
Return of The First HERO

Ark succeeds in his mission to save the world but is mysteriously reborn for unknown reasons. Now the world has grown up a lot both politically and militarily, can he still bear the title "Hero"? or is it time to let go? -- MC is an actual hero with empathy and honor, the classic hero type with a twist that he knows what needs to be done and not hesitated to do so, not an angsty edgy teen with a power hungry tendency and uncontrollable lust, he got the title because he has the responsibility and determination to do so. -- There is still a romance element in the story but it is for the girls to try to break his wall that he had created because of his duty in the past. -- This is my first novel in English so if you guys/gals saw any grammatical errors please inform me. I hope you guys have fun reading this story.

Artkairther · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

School of the Elite

In the country of Inkland, Ark lives in the capital city of Landon, one of the most powerful nations in the world.

The school he attends is one of the top school chains in the country.

From Kindergarten to university, this school is one of the top 4 in the world.

And its name is

"Cowford school was my school too 30 years ago! Ah, I wonder if Miss Mary is still teaching."

Velvet's mind wanders into the memory.

The Cowford school has been around since the 1000s, its firm standing on top of the educational aspect in one of the most successful nations proves its quality.

But because the quality is high the student standard is also high.

Abnormally high…

"We have arrived, madam."

Coachman speaks after the carriage arrives at its destination.


As a maid, Julia was the first to step down and open the door for two masters but after seeing the sight, she was stunned by the amazing view.

The grass, The tree, the flowers and the fountain.

The schoolyard expands hundreds of miles and fills to the brim with luxurious carriages and fine horses, no, not only horses but also some of the exotic animals!

"Isn't that a Griffon!"

Julia pointed at the big animal with four claws, a giant wing, and an eagle head.

'Use a flying mount for ground travel, so extra…'

Ark rolled his eye.

All people that can attend Cowford school are either very rich merchants, powerful Nobel or high-ranking members of parliament.

In Ark's case, he is all of them, sort of.

"OH HO HO HO!!look how far the house of Anderson has fallen, can even afford a maid with a proper manner!"

From behind their carriage, rich women with colorful dresses laugh out loud after seeing Julia point at other people's property.

The dress of this woman looks much more beautiful and expensive than what Velvet is wearing, but his mother was so majestic the plain dress she wore looked like fine art.

"Haha…. Sorry, miss Westrich, I will scold her later, but now if you may."

Velvet tries to laugh it off while grabbing both Ark's and Julia's hands to walk away.

"Oh, I remember aren't her Grandfather already kicked her out of the house. I wonder why Senator August is still married to her. Such a waste."

"Maybe because she is the easiest target to climb the rank in parliament."

"At least she should be useful like her brother that founded a spice company with those Outdia."

One after another his mother gets more and more recognition, bad recognition.

Ark silently walks through the crowd without saying anything.

He knew his mother had done something very bad in the past but didn't know what it was.

Both his father and mother never said anything about it, and the servant was also silent.

So he as a good little kid decided not to poke his nose in the trouble.

After walking for a while, the Anderson family finally arrived at the main gate of the school.

A three-story building with orange color reflecting the sun, the architect of the school reminds Ark of Monarch castle more than a school, and the old design reminds Ark of his hometown.

Of course, his hometown is long gone, they built it with sticks and straw. What reminds him is the king of his time's castle but compare his king's castle to the school?

It is like comparing a brick wall to fine art, good luck there is still some resemblance.

"Letter please."

In front of the door, there are two guards standing, and a hundred more scattered around the field.

All of them wearing the same outfit as Ark indicated that they are upperclassmen, but they have blue ties instead of white ties.

'So that's why the strong ones are hiding.'

Normal people who aren't too familiar with battle would not notice them.

The upperclassmen are just a decoy, the real security is hiding in the crowd.


Velvet picks up the invitation letter from her pouch and gives it to the guard.

The guard put the letter down on the stone tablet then the tablet turns green and both of them leave the way.

"You may come in, good luck with the test, young boy."

"You too, sir, have a good day."

Ark node his head for the guard and walk in with his family.

He too was once a guard and knew how frustrating it was to deal with nobles.

"I like that kid."

One guard speaks to another.


"Welcome everyone to the magic level test, family members and acquaintances to the left, and children to the right, the sigh will guide you. Also, the ceremony will begin in 30 minutes, please hurry everyone!"

After the front door, there is an old lady in a brown uniform speaking. She didn't use any equipment but everyone can hear the sound loud and clear.

Her uniform has a black tie and a Thicker brown strap on both shoulders, but the most notable symbol of staff is the CF emblem on her chest that emits magical energy.

"Using wind magic to enchant your voice without distorting the message, is very impressive."

Ark straight up walked to her and complimented her.

It is easy to carry a voice by the wind, but to enchant it? Oh boy…

"Oh my, aren't you a clever one? Who are you?"

The old teacher seems very amazed by Ark's knowledge.

"My name is Ark Anderson, I came here with my mother and maid."

Ark introduces Velvet and Julia.

Julia was still amazed by the environment so she didn't notice the embarrassment on Velvet's face.

"Hello Miss Mary, Long time no see…"

Even though she looks older, Velvet still can remember the face of a person who she saw for half of her life.

"…Good morning miss Anderson, look like you raised a good child."

The people surrounding them can feel the pressure and disappointment coming from Mary.

'oh no!'

Ark realized he had made a big mistake.

"Mother! We should hurry, the ceremony is closing by, you must hurry and find the seats!"

"Yeah! That's right! Thank my dear, goodbye miss Mary."

Velvet quickly bows to her former teacher and ran away with Julia still standing.

"Julia, I think you should hurry."

Before he goes, he quickly snaps his maid out of her trance.

"WHAT! Oh! Sorry young master. Mistress, please wait for me!"

After realizing she has been left alone, Julia quickly follows his mom into the crowd.

"That girl sure is quick on her feet…"

Ark mumbles before going a separate way.

On his way to the school's church where the ceremony is held, he walks past many kids running around, being kids.

'So that's how they really act.'

Ark sees someone eat grass while the teacher observing him writing something down on his paper.

'Look like the test has begun.'

Many children while waiting are trying their best to stay composed because of their parent's instructions.

The Cowford tries to heed off the impure, so many measurements have been in place.

Velvet didn't know because when she joined the school her father aka. The duke of Anderson is so powerful that no one would dare to oppose him, but after "the incident" Ark has to normally partake in the test like other children.

The one who knew about the test is his father, but Ark knows that man couldn't care less about him.

"Who are you?"

While walking, three kids stop him on his track.

"My name is Ark Anderson, nice to meet you three."

Ark answered them politely and tried to walk off, but those three still blocked the path.

The middle one seems to be very offended for some reason.

"Oh, Anderson, and do you NOT know who I am?"

"How would I know?"

Ark never met this boy in his life, both of his life.

"This man is the son of the sister of Duke Westrich! Who can use level 2 magic! the prodigy of our generation! Where have you been all this time?!"

One of the two lackeys praises the middle boy.

"Oh, congrats."

Ark wishes them good fortune and then tries to leave again.

But still, the kid blocks his path.

'It's not normal…, The teacher is watching but didn't write anything about this kid's manner so his family must be very powerful. Also he didn't write mine either, what happened?'

But not long before he figures out the reason why three of them chose him as a target.

1. Most kids are already waiting in the church

2. His shoes are not very good, his father brought him the cheapest ones.

And 3. and the most important reason.

"That girl looks very pretty isn't it, mister Westrich."

Outside of the church, one little girl is sitting under the tree.

Her hair is bright gold and her face is clean and cute like the innocent white rabbit, her amethyst eye can easily charms everyone who dares stare into it, but her body looks fragile like a porcelain doll.

She looked at them, and to be specific, Ark.

"W...what! Yes! Of course, she is very pretty and She is a close friend of mine, Adeline Goldriver. Wait… You dare look at her?!"

The Westrich boy raises his punch but before the punch is connected the teacher finally intervenes.

"The ceremony has almost started, young masters, you all should hurry up!"

The teacher's knee is trumble while speaking with the member of Westrich.

"You lucky today, Anderson…"

A Westrich boy and his gang turn around and follow the teacher into the church hall.

*Ding* *Ding*

The bell from the church is ringing signaling that the ceremony is nearly starting.

'Never thought I needed to plan a way to fight a kid but here I am….'

If his old comrade finds out about this situation they would laugh for years on end.

But before he can get into the church, Adeline comes and speaks to him.

With a voice pretty and clear as an angel's gospel, she speaks these words.

"You weird."


Getting verbally assaulted by a little girl makes a former Hero stunned.