
Resurgence - A New Beginning

The original Author of Fourth Prince Debachuary was not updating the Novel from multiple days, so I just decided to make a Fanfic out or that was what I initially planned. The Story is initially just a copy but gradually It will change (After 15-20 Chapters). The Characters and World is Inspired from Many Novel: - Fourth Prince Debauchery by Aidka. - The Devil does not Need to be Defeated by Ruqing Rusu - Womanizing Mage - Grandeur Fantasia by Verglas - Heavenly Star by Mars Gravity - Infinite Apostle and it's 12 star maidens. - Shoujo Grand Summoning by Ruqing Rusu About the Story: Are you bored of seeing MC getting underestimated everywhere? are you bored of that weak to stronger trope? are you bored of seeing 2D female leads? If yes, than this novel is exactly for you! People looking for Justice hero stories stay away! MC in this story will not even protect a child till he gets some benefit out of it. He is whimsical, can even protect villain if he deem so. This Novel will completely follow a different route than others, The Main character will be overpowered and will not hide his power at all. He will view the people around him growing up and developing, he will act like more of a mentor. It is going to focus more on character development. Each character will be fleshed out properly and have it's own story, you will see them go through a lot, develop and till the end they will have completely changed. The MC will develop throughout the story as well but that will not be the main focus. The novel is going to Focus more on life of other characters and how their decisions are gonna change them. The Female characters are not just going to fall in love with him blindly after spending a night. They will have their own selfish motive of being with MC. This Novel is going to be a Very long one, as every character will be given proper screen time, each and every Female Lead will have at least 50 chapters. This is mainly to tackle the issue of most novels having Rushed Ending. The side characters also aren't going to get ignored, they will have their short arcs as well. Hope you Enjoy It! ....... Thumbnail not owned by me. Found on google. ....... Note:- R-18 Scenes are not original and copied. [ With Adjustments to suit the scene]. First 50 chapters are only for plot building, introducing world and many characters. Read till there before forming an opinion.

SKuLL · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
69 Chs

Quentin Family(3)

Different from Lena's dignified expression, Freya was pure and innocent as a fairy descending from heaven, untainted by the mortal world. Her big emerald eyes were looking at us worriedly.

"Big brother, sis… I'm sorry about that." Freya said softly and lowered her head ashamed.

"Silly girl." Lena spoke hurriedly and hugged her. "it's not your fault. We always fight with your brother and mother, so don't worry about it."

"But, I don't like it when mom treats you like that. Besides, brother Bryan spoke so many ugly things… Why do they treat you like that? We are family and yet…"

I sighed when I heard Freya sad voice. As I said before, I only consider two people in this palace as my family, and they are Lena and Freya. As for the others, they all can die for all I care.

Of course, I cannot say something like that to Freya, so I simply hugged her together with Lena to console her.

In this family, Freya could be considered the only one who is not hated by anyone. Because she is the youngest, and she is very beautiful, innocent and likeable, she is spoiled by everyone (except Bryan who bullies her from time to time). Due to it, she sometimes had the hope that we can be a normal family.

Unfortunately, it's impossible.

...for someone like me who has lived long enough I know that ending of our family is not going to be good at all, well all I can do is protect Lena and Freya when the time comes.

After hugging Freya for a while, Lena finally let go of her. She tidied her clothes and looked at Lena tenderly. "Thank you, Little Freya, I feel much better now. I have lessons later, so I have to go." She then gazed at me and blushed slightly. "You too, brother… Thank you very much, and happy birthday. I'll see you tonight at the ball, I almost forgot about it due to that stupid jerk."

I nodded and kissed her cheek. "Take care." She blushed again and ran away.

Freya giggled a little seeing it and then grabbed my arm. "Happy birthday big brother, will you accompany me to play today? Everybody else is busy…"

I thought briefly about my plans for the day and hesitated. Freya looked at me with puppy eyes when she saw it. "Please?"

I was defeated by that gaze.

"Okay okay, I'll go with you."

"Thank you, big brother! You are the best!" Freya shouted happily and pulled me by my hand.

She then told a maidservant to get food for us before taking me to the courtyard.

I could only follow her while smiling helplessly.

My servant excused herself and told me that she had to prepare some things for tonight, so only Freya, I, and some maidservants went to the courtyard

The courtyard already had been arranged properly for some servants. They put a blanket on the ground below the shade of a tree, so Freya and I could sit there.

A few minutes later, the maidservant from before came carrying drinks and snacks and put them on the blanket. I did not finish breakfast before, so my hand quickly went for the snacks and grabbed a few.

... You don't need to eat doesn't mean you won't like delicious food.

Freya smiled sweetly seeing it. She also grabbed some snacks and began to eat together with me while pestering me to tell her some stories.

My relationship with Freya was the best among my siblings. When she was small, my other siblings did not like to play with her, and her personal servant was an adult woman, so I was her only playmate in the palace.

Actually, after living for long enough I have enough patience for accompanying her to play, so Freya took a liking for me.

From then, she always looked for me when she was bored. I patiently played with her each time and sometimes told her stories or songs I learned in my past lives.

Of course, my stepmother was upset when she learned that Freya spend every day with me, but even when she scolded Freya and forbade her from looking for me, Freya always found a way to sneak away to my place and ask me to tell her stories.

Sometimes she even entered my room at night to sleep with me.

I thought for a moment and finally decided to tell her a tale about a princess that fell in love with a prince of an enemy nation and how they fought for years until finally being together.

...well both died in the tragic ending and got killed by me, though I am not gonna tell Freya about that.

I managed to tell it in an interesting and engaging way after removing few details. When I reached the end of the story, even the maidservants nearby were secretly paying attention to my words.

After finishing the story, Freya was looking at me with an enraptured expression.

"That story was pretty nice, big brother. I'm happy that the prince and the princess could be happy together."

I smiled softly and patter her head. "Yeah, it's good when love triumphs."

"Big brother, I also want to be happy with the person I love. It's my dream."

"Oh? Little Freya has someone she likes?" I asked in a teasing tone.

"Of course!" She answered instantly and blushed until the ears. "He is the most handsome, kind, and smart person I know. But I will not tell you his name." She said softly in a nervous tone so the maids could not hear. Then, she looked at me with a half-expectant, half-scared gaze.

"… Why do I get that feeling that your description matches with this brother of yours." I smiled teasingly.

"No! It's not you!" Freya's face instantly became pale.

The maidservants looked at us with startled expressions after hearing Freya's shout, but I gestured to them that everything was alright.

I then opened my mouth to tell Freya that it was a joke, but before I could speak, she stood up and stuttered.

"I-I'm f-feeling a little u-unwell. I-I think I'll rest for a bit. Sorry about it, big brother." She then left quickly without waiting for my answer.

I shook my head and smiled helplessly. I'm not dense enough to not realize her feelings after seeing her behaviour each day.

Well, incest is not something easy to accept in any world. She probably thinks that it's impossible between us because we are siblings.

But, to be honest, I don't care about it.

Well, she at least has a dream.

On the other hand, I don't know what to do in this life.

It will be tiring to become a king, demon king and hero Nah... It would be pretty bothersome, well now that I have achieved my dream of becoming a True Ancestor I don't even know what to do?

Maybe it's time to take a rest.

Well, it's not like I have to decide now.