

The next few days were busy for both Woyi and Sagon. Woyi was busy putting the final touches for the play together while Sagon was busy making sure security was in place for the royal family.

Kamama stayed busy looking after her siblings. Since the festival was so close, the twins were given some days from school. Though the twins added to the chaos at the family estate, Kamama was glad they were excited for the festival. It was their first, so Kamama knew it would be difficult for her to keep them in her eyesight at all times. Thankfully, Woyi had reserved some front row center seats just for the kids. Their father would be too busy with the security that last night to watch the play. Sagon made a point to tell them they better be well behaved while watching the play. The royal family also had reserved seats in the same area.

The first two days of the festival were very nice. Acrobats, jugglers, storytellers and dancers kept everyone well entertained right up to the last night. At sunset on the last day, everyone took their seats around the stage. Kamama had to remind her siblings to be quiet several times. She could feel the eyes of the party to their left on her.

"Remember what Father said. You have to behave yourselves tonight. It's your uncle's big night. So sit down the play will start soon." Kamama told them while taking a glance toward her left. The man dressed in dark blue robes was watching them with a kind smile. After noticing that he was the eldest that was dressed so richly, she knew he was the emperor. Kamama gave him a small smile and quick nod before her attention was drawn toward the stage.

Stage hands ran about lighting the lanterns and lamps just as Woyi dressed in pale blue and white robes walked to center stage. Once the stage hands were finished, Woyi addressed the audience.

"Welcome everyone, I, Ge Woyi, truly hope you will enjoy the play that I've prepared for you. Now this story, takes place a long time ago long before this country was established. It was a time of magic and magical creatures. It was the age of Dakanir, the great serpent. Now as most of you know, Dakanir never revealed himself directly but instead chose certain members of the human race to represent him as members of the Inada Equa. So, the story I have chosen is the Fall of the Inada Equa."

Ge Woyi then clapped his hands signaling the musicians to play and the opening act to begin. He then started to narrate the story while the actors played their roles.