
Resident evil:Anomaly

"first of all if the creator of the cover image wants me to remove it, just let me know and I will do it in my two stories" Raccoon City was a city with strong mountainous roots in the Midwest of the United States, in which the first incidents in the history of the saga took place, in addition to being the first in which a mutagenic Umbrella virus was spread, with fatal consequences . for human inhabitants. At least that's what was said after the first outbreak of the virus, which turned the entire city into a zombie and caused Raccoon City to be wiped off the map by the bombing of the city. But the first place where the first zombie outbreak that claimed hundreds of lives began was several kilometers from the city of Raccoon City, in the small town isolated from civilization near the mountains. Which was used as a test base for the umbrella corporation Ethan, the sole survivor and the only case of a perfect fusion between viruses and humans, now seeks revenge at all costs. I am new to writing stories, I ask for patience to read my story and I do not speak English so I am using google translate. I do not own residen evil, or any of the characters in the story and maybe just oc, if I decide to put them. The stories will not follow a chronological order, because all the girls will be the same age, an example is Sherry who will be the same age as the main character. There will also be more changes, one is the fact that the planet will be much larger and the year will be made up of 120 months and not 12. I hope you like it and the reason I expanded the planet and made humans live longer is because I want to develop romance better and I don't want everything to rush because the characters get old and there is no time to talk about the girls. . or meet and learn about the female characters that will make up the harem. Also what I hope is to achieve the growth of the protagonist well, the story is slow and I do not want insults in the comments, if someone wants to help me translate from Spanish to English for free, I would appreciate your support. Maybe you hire an editor to upload more chapters and maybe you pay a translator to upload chapters with better quality. "Gogle translator"

kurumi654 · Videojogos
Classificações insuficientes
93 Chs

Chapter 28

"I see you are Ethan, I can tell you are a good boy as Aiko told me" whispered the lady, while, she avoided being heard by sherry, who was a little far away, watching the food.

"You know Mrs. Aiko.... do you?"

"Excuse me, my name is Cailyn" Cailyn quickly replied, upon learning of her fault in not saying her name.

"Ya...Miss Cailyn, why are you helping us?" asked Ethan interrogatively, as it was very timely for him to show up, when we found ourselves out of ideas for fun.

"It was Aiko, who told me to help them, so we thought you would have no idea what to do, after all in their words, you don't know the surroundings very well and you don't know many things and sherry never had any friends, so she thought you wouldn't know what to do while doing the surprise party for Sherry and that's why I said I would open my old restaurant where I planned to make a small cooking school, but when I heard about the problem, I opened today and asked some old students and classmates to come with their partners and we did all this" spoke Cailyn giving a smirk.

"Well then to the end.... What did you call me Miss Cailyn for?"

"Well isn't it obvious, let's pack up all the food they made and now you have an excuse to take sherry on a picnic, until the party is ready, since I just got a call from Aiko and it's less than 2 hours until they are done" spoke Cailyn.

"Well thank you Miss Cailyn" Ethan thanked, as he went to where sherry was, to put all the food away in the picnic basket that sat on the table.

Strawberry shortcakes, chicken nuggets, onion rings, salshichas banderilla, Bacon Cheese Fries were packed in the picnic sesta, but the others who were there also gave them a portion and in the end they ended up taking two picnic sestas to the park near the orphanage.

"Yes there is plenty of food in the baskets, do you think we can finish all this, all by ourselves? "Sherry actually now that she got a good look at the food, she could tell it was too much for them.

"Well we can eat what we can eat and the rest we'll take to the orphanage and finish eating there with everyone from the orphanage."

"Yeah, but why don't we go eat better at the orphanage with everyone Ethan, wouldn't it be better doing it than being here" spoke sherry.

"Yes but it's just that today I took you out for a walk, because it was your birthday and I wanted to spend time with... you as friends."

"How friends eh...?" said disappointed sherry, who looked more downcast, after Ethan's words.

"Come on don't feel so sad look let's get the food down on the games over there" Ethan took sherry to the seesaw.

"No...please don't climb hard" sherry shouted as Ethan pulled her up and down on the up and down with ease because of their weight difference.

"Please slow down" complained sherry, but Ethan ignored him, not because he was mean, but because he saw Ethan's unintentional smile.

"Tell me Ethan, will you stay at your home, after we go and return where you came from?" asked sherry, something about which the truth made him feel sad, as there were only 5 months and 26 days left before Ethan would take them home.

Sherry didn't want Ethan to leave, but she knew there was nothing she could do about it, making it the only hope that Ethan didn't want to leave, somewhat selfish, but it didn't matter to her.

"The truth.... I don't know, but I will make the effort to stay as long as possible at the orphanage and if I can't, I will visit them often "Ethan replied, as he pulled sherry up the seesaw.

"I'm glad you didn't leave and forget us," replied sherry.

"Come on let's go to the next game" he took Ethan back to another game, this time to the swing.


"You know we look like children, playing games that are really for little kids," Sherry said.

"Yes but what should we be ashamed of, they are games and as long as they amuse one, it doesn't matter how old you are, or what others say" replied Ethan, as he pushed sherry on the swing.

That's how Sherry and Ethan spent the afternoon, laughing and laughing they both forgot about time and were playing all kinds of games for kids.

Brayan was the one who had to come looking for Ethan and Sherry to go to the orphanage, because they weren't coming.

Because I'm blindfolded? Sherry asked as Brayan and Ethan led her blindfolded down the hallway of the orphanage.

The corridors were dark and the room to which they were going was full of murmurings, while from time to time they could hear some laughter.

SURPRISE! Sherry's eyes popped out and she was surprised to see everyone she knew and some she had just met.

In the room you could see all the orphanage caretakers, the children, Mrs. Aiko and Miss Cailyn and the people who were in Miss Cailyn's cooking class.

"Happy birthday sherry" hung from the ceiling on a long banner.

Sherry, who saw all this, could not hold back her tears, since she could remember no one had ever celebrated her birthday, so much so that even the day of her birthday was nothing special to Sherry.

But now, everyone she knew stood before her, each with a smile as they celebrated her birthday.

"Thank you all" smiled sherry, as she was hugged by all the children in the orphanage.

How is your birthday party going? Ethan asked, as he stood next to Sherry, who had a piece of cake in her hand, as they watched the children running around and playing.

"Actually...for my first birthday celebration, it's a lot better than I ever expected," replied Sherry.

"Sister sherry, come let's go break the piñata" called the children as they prepared to blindfold sherry for the second time that day.

Hey wait don't come over here! Ethan complained, as he watched Sherry come at him, with the bat to break the piñata.

"Boy did I have fun," Ethan said to himself, now that he was in his room, that day was the day he ate the most in his entire life.

"He also still remembered the hit sherry gave him, which luckily was only with a plastic bat that didn't hurt" everyone laughed at the moment sherry chased him, but Ethan couldn't complain, after all sherry had had fun and that was what he had hoped for when planning the party for her.

His eyelids closed as a big smile lit up his face and he looked forward to what the next day had in store for him.

Wait! Ethan wanted to scream, when he felt someone covering his mouth, he was helpless but only unconsciousness greeted him.

"Sorry Ethan and sherry, but it's the job."

"At least I was able to delay everything, so they could celebrate sherry's birthday and have one last happy memory, before future misfortunes, sorry to both of them" the shadow said to himself.

N/A: Well people, that ends life at the orphanage and now we go into what happened in the life of Alan, Ethan's father, and then we'll come back to Ethan and what happened after he was kidnapped.

I will propose this to you: if we reach 20 power stones I will upload another chapter.

If we reach 50 stones of power I will go up 3 more chapters.


There are four advanced chapters and I will upload 5 more chapters within a while.


kurumi654creators' thoughts