

From a strange and mere human to a God who holds the fates of souls and spirits in her hands, join the journey of Seohyun as she tries to survive in worlds where she's constantly being targeted. After an emergency call, as her family leaves from the monastery midway of a ritual, Seohyun is shot. Waking up in a hospital and doing her best to not get killed, struggling with moral dilemmas and finding love and true happiness, will she survive through, especially since she is the most valuable thing.. which is why she's being hunted.. And on the other side, where the main problem remains...

Serena_1103 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs


"I was never a normal child. I knew that since the day I was born, I knew I was meant for bigger things."



You'd think that I would be the most adored person in my whole family if we met in the park, or perhaps you made eye contact with me as you passed me and maybe, I gave a light smile. But I can assure you there's no such thing. I was, no that's not the correct tense, AM weird. I was never even close to being normal, and perhaps that's why I was never too liked by my family. I kept many things from them, and so there was always a gap between us. Obviously though, when I speak of my family, I only mean my mother and perhaps my aunt, uncle, cousin, and grandmother.

But why don't we put that aside for now? Although it is my past, but I'd rather talk about it in our next session, you know what I mean.

Ummm... School, yes school. Let's talk about my education. Wait no. I don't know how to do this. I'm so fucking bad at this, wait, fuck. Let me start again, I'm so sorry.

Okay, firstly, I'm currently 16 years old. I am what, 5'6? I'm 170cm in height. I have dark brown, wavy hair, doe eyes, brown. I look turkish, my friends say, I think I've inherited my father's ancestors' genes. I am thin, but please don't point it out much, I don't feel too comfortable. About my birthday, I don't really like to tell anyone, but my zodiac is Pisces. You know what, I'll tell you guys. It's 14th March. Ok? Happy? Yes, my parents are separated. Yes, my mother remarried.

My surname? It's Li, now. Previously, it was Kang. Yeah, Li Seohyun. So weird. I think I'll get my name changed. Like, Li Xiaochen. So pretty. So yes, my brother's name is Li Xiaoling. My personality? I can't say, lol. I'm sometimes really emo, sometimes I'm just sunshine, sometimes I'm just a bitch and sometimes, I'm like, a monk, you know, virtuous, patient, and you know all that. Like, I have too many sides to myself, but I guess that's what makes me, well, me.

Xiaoling and I? Our past? Look, it's just as I told Seongje. I'm not going to repeat what I said. But did I know Xiaoling before I knew Seongje or vice-versa? Both of them were best friends. I met Seongje first. I met Xiaoling because he was related to Seongje.

How did I meet Seongje? Umm... *hesitates, blushes gently* That's something you'll see in the flashbacks, okay? Don't ask about that right now... It's too... umm... A topic which I wouldn't like to discuss. Fine, I'll you guys a little bit. Seongje and I went to the same school, but we only noticed each other after schools opened after the pandemic. We didn't talk much offline though. One day, I created my discord account, and I joined a call on the anime server. I talked to a guy with the username "SupportingDenjisDreams_69" and we had a pretty good chat, for 3 hours,at 3a.m. in the night. Don't judge me, okay? Anyways, we talked more and more everyday, and eventually, we found out each other's real identity.

After that day, we talked to each other all the time. We introduced our friends to each other and overall, we spent an amazing time with each other. I met Xiaoling and that was good. And well, one day, something happened and that's the end of it. And then I decided to date Xiaoling, okay? And that's all that is there to it. And you know what happened between my and Xiaoling, so.... yeah.

I know I've done Xiaoling wrong, but I have my priorities too. And my topmost priority in the end is my mother. And well, you can always find love. That's all I'll say.