
Retired Mage

Magical Energy has come to this world . The world could only watch and see as more and more ability users and powerhouse appear one after another. With time , the world could only accept the fact and go one with the fact . But along with power came great responsibility to save the world . Can they manage to save the world ? Or will Lin Fan , who was the strongest mage at the current time who has retired has to return ? Follow the adventure of retired mage along with his companions . ..... Tags : Evolution , Action , Adventure , Comedy , Romance , Monogamy , Magic etc Update : 7 Chapters Per Week .

PingPong23 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs


"Mom , How was the watch and the necklace ? "

"They were very pretty . How did you come up the idea of buying them ? "

"Well, I actually wanted to buy dresses for you two but I dont know your exact measures so had to go with the watches and necklace . "

"What I mean is who choose them ? "

"A girl I used to know recommend those . "

"They were great choices . Who is that girl ? Your girlfriend ? "

"No . Some girl I slept with . "

"Hey . Brat , I like your forwardness but don't say stuff like that here. Lily is here besides this is East not West . "

"Oh . "

Lin Fan glanced at Lily . Her face was full of disgust.

"Actually , I was just joking. She was a close friend of mine ."

"Really ? What's her name ? "

"Her name ? It was probably ....."

He thought for a while .

"Scum " Lily exited the room .

"I remembered . She was named Rebecca . "

"Okay . Lily is gone . You don't need to explain me. "

"Erm. Okay . "

" So how's Phill and his family ? Did they take care of you properly ? "

" Yes , they were very good to me . They are well and healthy . They also send their regards to you all ."

No one from his family knew about his other side . They only knew that he was abroad with his friend Phill .

"Send my Thanks as well . So , what were you doing ? and what are you planning to do ? "

"Actually I wanted to talk to you about this. Due to a small injury , I was unable to continue my education so now I am planning to finish University . "

"Huh? What kind of injury ? was it serious ? Why did you stupid brat not mention it ? "

"It was nothing serious and I didn't want you to be worried . Aren't I fine ?"

"Stupid brat , if anything happens in future , you have to tell me this , alright ? "

She grabbed and pulled his ear .

"Okay .Mom. I promise you . " He could only give in.

"Hmmm. This feels good . So , you want to continue University ? "

"Yes , I plan to. "

" You look like a teen so there is no problem . Your sister is also at first year of University , so why don't you two go to same ? "

" Yes , it will be great .But I don't know which year they will put me to . Which University is she studying at? "

" Wuxi University , Music Department . Which major did you take ? "

" I am planning to take new one . So I guess I will have to choose something interesting ."

" If you want interesting why don't you join either Music or Acting department ? Your face is suitable for these . "

" Then I will chose Music Department . "

He would be fine with any department but if choosed something he liked , it would be music department . He liked playing Guitar and Piano.

Tring . Tring .

The door bell rang . His mother went up to open the door . Lin Fan saw that it was Mr . Wang and a woman. He greeted him with a slight node and he signaled Mr . Wang to be silent about him .

"Hello Are you Ma'am Eli ? "

" Yes , who might you be ? "

"I'm Wang Chao . Your son Lin Fan had applied for Citizenship so I am here to get your signature ."

" Oh . Come inside . Isn't it Saturday today ? Do you still work ? "

"Yes , we have to help public so we work even in weekends . "

"AHH. Please be seated . I will bring you something to drink . "

"No no . Ma'am it's not necessary . We are in a hurry . We will leave as soon as you give us the signature . "

"Okay then sure . Where should I sign it ? Does Fan has to sign too ? He's here as well ."

"Yes , I have seen Mr. Lin Fan but we only need your signature . You should sign here and here . And you should give your fingerprints here . "

"Okay . Done . anywhere else ."

"No ma'am it's done . Is Miss Lin Li Here ? Does she want to be in the data ? "

"She have to ? "

"No it's just that it's new digital citizenship . As you may already know , if her data are entered , she will be shown as family member when scanned . "

"Oh then I will ask her . Don't you have to add his father as well ? "

"Mr. Lin Fan has requested to be only added from you two . As you know he is already an adult and we have to respect his choice ."

"Okay wait a minute I will ask his sister . Fan , bring some juices for them to drink . It's in refrigerator ."

"Okay mom "


Lin Fan went and gave a polite smile along with two glass of drinks to Mr. Wang and the lady.

Mother Eli went to Lily bedroom door and knocked on the door .

"Lily , your brother is trying to make his citizenship . I have added my data in his and if you want to add your data as a family member than come out and give your sign and fingerprint . "

"Wait a minute. I am changing . "

After a minute , Lily got out of her room . She went to the living room and gave her sign and fingerprint.

After obtaining everything needed , Mr. Wang got out of the house . After watching them leave , the family of three entered the house.

"Fan , have you eaten ? "

"No . What about you two ? "

"I was going to eat with your father but Lily insisted on waiting for you . So I also waited . Let's eat then . "

"Thanks Lily . As expected of my sister . "

"Humph "

The three of them sat down to eat . The food contained many dishes . The main focus was on the crab .

While preparing to eat , started to open the shell of the crab .

After opening the shell , a strange coincidence took place .

Mother Eli , put the unshelled piece to Lin Fan plate , Lin Fan , put his unshelled piece in Lily plate and Lily put hers in Lin Fan plate . This took place at the same time and all of them were startled.

"Haha "

They all started laughing after few seconds of silence .

Hello Guys , I am open to suggestion . Please comment if you found any mistake in the chapter and comment if you have any suggestions.

Happy Reading .

PingPong23creators' thoughts