
Retry of life

In "Time's Redemption," Benjamin Stratton, the owner of a crumbling multi-billion dollar company, is transported fifteen years back in time after discovering his board of directors' illegal activities. Armed with knowledge of the future, he aims to rebuild his empire. Detective Samuel Lawson grows suspicious of Benjamin's rapid success in the past, uncovering a web of illegal businesses. The story delves into power, morality, and the consequences of altering destiny, leading to a showdown between a time-traveling tycoon and a determined detective.

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6 Chs

Chapter 2: The Game Begins

With each passing day in the past, Benjamin Stratton became more adept at concealing his true intentions. He had learned that subtlety and patience were his greatest allies in this new era, where technology was primitive compared to the world he had come from.

As he strolled through the bustling streets of New York in the year 2008, he couldn't help but marvel at the differences. The absence of smartphones and the prevalence of flip phones seemed almost quaint. But beneath the surface, he saw opportunities that were ripe for the taking.

Benjamin had already started to invest discreetly in technology companies he knew would flourish in the future. His fortune was growing steadily, and with every move, he became more enigmatic. He was no longer just a businessman; he was a shadowy figure manipulating the chessboard of time.

One chilly morning, Benjamin received an invitation to an exclusive gathering at a lavish penthouse in the heart of the city. The host was one of the city's most influential figures, Raymond Harrington, a man with deep pockets and a web of connections that reached far and wide.

As Benjamin arrived at the penthouse, he was greeted by the glittering skyline of New York, a stark contrast to the gas-lit streets he had grown accustomed to. The opulence of the event was unmistakable, with champagne flowing freely and powerful figures mingling in hushed tones.

Raymond Harrington, a silver-haired magnate with a reputation for discretion, approached Benjamin with a sly smile. "Mr. Stratton, I've heard intriguing rumors about your ventures. They say you have a knack for spotting the next big thing."

Benjamin nodded, careful not to reveal too much. "I have a keen interest in emerging technologies. The future holds great promise."

Harrington's eyes gleamed with curiosity. "I admire a man with a vision. Perhaps we can collaborate on some ventures, Mr. Stratton. There's a lot we can achieve together."

As the evening wore on, Benjamin realized that Harrington could become a valuable ally in his quest for power. The penthouse gathering was merely a microcosm of the world he intended to conquer. But with every step he took, the risks grew greater. His illegal businesses and manipulation of the past were a double-edged sword, and he had to tread carefully to avoid detection.

As he left the penthouse that night, Benjamin Stratton knew that the game had truly begun. The past and future were converging in a dance of power and secrecy, and he was determined to emerge victorious. The world's richest man, not by chance, but by design.

The alliance with Raymond Harrington marked a turning point in Benjamin Stratton's journey through time. Harrington's vast wealth and connections provided Benjamin with the means to accelerate his ascent to power. Together, they embarked on a series of clandestine ventures that would shape the course of the business world.

Their first venture involved acquiring a struggling technology startup, NexaTech, which Benjamin knew would revolutionize the mobile industry in the future. With Harrington's financial clout and Benjamin's strategic insight, the acquisition went off smoothly, and they started pouring resources into its development.

As the months passed, NexaTech's innovations began to gain traction, and their investments multiplied exponentially. Benjamin reveled in the knowledge that his actions in the past were altering the future. He was no longer a mere observer; he was a puppet master manipulating the strings of time.

However, with power and wealth came scrutiny. Detective Samuel Lawson's relentless pursuit of Benjamin Stratton had intensified. Lawson had followed a trail of suspicious financial transactions and business dealings that led him closer to his elusive target. The detective had become increasingly convinced that Benjamin Stratton was not the legitimate entrepreneur he portrayed himself to be.

One fateful evening, as Benjamin attended a high-profile gala celebrating NexaTech's latest breakthrough, he spotted a familiar face in the crowd—Detective Samuel Lawson. Panic surged through him, threatening to expose his carefully crafted facade.

With a practiced smile, Benjamin approached the detective. "Detective Lawson, what a pleasant surprise to see you here."

Lawson's eyes were sharp and calculating as he replied, "Mr. Stratton, I seem to run into you in the most unexpected places."

Benjamin's heart raced, but he maintained his composure. "Well, Detective, I believe in staying well-informed about the latest developments in technology."

Lawson's gaze never wavered. "I've been digging into your business dealings, Mr. Stratton. Something doesn't add up. I intend to get to the bottom of it."

Benjamin's mind raced as he tried to deflect the detective's suspicions. He knew that every word he spoke was a delicate dance on the precipice of exposure. His alliance with Harrington, his illegal businesses, and his manipulation of time itself hung in the balance.

As the gala continued around them, Benjamin Stratton and Detective Samuel Lawson engaged in a dangerous game of cat and mouse. The stakes had never been higher, and the battle for control over the past and future had just taken a treacherous turn.

Weeks turned into months, and Detective Samuel Lawson's pursuit of Benjamin Stratton continued relentlessly. Every lead, every thread of evidence, brought him closer to unraveling the enigma of the elusive entrepreneur who seemed to be hiding something monumental.

One brisk autumn evening, as Lawson walked along the cobblestone streets of New York, he passed by a bustling café. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee drew him in, and he decided to take a break from his relentless investigation. He stepped inside and ordered a cup of coffee, taking a seat near the window.

As he sipped his coffee and watched the world go by, his gaze happened to land on a man sitting at a corner table, engrossed in a newspaper. Something about the man's profile caught Lawson's attention. He looked remarkably like a sketch he had of one of Stratton's associates, but it couldn't be him. This was just a chance encounter, after all.

However, a nagging sense of curiosity compelled Lawson to approach the man, just to be sure. He walked over to the corner table and cleared his throat. "Excuse me, sir, I couldn't help but notice that you bear a striking resemblance to someone I've been looking for."

The man lowered his newspaper, revealing a calm demeanor. "Oh? And who might that be?"

Lawson hesitated for a moment, not wanting to alarm the stranger unnecessarily. "It's just a case I'm working on, a business associate of a man named Benjamin Stratton. You see, he's been involved in some rather shady dealings, and I'm trying to piece together the puzzle."

The man raised an eyebrow but didn't seem particularly alarmed. "I see. Well, I'm not familiar with Mr. Stratton or his associates. My name is John, by the way."

Lawson introduced himself, and they engaged in a casual conversation about current events and the city's changing landscape. John seemed affable and forthcoming, and Lawson couldn't shake the feeling that he had been mistaken about the man's identity.

As the evening wore on, they parted ways amicably, with Lawson never suspecting that he had been in the presence of the very man he had been tirelessly searching for. Benjamin Stratton, ever the master of disguise, had skillfully concealed his true identity, leaving Lawson with nothing more than a chance encounter.

Little did Detective Samuel Lawson know that this seemingly inconsequential meeting would sow the seeds of doubt and curiosity, further complicating his quest to uncover the truth behind Benjamin Stratton's past and the enigmatic web of power and secrecy that bound them together.