

I keep dying over and over. I've died in some of the worst ways possible but why, why do they want me so badly? Why do they have to involve everyone else in their insane delusions? In mine? Cover art credit: https://www.zerochan.net/1810353 Email: b.yournotmydad@gmail.com. Ignore the name. Email me if you have any questions or if hate mail is your thing.

Frosty_Mo · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
21 Chs

Colorless World

Akai and his close friend Tsuyoi eventually found themselves in their first period English class, the only class that didn't hate him to the core. This was the class where he had met the other bilingual prodigy of Fujikawa high school.

"Hey hey Kenshi! How you doin today"? She was above average standing in height and was nothing to scoff at. This was certainly Amachi Koken but everybody just called her Ama. Akai looked towards the door to see her Maple hair had already reached the desk next to him where she chopped Tsuyoi on the head.

Akai and Ama both let out a short snicker whereas Tsuyoi responded with " Hey, what did you do that for"? Ama and Tsuyoi had a strange relationship, they could be ready to kill each other at times and then immediately flip to defending each other. This was their normal morning greeting though so the group just went on as usual and chatted for a moment until their teacher arrived.

The classroom door slid open with demanding presence flushing into the room. There stood a tall young man, maybe in his late 20's, with a clipboard held in his right and a new textbook in his left. He was dressed in a white dress shirt with a blue tie representing his teaching position. His pants were jet black, blacker than any pants you could find anywhere else. He walked with a sturn stride as he scanned the room, waiting, watching every student to see if they had any contraband materials.

Everyone in the class returned to their seats and sat down in the usual back straight up and touching the seat behind them, legs straight in front of them and hands on the desk so they couldn't use their phones in class. The standard for this school was actually quite strict, way stricter than most high schools but this teacher didn't care as it wasn't mandatory. He didn't care about treating his class like a boot camp and so he only demanded a proper greeting in the morning and for his students to stay on task until they had finished.

The students upon reaching their seats all in unison greeted their teacher with the proper "Ohayou Gozaimasu"! Usually they would have to address him as a teacher as well but he didn't mind, he was considered to be the nicest teacher in the school.

"Good morning everyone. Is everybody doing alright today"? This caught everybody off guard, the staff never said even if they were the nicer staff members. A teacher asking a student if they were feeling okay was strange here because students were expected to figure it out in their own if they were feeling ill, the staff couldn't be bothered to worry about every single individual. "I am sure most of you have heard of the event this morning with the Toichi twins".

The class went silent for a moment, not a sound came from the students. Tests were louder than this, this was almost creepy and it left the air filled with an ominous presence. With this, Akai couldn't help but feel like someone was watching him from the classroom door. It started out as discomfort but quickly developed into a sliver of fear and then into a bit of paranoia, this was the same feeling he had outside when the world went blank. Then he saw it, a single eye peering in at them through the classroom door, one small blue eye sat there staring directly at Akai. Even though he couldn't see the rest of the face, he knew that behind that door sat a malicious grin. Akai froze for a moment as chills ran up his spine, then he thought for a moment about the situation he was in. There was no way anyone would try anything with all these people here right?

"I'm feeling fine Toshimichi Sensei. But what happened in the courtyard earlier"? The voice came from a girl that Akai didn't talk to, she was a 3rd year in a 1st year class and so a lot of the students avoided her. She was Hamada Tobiichi, Akai hadn't talked to her but a single time.

In a slightly relieved voice now, Toshimichi sensei asked a few other students how they were feeling and even walked over to their desks. It was clear how serious he was about this and so he made sure his students understood. But all this time, Akai and this mystery eye had been in a violent staring competition, neither of them had blinked for 2 minutes now and Akai wouldn't dare look away. "How about you Tsuyoi? Are yo-". Toshimichi began to ask Tsuyoi the same question he had the other students when Akai stood up suddenly and sat there, waiting, in a half scared and half annoyed stance. His face told the teacher every thing, he was clearly scared of something to the point of anger.

Tsuyoi looked up at his friend who seemed terrified now " Hey Akai, are you okay"? Akai ignored his question and kept staring at the eye with admirable endurance, he still hadn't blinked.

Akai clenched his fists so hard that his palms were pierced by his nails and blood began to seep out of the wound, blood began dripping onto the floor which got the attention of the entire class now. Everyone had seen the blood on the floor and the disturbing look on Akai's face. A few students in the class tried asking him what was wrong but he didn't care enough to answer.

His teacher, now genuinely worried about him decides to ask him what he is looking at to which Akai responds with "You see that person looking at us right? In the doorway". he raises his hand and points to the crack in the door where the eye had been peering in through. Toshimichi looked towards the door and did in fact see the eye and told everyone to sit down. He began making his way towards the door until the eye's pupils shrunk to the size of a needle then it had vanished. The eye was gone and Toshimichi had seen this event occur, he responded by shouting at the person to come back but got no response. Angered by this he threw the door open in annoyance and impatience.

A middle school girl stood before him, at least he assumed that much by her height and maturity compared to his students. She was a bit shorter than the girls in his class and had a smile from ear to ear. Her eyes were a deep blue and her hair was blue although it was a dark purple in some areas as well.

"Were you the one staring into my classroom"? The instant Toshimichi said this Akai was overwhelmed by a horrible odor, one he had never smelled before but he knew with every part of his being that it couldn't be good.

"Me?" The girls voice wasn't that of a child's it was more like an older woman in her 50's or so. She looked deep into Toshimichi's eyes as her smile turned to an insane grin, her pupils shrunk down once again and flash of silver light flew by the teachers face. "It's too bad really. I could have had so much fun with you Sensei but you caught me. But now I can add you to my collection, te he". Her voice turned back into that of a middle school girls and her body grew in height by about thirty centimeters. The purple splotches in her hair were spread out even more as her hair extended alongside her body.

Akai couldn't see the interaction but he could hear it and he saw the silver flash, he also saw her head now peaking over the stationary teachers right shoulder. Akai was captivated by the girl's hair for some reason, like his instincts were telling him that her hair was important. Then it hit him, the purple in her hair wasn't natural. This was definitely blood that had been splattered all over her back. "Sensei! Get awa-"! Before he could finish his warning, Toshimichi was thrusted backwards all the way to his desk as blood exploded from his throat and mouth.

The poor teacher never even saw what had happened to him and had died before he had landed on his desk, with a limp body his head turns towards the class and his dead eyes lock with Ama's as she lets out a shriek of terror along with several other students in the class. Akai is frozen while Tsuyoi is trying to get him to run and everyone else is trying to avoid the psychotic lady walking towards Ama with a bread knife in one hand and a kitchen knife in the other, both have streaks of blood running across them and the bread knife with pieces of flesh stuck on it.

"Don't you dare touch her!", a boy from the front of the class dashed towards her with a chair in hand, holding it like a shield as he attempted to hit her with it. She didn't seem to care until he was about to hit her and then that flash of silver blinded everyone in the room followed by a loud snapping sound. The lady had swung her kitchen knife like a sword straight at the chair and once the flash of silver light had disappeared, she was behind him.

Akai knew that she had won before anything had happened. Seeming like she was trying to confirm his suspicions, she snapped her fingers once. He had suffered the same fate as Toshimichi. She still held her fingers ready to snap again as she looked back towards Akai with a horrifying grin from ear to ear. "You did this" she said as she snapped her fingers once again. The chair in his hands fell in half as blood shot out from his throat and stomach while he fell to the ground. He tried to scream but only a bloody gurgle could be heard.

Horror consumed Akai and Tsuyoi upon seeing this grim sight, they froze again. The other students tried to run but were stopped when the mystery girl began emitting a strange purple light from all over her body. "Akai Kenshi, right?"

No response. He was too scared to answer her and even tried to pinch himself as if this were all a bad dream. He kept trying to wake up so many times that he started bleeding, with every step she took, he pinched himself harder and harder to the point of even tearing skin from his arm. It was no use, he wasn't going to wake up from this dream.

Is this even real? Am I actually going to die? Why does she want me of all people? These thoughts flooded Akai's mind as his fate drew closer. Akai, still terrified is able to gather enough courage to speak. "W-why are you doing this? What did we do to you?"

Tsuyoi joins him. "Why did you kill them?" Unable to speak anymore Tsuyoi backs up to the wall, leaving Akai alone in front of him to confront the woman.

She responds to this question by licking the blood off of her kitchen knife and grinning as she spreads it over her lips. "Because you humans make for such nice dolls. And your blood is so sweet and delightful!"

She begins licking her lips again as she looks at Akai with a disgusted look on her face as if she had just seen him commit some heinous crime or disgusting act. " I think I'll get this over with, you annoy me with that horrid odor."

"What odor are you talking about?" Wanting to know what she meant he answered without hesitation.

A flash of silver overtook the classroom one more time as Akai felt his body being torn apart, he could only describe the pain as unrelenting agony. His body had been ripped in two as the world around him lost all of it's color once more only to be flooded by a black shadow that consumed him. His mind went blank and his vision went dark.

The pain of consciousness flushed back over him as he let out a howl of agony. "Shi- huh, haaaaaaaahh!" His voice carried on through the walls and down the halls as he looked down to see that his wounds were gone. There was no wound and not a single drop of blood anywhere on his body.

He heard someone flying down the hall towards his bedroom. Moments later his sister burst through the door " What's wrong Akai?!"

Akai has just died but he isn't dead? What?

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Frosty_Mocreators' thoughts