
Give me a kiss! I must win? "Suit" yourself

Wind swirled around like a raging current to form a cheetah's face, shining like the stars

"you have high potential" the lady in blue dress said, then spoke to the rest "even though fewer people were able to pass the test, you make up for your talent and potential. Now you must strive to go further with honesty and hard work" there was a total of 8 people that passed. We got Nickle, Siro, Kinto, me, and four others.

After the speech, we were teleported to the front of the "real Academy" as she calls it. Apparently, the ballroom was just a testing room. Go figure. We arrived at one of the many classes called A16, inside were about 20 students talking and messing around. the blue dressed lady signaled us to sit wherever and told the rest of the people to settle down, it was like one of those rooms in university, but smaller. We sat in the somewhat back of the class, where I'm on the left of Kinto and right of Nickle, and Siro is on Nickle's left.

"Hello class, I will be your teacher for the next 3 years of training. My name is Ms. Fenwik, I prefer to have my class outside experiencing and physically testing rather then staying at a class studying theories and whatnot, so that's just a heads up" I love this teacher already. After all, I am more of a hands-on guy.

"so please follow me to the training field, where we will be doing the rest of the introduction." she continued, then proceeded to walk out the class. We all follow her and soon arrived at a massive grass field with training dummies, targets, some sort of obstacle course, 8 taller, circular platforms, and several empty spots. This feels kinda lonely.

"this will be where we will train" Ms.Fenwik gestures the entire field

"umm, we only have like 28 people though" a girl said "this place looks like it could fill a entire village"

"we will be sharing it with 3 other classes" our teacher explained "the spaciousness is to simply make sure the other classes don't interfere"

"But there was like a gazillion other classes" Nickle chimed in "where do they go?"

"a gazillion is a bit of an exaggeration" she explained "but we have over hundreds of these types of field scattered all around the Academy"

Oh dear, my brain is in utter disbelief. Even my entire apartment I used to live in can't even…doesn't…big. It's big (ahem, that's what she said…sorry).

"For now, why don't we hold a little tournament" Ms.Fenwik points to the 4 platforms. I don't really like tournaments. I find that some people like to match people up in a way where they are clearly at a disadvantage, that's what happen to my other friend's archery tournament. Tournament? More like torment

"here is the match up" she took out a paper. Let's see here, someone versus someone, another dude versus that other dude, Siro is with a dude named Mike (she seems unhappy about that, I wonder why), Nickle is with this girl with a bow and arrow (if looks could kill, Siro probably already committed a 1st degree murder). Ah, see what I mean? This is why Tournaments are evil. Me versus Kinto. Also known as my future wife, or my darling, or demon number 1. I turn around to see Kinto staring at me, just a blank stare, then smiled. Oh dear. She walked up to me

"I'll use half my strength. if you can beat me, first I'll give you a kiss, then I'll tell my father to make the test slightly easier" slightly? How slightly? But I guess it's better then nothing, also her lips look soft so there's that.

"but if you fail" she continued "we will meet my father tomorrow". Of course there's going to be a catch. To add, I barely even trained. In other words, I'm going die. She walks off to calm Siro down and I went to Nickle, I need to learn how to weapon summon like he does.

"hey Nickle?" I asked

"oh hey bud, I saw who your were against. My deepest condolence" he winked

"haha" when saying 'my deepest condolence', winking does not help "could you tell me how you summon a weapon?" he froze, the blinked at me.

"wait you're serious?" he pointed


"like actually?"


"I thought you were just overly powerful because you just didn't fight with a weapon the entire time" he face-palmed. I looked around to find everyone, I mean EVERYONE, had a weapon while preparing to fight. Ah fxck.

"ok child, listen well" he stated

"who are you calling a child!" I smacked him in the head, which he dodged.

"anyway" he continued "summoned weapons are separated into four sections

1. Basic weapons, that includes daggers, swords and shields, bow and arrows, and so on

2. Rare weapons, like shurikens, sabers, war hammers, katanas, and battle axes

3. Unique weapons, such as my chain-scythe, a gun, scythes, and spell books

4. Legendary suits, these are super rare. There are health-type suits, damage-type suits, or speed-type suits"

Did you get any of that? Cause I had no idea what he just said

"to summon your weapon" a orb materializes in his hand, then became a portal like a rift "you basically just clear your mind and focus on your core, then you will feel your weapon, like a warm feeling, and you just grasp it and voila!" his chain weapon appears. Now this is going to be rather embarrassing

"…what's a core?" maybe I should've just asked for a book from the Overseer or something


Soon, it was Siro's turn. She was facing off against a boy named Mike with lean muscles, tall, somewhat handsome, and has a gigantic shuriken on his back. The moment he sees Siro, he smiles

"well ain't you a pretty one" he winked "why don't we get to know each other after this ends hmm?"

Nickle tightened his fist, I guess he does care after all. They aren't bad people anyways, I think. Siro just stands there with a calm look on her face, almost too calm.

"ready…FIGHT!" Ms. Fenwik shouts

Mike instantly materializes 4 shurikens made out of fire and flings them at Siro, then dashes at Siro himself. Siro takes a very deep breath, and when the Mike and the shurikens reaches something like 4 meters from Siro, she let's out a deafening roar that snuffed out the flame and froze Mike mid-dash. She casually walks up to Mike while he just stands there, paralyzed with fear.

"she said she learned that move from a family skill book" Nickle explained, I assume he saw my confused expression "also, if you ask what skill books are, I'm going to chain you to the roof"

"…Siro is a very bad influence to you" I stated

"well you do love asking dumb questions, makes me think you were living under a rock" we continued watching as Siro stands right in front of Mike, then uppercuts his chin and launches him off the platform. She jumps down and walks up to Nickle, links her arm around his, and smiles smugly. Nickle answers with a very deep blush, this is just so adorable. Nickle reminds me of my best friend. I shake the thought from my head, it's useless thinking. Also, it's my turn to face off against Kinto. Oh boy, I'm going to die. We walk up and stand face to face, she materializes her blade and puts it on her hip. She smiles and mouths "good luck".

Nickle just walked away when I asked what a core was, but I assume a Core is like your heart, or soul. I closed my eyes and cleared my mind, complete darkness, then a spark. I opened my eyes and saw Kinto shocked with wide eyes, along with everyone else. I looked down to see my body covered with red padding and pitch-black plates. my helmet had a black and red and the visor was pitch black (if your confused, check the book cover to get a better idea). Then, the inside of my helmet started beeping and words appeared on the inside of my visor

>merging complete<

>loading personality computer<

>loading complete<

>displaying interface<

Name: Mycen Law

Age: 16

Core: suit

Type: speed-type

>implementing mode 1<

>Boosting…. boosting complete<

-300% increased attack and movement speed

-100% increased elemental control and power

-100% increased physical strength

>go get'em tiger<

I felt my body grow lighter, and the air around me swirled around me, calmly but super dense. I looked at Kinto to see her smile widely. My eyes flare, adrenaline coursing through my veins. I take my stance and she takes hers.


Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Shrizzle_3635creators' thoughts