
Return of Lust

What can destroy a man!? What can destroy a God!? Answers are infinitely different, but always gather towards one point! Jealousy! Greed! Sin! Yang Tian, the Lust God! He learned formations to make the daughter of Formation God fall for him, he learned Alchemy to make the Alchemist Goddess fall for him. He was a genius beyond comprehension and a God beyond normal beliefs. His ‘Beauties Palace’ contained 3 of the 5 Universal Beauties, not to mention the rest. His wine was the best elixir that Universe could offer, and he drank it like water. His wealth knew no bounds, as there were people who said that he would eat a ‘Heavenly Pill’ like eating cheap candy. The shiniest star will most certainly blind whoever tries to look at it directly, and that was the same for Yang Tian. He attracted the jealousy and hate of the other Gods in the Origin World, was trapped by them, stripped of his divinity, as they tried to extinct him. Could that be his end!? The cover image is not mine it was taken from: https://www.artranked.com/topic/Harem+Girl#&gid=1&pid=17

crazy_immortal · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
128 Chs

Chapter 57: A Bumpy Ride

Well, the cleanup would have to wait for him to return first, as right now he should be in no position to think about it. In fact, he should be in no position to think at all.

Even though he was supposed to be completely unconscious due to the chloroform attack he received from these kidnappers. But the bitter truth was that chloroform was no danger to him.

He only needed to use some of his inner Qi in order to completely burn the thing inside his body, and then push out the remainders through his skin.

Not to mention that lately he had continuously trained his body, and its different layers, increasing not only his strength, stamina, and physical prowess, but also his reaction towards poison and harmful substances.

While chloroform was extremely useful against normal and weak mortal people, against someone like him it was nothing more than some momentary bad smell.

So, while these kidnapers might think that he was actually knocked out, and unable to sense anything of what was happening around him, Yang Tian was enjoying the back ride.

It was a bit uncomfortable inside the cloth bag, but he couldn't complain about the kidnaping conditions right now, as he could only allow these guys to take him away.

Once they managed to leave the hospital building through the back door, a black van was waiting for them.


The bastard that had been carrying him until the van threw him without caring about him or his well-being while saying with a displeased tone,

"This bastard is so heavy! I don't know how a cripple like him can even weigh this much!"

"Hahahahah~! Brother rat don't cry now, you pulled the short end of the stick yourself!"

"I know that dammit! I just didn't expect him to weigh this much! Furthermore, I don't think that Boss Lion will care whether he reaches the place fully in one piece or not!"

"Who knows, he might get angry at you for damaging him before he even had the opportunity to do so himself. Haahahhaha~!"

"Don't joke about that brother dog, he might do so for real!"

Yang Tian could only hear that exchange unable to say or do anything but make a mental note to himself, to take better care of that little rat later.

With that, the van started and left towards the destination, while Yang Tian just thought of this as an uncomfortable ride.

It took more than 30 minutes for the van to finally reach the destination and stop, as this time it was that brother dog who came and picked Yang Tian on his back and entered inside the building.

This place was nothing else but a KTV karaoke building that belonged to Boss Lion, the same that Young Master Long Chen had been the previous night.

That brother Dog actually brought Yang Tian towards the second floor, where Boss Lion and Young Master Long were waiting for Yang Tian.

The moment that he and the other entered inside the big private box, everyone turned their faces and attention towards them, especially on the back of Brother Dog.

The happiest among the bunch was clearly Brother Lion who couldn't believe that this job had actually worked so smoothly and that now he could become the Big Boss of Henan province.

For someone like him who actually reached that spot from the bottom, this was nothing short of an eye-opened dream.

On the other hand, Young Master Long jumped from his seat in happiness, as he walked forward in big strides while saying in a loud, clear, and domineering voice,

"Bring that bastard cripple here! I need that waste to release my anger!"

It seemed that Young Master Long understood that his claims had been nothing but stupid excuses to direct his blame towards someone else, but he would surely never accept that.

Brother Dog looked towards his Boss Lion first and only after receiving a nod from him did he lower the sack that Yang Tian was inside on the ground, before Young Master Long's feet.

"You damn lowlife! I want to torture you for as long as you breathe! You should never think of living a normal life ever again!"

With those words, Young Master Long came in front of the sack that Yang Tian was supposed to be inside of and kicked him with all his strength.

It wasn't just once either. He kicked him repeatedly without stopping, not even opening the sack to take a look at Yang Tian before he did so.

In no time the sack started to take a bloody red color as screams of pain could be heard inside, which surprisingly no one found wrong.

Since nobody had actually cared about Yang Tian from the start they had all forgotten that he was supposed to be a cripple that shouldn't feel pain on any other part of his body besides his head.

Before even one of them could remember this important fact, and everyone was just enjoying the show in front of them, suddenly the lights went out.

"What!?" x13

Almost everyone inside the private box at that moment couldn't help but exclaim 'what' when screams of pain started spreading through the entire place.

'Aarrgghh…, aagghh…, aarrgghhh…'

"Who aarrgghhe youggghhh!?"

It felt like suddenly the whole place turned into nothing short of a fighting cage, as their group was actually fighting against some ghostly fighter.

Boss Lion immediately thought of jumping to help his own people, but he was shocked to see that those guys were actually fighting against each other.

This scene didn't make any sense! They were all screaming at their opponent, but their opponent was their own brothers who were screaming at the top of their lungs as well.

Young Master Long didn't understand what was going on, either. He had been enjoying himself by beating the crap out of Yang Tian, only for everything to go dark.

"What the hell is going on!? Do you know who I am? Do you know who my father is?"

"Why you don't know who your father is, Young Master Long Chen!? Or should I call you Young Master Bastard Chen as you just said you didn't know your father!"

"You bastard, you should be tired of living!"

Yang Tian's mocking clearly infuriated Young Master Long who didn't like the current situation in the least. Right now his anger towards the unknown figure was the same or even worse than that towards Yang Tian.

Of course, the poor guy had no idea that the guy in the dark was none other than Yang Tian himself who was actually playing around with him.

How would Young Master Long know that Yang Tian's patience had run out on the way, and he had come out of the sack to take a breather, only to be angered by these bastards?

These bastards Young Master Long, and Boss Lion had actually thought of kidnaping his Yang Hong, and the nurses serving him.

While they hadn't been able to find them, they had planned of kidnaping them the next day and bringing them as a gift for Young Master Long.

Not only were these bastards acting against him, but they even dreamed of placing hands on his women. If he didn't teach them a painful lesson, they would think that Hell didn't exist.

With those thoughts in mind, he had quickly acted and beat the crap out of the two guys without even leaving a sign on their bodies.

After all, he knew that they would have to appear in front of their boss and bring 'him' inside. Unfortunately, it wasn't in his repertoire to get a beating without retaliating, so he sketched this new plan.

Like this, he would be able to do whatever he wanted to do, without anyone doubting about him, while at least protecting his survival at the least.

Young Master Long's attitude didn't come as a surprise to him, as he already expected something like that, but this didn't mean that it didn't irritate him a bit.

He had thought of letting him ripe for later, but it seemed like this Young Master Long was actually pleading for a good beating.

If he didn't fulfill the guy's wish and give him a good beating then he would surely be unable to sleep properly at night.

With that thought in mind, he found somewhere a wet towel and approached Young Master Long from behind.

Without thinking twice he used the wet towel like a whip and sent it running towards Young Master Long's rear.




Unfortunately, Young Master Long's words were let stuck on his throat, as before he could even curse at the guy in the dark, he received another wet towel hit on his lower end.


This time it wasn't on his rear though, as it landed squarely on his precious little brother, and he couldn't even scream properly.

That was just the start though, as Yang Tian didn't give him even a second of rest and continued whipping him out with the wet towel non-stop.

Unfortunately Young Master Long wasn't able to last for long, as on the 10th whip he fell down on the floor unconscious.

That clearly disappointed Yang Tian, who had no other choice but to cut him some slack and then turn his attention towards Boss Lion.

Despite seeing all this happen right in front of his eyes, this guy had actually managed to keep his calm and not make any hasty move.

It was only when Yang Tian had actually taught Young Master Long a lesson, and the rest of his people were down on the ground that he finally said in a loud and clear voice…

Your gift is the motivation for my creation. Give me more motivation!

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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