
Return Of The Magician

Journey through time and realms in this captivating fantasy. A boy's accidental arrival in a magical world grants him extraordinary powers. Armed with wisdom, he returns to the interstellar realm, fusing ancient magic with cutting-edge science. Explore the transformative power of knowledge and witness the rebirth of two intertwined worlds. Brace yourself for a spellbinding adventure where fantasy and science collide. *MC brought a Magic Tower with him. *No harem *Don't expect romance. *please review and comment and if you find it in your heart you can also give me power stones. support me on Ko-fi :https://ko-fi.com/shuregurl This is my discord link https://discord.com/invite/kAjrpychcS

Shuregurl · Fantasia
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41 Chs

Pharmacist Association

The Federation had long been stagnant, lacking any significant developments to shake up the status quo. However, this week, everything changed with the announcement from the Charleston family - they claimed to have found the cure for Shadow Veil disease.

Ordinary citizens of the Federation rejoiced at this revelation, seeing it as a beacon of hope. They celebrated the potential end to the devastating effects of Shadow Veil. However, not everyone shared in their enthusiasm. Families with vested interests in drugs that controlled the disease viewed the Charleston family's announcement with suspicion, convinced it was a targeted attack.

Among the most skeptical were the other Tier 1 families, who felt that the Charleston family was overstepping their boundaries. The Charleston family had no background in pharmacology or any potion-related fields; they were primarily known for their political and military influence. The family most affected by this revelation was the Carlton family, known for their expertise in potion brewing and holding a significant market share alongside the Pharmacists Association.

The Pharmacists Association was an independent organization separate from any family or government influence. Their sole focus was advocating for the interests of pharmacists within the Federation. Serving as a professional body, they brought together pharmacists from across the nation, providing certifications and advancing their professional development. They played a crucial role in maintaining quality control, ethical conduct, and the regulation of potions within the market.

When the Charleston family shared their prescription with the Pharmacists Association, they ensured that no single family could monopolize the market. This decision aimed to prevent the prescription from being exclusively controlled by one family, promoting fairness and preventing the potential for exploitation.

Upon receiving the prescription, the top members of the association experienced mixed emotions. On one hand, they were pleased to see such a groundbreaking discovery. On the other hand, they couldn't help but feel their years of research and hard work had been invalidated, particularly since the pharmacist responsible for this cure was not affiliated with the association. Critics and trolls mocked the association, questioning their abilities and effectiveness.

This prescription ignited a fierce debate within the association. Many members argued that pharmacists should venture beyond their comfort zones and explore the wilderness to make groundbreaking discoveries. They believed there was much more to be uncovered regarding the potential of low-level plants and their healing properties. This faction within the association saw the Charleston family's prescription as both a challenge and an opportunity to expand their horizons.

Hannah Beaumont, the president of the Pharmacists Association, let out yet another weary sigh. She empathized deeply with Abraham Seales and his group, sharing their vision pushing the boundaries of discovery in the field of pharmacy. They belonged to the same generation, when the thrill of uncovering new knowledge about medicinal plants and formulating innovative potions had driven their passion. Pharmacy flourished during that era, with practitioners embracing healthy competition and a genuine desire to the well-being of the Federation.

Reflecting on the current state of affairs, Hannah couldn't help but feel disillusioned. The newer generation of pharmacists seemed more interested in the accolades and prestige that came with the profession, rather than the true essence of the work. They had lost sight of the value in investing time and effort into diligent research and experimentation. Instead, they sought quick glory without putting in the necessary hard work.

Unfortunately, this stagnancy extended beyond the Federation itself. Even the Pharmacists Association had become entangled in intricate relationships and influenced by the agendas of powerful families. As a result, it struggled to maintain its independence and integrity. The association, once a beacon of progress and advancement for pharmacy, now found itself mired in complacency.

Hannah longed for the days when pharmacists would come together, unfettered by external pressures, and focus solely on the growth and advancement of their craft. She silently yearned for a renaissance in the profession, a revival of the spirit that had driven her and Abraham in their earlier years.

Hannah's thoughts got interrupted when her assistant knocked and entered her office to remind her that it's time to attend the meeting.

As Hannah entered the meeting room, all eyes turned to her. She exuded an air of confidence and command, her impeccable grace and beauty mirroring her commitment to self-care and well-being. Hannah's reputation as a grandmaster level pharmacist, known for her exceptional skills and contributions to the field, commanded respect and admiration. Her intelligence, warm demeanour, and strong leadership abilities made her a beloved figure among fellow pharmacists. Her unwavering dedication to advancing the profession extended her influence beyond her grandmaster status.

Taking her seat at the head of the table, Hannah wasted no time in getting straight to the point. "Have you all studied the prescription and confirmed its effectiveness?" she questioned, her gaze piercing through the room.

An elder, known for their expertise, spoke up and praised the prescription with no bias. "The prescription is filled with ingenuity that will open more doors for research and thinking for pharmacists going forward. Yes, we have studied and tested it, and the prescription has no problems," the elder responded.

Hannah nodded, listening intently to the elder's assessment. She was relieved to hear that the prescription passed rigorous scrutiny and was deemed effective. "Thank you for your thorough analysis," she said, acknowledging the elder's contribution.

Another elder raised an issue, voicing their disappointment. "President, we would also like to include purple clover in the pharmacopeia and update the use of Prismthorn. The only problem is that the pharmacist responsible for these discoveries is anonymous, so we can't record their accomplishments in their name," the elder explained.

Hannah furrowed her brow, sharing in the disappointment of not being able to personally meet and acknowledge the brilliant mind behind these advancements. She understood the elder's desire to study and discuss with the anonymous pharmacist. However, she also recognized the importance of respecting their wish to remain anonymous.

"There's nothing we can do about it since they wish to remain anonymous," Hannah responded, her tone tinged with regret. "However, we can still honor their work by incorporating their findings into our pharmacopeia."

She paused, allowing her words to sink in and the implications to be understood. "Let us carefully consider this matter," she continued, her voice steady. "If the purple clover and Prismthorn have demonstrated their effectiveness and value, it is our responsibility as the Pharmacists Association to embrace these discoveries and update our knowledge accordingly."

An obtrusive snort sounded in the room disrupting the progress of the meeting. Hannah frowned about to chide the person but Abraham addressed the person first.

"Fred, please enlighten us, what part of the discussion do you have a problem with?" Abraham asked with contempt.

Everyone groaned when they saw the two people that were about to be bicker.

This two have a long history of bickering and antagonizing each other more on Fred's side. Everyone thought it would all stop when Abraham got promoted to grandmaster level. The difference in realms didn't stop Fred from antagonizing Abraham knowing as a high threshold of tolerance amongst grandmasters' he won't care as long as his bottom line is not touched.

"Yes I have a problem, why can't the pharmacist come to the association and give us the prescription but had to send it through the Charleston family. Is this not making a mockery of the association and making us look bad" complained Fred.

The group of people that share the same opinion as Fred belong to the same caucus. while others were left appalled at their statement.

"Yes president, think about it, if the prescription was handed to us won't it save face for the association and people won't be mocking us now" another one in Fred's group said. Fred nodded in agreement with his statement.

A harsh derisive laugh from Abraham filled the room as he mocked them, "Bunch of trash" Abraham's voice was filled with contempt.

"Abraham wo are you calling trash? Fred asked seething in anger, his inferiority complex is he's always been compared with Abraham and not measuring up.

Abraham didn't bother to dignify him with an answer but the contempt in his eyes says it all. These people couldn't maintain eye contact with Abraham he sneered as he continued, "

I am calling you trash both as a pharmacist and as a person. A lot of us couldn't come up with a cure after years of research. While people are dying from this disease every minute. Someone came up with it, didn't monopolize it, didn't ask for fame, the only condition is for the people of the Federation to get the cure at an affordable price. Let me ask you guys which one of you can do such a noble feat."

Some people felt ashamed after hearing this while some agreed with what Abraham said. Putting themselves in the pharmacist's shoes they couldn't do it.

Abraham wasn't finished as he continued his tirade "it seems years of comfort and fame has gotten into your heads. We are pharmacists, what is our business with what ignorant people are saying? What we should care about is how to innovate, come up with potions and never stop in the journey of learning. Leaving being a pharmacist aside, what about the human side or have years of pandering to the will and having interest with those families eroded your humanity. We are pharmacists, we are not politicians" Abraham was really angry, instead of them to acknowledge their shortcomings and learn from the discovery they are here posturing.

"For your information a grandmaster came up with this prescription. Why would they need to pander to your whims. Instead of you guys to learn from a grandmaster prescription to step into that realm,you are here caring about meaningless stuff like reputation. When have we pharmacist demanded for fame and reputation from the public? It is what we earn through our hard work"

"It's because of your entitlement mentality that none of you have been able to breach that gap. You wondered why you are still stuck in the Expert realm all these years. Honestly, I could care less about you lots but what concerns me is that the same attitude is being passed on to the younger generation" Abraham said with bitterness.

Abraham's words made Fred feel embarrassed, he couldn't control his outburst and brought out an artifact intending to hurt Abraham.

"You overestimate yourself" said Abraham as he released his grandmaster aura concentrating it on Fred. Abraham hasn't lost his reason or else if he had attacked with his soul power Fred would be hurt if not dead.

Everyone looked at Fred in surprise with everyone collectively agreeing 'what a brave idiot, dare to attack a grandmaster. It seems Abraham tolerance over the years had made him forget who he is dealing with.

A fierce aura filled the room suddenly. If the aura released by Abraham was just to put Fred in his place this one is like a tsunami making everyone submit to it's prowess.

"It appears to be my focus on Administrative side of things have given a false impression and made you have memory loss of whose presence you are in," Hannah said as grandmaster demeanor was turned up.

Everyone couldn't help but remember her nickname "iron lady".

"Abraham put away your aura. Fred you are a lucky man. you have the audacity to attack a grandmaster and still alive to tell the tale, you should be grateful to Abraham, if it was me you would have turned into a corpse by now." Hannah said seriously.

Fred's anger has cooled down, his body is drenched in sweat, it seems all the praises he has been getting has gotten into his head to forget Abraham is a legendary grandmaster that's a threshold many hope to step in but never stepped in all their lives.

"Apologies, grandmaster Abraham and thank you for showing mercy" Fred apologized.

Abraham didn't bother with him.

"Abraham is right we should always remember we are pharmacists not politicians. What do we care about what people are saying? As long as we produce potions we will always be respected." Hannah stared everyone down seeing the decay of the association, she can't take a back seat any longer it's time for a change or else good talents will be damaged.

"Let me make it clear to you, the Charleston family doesn't need the pharmacist association to confirm the effectiveness of the prescription; they already have their answer. They did us a favor by not bypassing us. We are going to announce all our findings including the new discovery made by the anonymous pharmacist. We owe that to this selfless person"

"Good iron lady is back" Abraham said as he laughed happily.

Hannah didn't bother with him and brought the meeting to a close.

This is the longest chapter so far I didn't feel like splitting it so please enjoy.

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