
Return of The First HERO

Ark succeeds in his mission to save the world but is mysteriously reborn for unknown reasons. Now the world has grown up a lot both politically and militarily, can he still bear the title "Hero"? or is it time to let go? -- MC is an actual hero with empathy and honor, the classic hero type with a twist that he knows what needs to be done and not hesitated to do so, not an angsty edgy teen with a power hungry tendency and uncontrollable lust, he got the title because he has the responsibility and determination to do so. -- There is still a romance element in the story but it is for the girls to try to break his wall that he had created because of his duty in the past. -- This is my first novel in English so if you guys/gals saw any grammatical errors please inform me. I hope you guys have fun reading this story.

Artkairther · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs

First day at school


While on the carriage, Ark is still thinking about his father's offer from yesterday's dinner.

'There is an option to eat half the food every day, but it doesn't seem healthy at all.'

Ark looks at this tiny arm and signs that he needs the nutrition or else he can't grow.

He knows he got the genetics to be strong, just look at his father's build!

"Young master, maybe we can just talk with mistress…"

Julia tries to offer an idea, if they go to the mistress and ask for money, she would give them for sure.

"That would be a logical choice, but at this point, I'm too afraid to ask. I don't want both of them to start any conflict, their relationship is bad enough as it is."

Ark knew if he spoke to his mother, he would get the money. But it also means he doesn't honor his father's lesson about "working for your own money".

He knows how bad it is if two ideals spark conflict, so he doesn't want his father to get angry because he tries to find an easy way out.

And besides, he actually likes his father's way of teaching.

His father seems to know that he has the capability to obtain the class president title, so he forces him to make a choice.

'Will you take up the challenge suited to your potential, or do you want an easy way out and live comfortably while making others suffer. Such cruel choices for a kid to make.'

Ark sign, this way of teaching is the same way of his thinking so he can't argue much about it.

If a normal kid got these choices, if they love their servant they will push themselves to the limit so they can protect their servant, but if they don't care, bad luck for both their parent and servant.

"Can I do anything to help you, young master?"

Julia asked, she wanted to be helpful because her little master seems to be very serious about the choices.

In one way, she didn't want to get fired, but if she forces such a young boy to work hard because she wants to keep her job, what kind of human she is!


Ark answered before getting back into his thoughts.


Julia bows sadly and continues to watch her master from the side.

When they arrive at school, they can see the first-year student forming a group in the yard while their servant observes them from the side.

[The first year come here]

The Dirt pillar with text standing next to the first years told Ark to join.

"Who are you?"

After walking to a group, the male teacher came and asked him.

"My name is Ark Anderson."

"Hmmm… oh! Here it is, you can go in."

The male teacher does a checklist before letting Ark join the line of first-year students, this happens because not everyone passes yesterday's test, but the school had sent a letter to their parents so the kid doesn't know the result, they just know they didn't have to come to this school anymore.


Immediately after Ark got in the line, Adeline came and greeted him with a blank face.

"Uh…. Are you sure it's ok for you to come?"

Adeline's body is wrapped in a bandage with a strong sense of herb flowing out.

She must be recovering from yesterday's injury, why the hell is she here!

"Yes, father said I need to join the first day so I have come."

Ark can feel the pain in her voice, it must be painful to walk around with so many wounds on her body.

"Good luck then, and I hope you learned your lesson."


Adeline lowers her head in regret, she now learns she should have listened to Ark and her father's warning.

"Good, let's wait for you to heal back, and then I will teach you to do it properly."


She burst out with a smile, filled with anticipation!

"Yeah, yesterday's attempt may turn out awful, but doing it shows me you have the skill needed to start to learn, but promise me to do as I said, step by step."

"Yes, master."

Her choice of words and all the kid and teacher look at them.

Ark quickly covers his face in embarrassment.

"What! What did you do to my friend?!"

Rory that just came to school quickly charged in before tripping the grass and falling.

"Watch your step."

Ark grabs his shirt's neck while blindfolded and pulls him up.

"Um…. Thanks? Wait, No!"

Rory tries to pull Ark's neck to threaten him but can grab only air because Ark dodged.

"If you want to speak, just speak. Don't try anything funny because it will not work. And for your question, I offered her a private lesson, but she seems to be overacted a little bit."

Ark smiled at Rory with kindness, it was pretty relaxing knowing no harm can happen because his opponent is a child.

No worry about a bigger world, just one kid envying another.

Such a simple time that he never gets to have back then….

"What? You? A private lesson? From who?"

Rory looks around, trying to find the third party who will be the teacher.

"From me, obviously."

Ark confidently declares.

"Ha! It would be a waste of time for someone like you to teach her. Adeline, if you want to learn anything, talk to me, I will ask my mother and get the best teacher in our country!"

Rory tries to persuade Adeline, but she quickly rejects his offer.


She grabs Ark's arm and hides behind him, in truth, she is always annoyed with the way Rory talks to her.

Rory always forces others out so she doesn't have any friends, you could say she hates him.

But Ark is different, he didn't seem to fear anything, not even the adult, which makes her admire his self-confidence.

"I will give you some advice, fix this jealous behavior of yours and she will talk to you nicely."


"Rory! Let's find others to talk with, let's forget this guy."

One of his lackeys rushes in and pulls his boss back.


Another one comes and pulls Rory's other arm and drags him out.

Both of them agreed with what Ark said, but didn't dare to say it themselves.

"Is this all of them?"

Miss Mary walks in and asks the male teacher.

"No, there is still one left, Vincent Watersor."

"Tsk, always think they got privilege, these royal."

"But they do have the privilege…"

"Yes! That's what makes me upset! Change of plan, you lead these kids to the classroom, I will wait for the royal and deal with them myself."

"Uh… Are you sure?"

"Yes! Don't make me say something twice, Mr. Haynes."

"Yes! Understood, Miss Mary!"

Haynes salutes Mrs. Mary and quickly follows her order.

"Everyone! Gather around! My name is Haynes, assistant teacher for Mrs. Mary. And now I will be leading you all to your classroom!"


Many kids shouted in excitement, some of them had been waiting here for hours!

"Looks like the class is moving. Let go, everyone."

One of the servants speaks and all of them quickly and quietly follow behind their young master.

Servants' job in the school is to prepare for any case of an emergency happening to their young master, all of these kids came from a powerful family so the family wants an extra level of safety for their descendants.

Julia awkwardly walks behind their group because she felt she didn't belong with them.

In her eyes, they are such elegant and beautiful maids and butlers, compared to a brute such as her that would be a burden for her young master, she doesn't have the courage to stand among them.

"You don't have to be shy, every one of us would do the same in that situation."

Suddenly, one of the maids turns back and talks to Julia with a soothing voice.


Julia looks up in surprise.

In front of her is a gorgeous maid with silky blonde hair and blue eyes, she looks almost like a grown-up version of Adeline.

"My name is Katelyn, I'm Adeline's maid. Let's be friends."

Katelyn smiles brightly while introducing herself to Julia, Ark's maid.