cut off when Prince Kim Ye Jun came in rudely. Don't knock on the door and don't say hello at all.

"Impossible!! So this is the attitude of Father's favorite Prince?" Kim Yoora pouted boldly.

"Damn woman!! How dare you say that. I want to come in or whatever it's up to me!!"

"Indeed!! But this is my territory, you should keep your manners, Prince."

"Too much talk!!" Cynical Kim Ye Jun.

Because Kim Yoora was furious, she threw a small flower vase and hit Kim Ye Jun's clothes. It immediately sparked a sword war between them. Kim Ye Jun, who has unstable emotions, and likes to find fault the most, attacks Kim Yoora without caring if the opponent is his Noona.

Kim Yoora swiftly took the sword in her pavilion and countered Kim Ye Jun's attack. Even in Kim Ye Jun's attack, none of them hit Kim Yoora. Except for Kim Yoora's attack which hit Kim Ye Jun's sleeve and tore it apart.

Kim Yoora smiled with satisfaction, she again threw her sword right in front of Kim Ye Jun. And frightened the man with the look on his face that was so clear. Even if you only saw him go forward, it was certain that one eyeball would disappear.

"Don't ever attack me, if you don't know how to fight properly!!" Kim Yoora snapped.

"Where did you learn martial arts? You were exiled in this pavilion for many years. I am the Prince who will later ascend the Throne to become the Crown Prince!!"

Arrogantly, Kim Yoora showed off the sword twisting technique twice, and threw the sword back into its place. Everyone was amazed and stared at Kim Yoora in disbelief. Likewise with Kim Ye Jun, who immediately thought nothing of it.

This noona is different, she's not like she used to be. Weak and afraid of everyone including Kim Ye Jun. And now his Noona, instead attacked Kim Ye Jun first so they were fighting swords with each other.

Who taught him that? Wasn't this pavilion very far from the palace? And Kim Ye Jun is also sure that there is no soldier or any errand boy for Kim Won Shik to teach the woman martial arts. And now Kim Ye Jun saw it for himself, if his martial arts was better than him.

Kim Ye Jun chose the leader to leave without pointing at the woman's answer. He has to meet Kim Won Shik and also Jae Hwa to discuss this. How dare Kim Hyo Ra attack him back with a sword.

Arriving at the sky pavilion, Kim Ye Jun immediately entered and asked the faithful lady-in-waiting Eomma and also the servants in this pavilion to leave.

"What's wrong Ye Jun, why did you come in this scared state? What happened to you?" Jae Hwa panicked.

"Eomma you should know that Hyo Ra and I have had a fight."

It's a normal thing, every day Kim Ye Jun and Kim Yoora fight. In fact, not infrequently Kim Hyo Ra is always Kim Ye Jun's servant all day, to serve him.

But this is different, Kim Ye Jun tells if Kim Hyo Ra is good at playing swords. He also showed the sleeve of his robe which was torn by Kim Hyo Ra's sword. There were no injuries, but Kim Ye Jun thought that Kim Hyo Ra did this on purpose.

"Where did she learn that from? Yesterday she also spoke a clear western language, in this Kingdom no one has learned western language. And Sun Hee also only learned this morning, but that damn child already knows first." Jae Hwa panicked. She is afraid that her two children will be rivaled and lost to Kim Hyo Ra.

"I also don't know Eomma. I thought if this was unnatural, the poison would only quickly damage her brain and kill her. But why did she come back alive with above average skills?"

Jae Hwa is getting more and more scared, if that woman is not the real Kim Hyo Ra. It's impossible if someone exposed to the deadly poison comes back alive. And now Kim Hyo Ra is back to life with a different soul.

Jae Hwa chose to leave, she left the sky pavilion and headed to the black pavilion. Where is her husband's pavilion located? She must meet with Kim Won Shik to discuss this unnatural matter.

"I want to meet Emperor Kim." Jae Hwa said arrogantly.

His nature is very different from Kwan Ji Woo, if Kwan Ji Woo has a gentle and friendly attitude. So Jae Hwa is an antagonist with an evil and greedy attitude. It's true, she will do many things to get what she wants.

Jae Hwa enters when Kim Won Shik's loyal servant lets him in. Immediately Jae Hwa expressed what she heard from her son about Kim Hyo Ra acting strangely.

"She attacked Prince Kim Ye Jun, Emperor, until his sleeve was torn. And I find it strange, with whom she practiced swordsmanship." Obviously Jae Hwa.

Honestly, this news has reached Kim Won Shik's ears. Only, he is looking for the truth and solid evidence in this matter. Kim Won Shik also never taught, nor asked one of his great soldiers to teach Kim Hyo Ra martial arts. He also did not call the teacher to teach Kim Hyo Ra western language. But the strange thing is why that woman can everyone else? Is it really Kim Hyo Ra or is it just someone who looks like Kim Hyo Ra?

"Emperor, she deserves to be punished." Jae Hwa said and made Kim Won Shik wake up from his daydream.

"Dae Hyun, call Princess Kim Hyo Ra to come face to face with me, now!!" Kim Won Shik's orders.

-To Be Continued-