

A battle had erupted in heaven.The angels went against their Queen and sent her to reincarnation on earth.Shiku ,the ex-queen of angels had to start from scratch to the top and decide if she will avenge her first death by destroying the heavens,or kill all the angels.

GGL_manga · Anime e quadrinhos
Classificações insuficientes
14 Chs


Erin stood next to her opponent prepared for whatever comes her way.She was shaking with fear.As soon as Punch signaled the match to begin,the boy rushed towards Erin with all his speed and might,he threw a fist to her.It successfully got its target hitting her left cheek so hard that she fell on the floor with her face groaning in pain."Who hits a girl like this,"she thought in pain.The boy then turned her so that she will be facing upwards,then bent down on her beating her with punches all over her body continuously.


It was one year ago before the first fight club class.A boy with was slapping a girl who kept crying for help.But no one heard her,they were very far on the field from the school's buildings."I won't repeat myself again,"he yelled as he slapped her cheek again."You must obey me and go to that staffroom,and pick one of the teacher's pass card!!,"he yelled.Erin kept crying,"I won't! Leave me alone you stupid animal!".This raised his anger as he raised his hand again, Erin prepared herself for another big slap.As he was ready to attack,a hand held the slap tightly from behind.

"Leave her Mike,go find another one, but don't beat her like this,"the voice said,"She's not your puppet.Mike turned around and saw a tall green haired boy.He checked the person's body status and knew he wouldn't win against this green head.He smirked and left.

The boy who saved her reached out to her but she seemed to still be scared as she pushed herself on the ground away from him.Her cheeks were red hot."Don't worry,I won't hurt you,look ,we kinda are the same same age,come here please,"he begged.With no choice,she fell for it as she hugged him while crying."What's your name?"he asked."E-E-Erin,"she replied while sobbing."I will be by your side always,I promise.Call me Ling".

It was Ling who saved her that day.


The person continued punching her till she spit out blood.

"STOP THIS NONSENSE!!!!"Ling shouted but Punch ignored him as he continued to watch the violent beating.

Ling stood up and ran towards the two.He kicked the boy off Erin making him to fall to the side.Ling held Erin while on his knees.

"Hey Erin it's all okay, remember I promised to look after you? Remember? I'll keep that promise don't worry,"he said as he touched her cheek with his palm remembering that day.Her cheeks were so hot and red .Tears streamed down his own cheek as he placed Erin on the floor.She seemed to have lost her consciousness.He angrily turned to Mike who was also on the floor."FUCK YOU!!!"He screamed at Mike as he dashed on him punching his face like a wild animal."STUPID CREATURE!",he screamed while still punching the hell out of the boy's face,"I TOLD YOU TO STAY AWAY FROM HER!!!"He directly punched the boy on the nose breaking it as it heavily bled."Am-am-a-so-sorry,"the boy tried to speak but the punches were spacing his sentence."FUCK YOUR APOLOGIES!SHE ALSO TRIED TO BEG YOU THAT TIME BUT YOU DID NOT LISTEN!!"Tears continued to flow with anger as he increased his force.When he went to throw another one,Mr.Punch held the arm stopping it then pulled Ling away from Mike holding him tight.

"LET ME GO!!WHY DIDN'T YOU STOP HIM FROM BEATING HER BEFORE I DID??!!WHAT KIND OF ADULT ARE YOU???!??!!"Mr .Punch was dumbed by the situation that he had no reply for this question.He increased his grip as the boy became more wild.

Now two people were crying,both Ling and Mike.It was hard to tell who was more affected.Mike continued to riggle in pain as his face became bloody from all the nose bleeding as he cried.


On the other side,Ming tried all her best to wake Erin but she was unsuccessful.She was starting to weep too."Please wake up Erin ... Please wake up..."she cried.

Erin could hear all the comosion but was unable to open her eyes . She was in great pain.Memories of her old friends' faces and the heavenly battle that took their lives ,the betrayal from the other angels that she thought they were on her side and her cruel death rushed in her mind as tears made their way out of the closed eyes.And then the memory of Mike beating her one year ago and now.

She was having a mixture of emotions,anger, sadness, sorrow and betrayal.A familiar energy was starting to rise in her as these memories continually repeated in her mind.The energy became stronger every passing second as she groaned loudly.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAHH!!!"She screamed at the top of her lungs as she opened her eyes.It was so loud that everyone covered their ears and all the windows on the hall shattered.

She rose on her feet,her eyes glowing completely bright white as she looked at Mike who was still on the floor.His crying had stopped when he heard the scream.

Right infront of everyone's eyes, Erin's fingernails had become long and sharp like blades as they glowed white too.She was out of control.She was acting with her emotions.

Mike's instincts told him to run away because his life was about to be crushed in less than a second.