
Resident evil:Anomaly

"first of all if the creator of the cover image wants me to remove it, just let me know and I will do it in my two stories" Raccoon City was a city with strong mountainous roots in the Midwest of the United States, in which the first incidents in the history of the saga took place, in addition to being the first in which a mutagenic Umbrella virus was spread, with fatal consequences . for human inhabitants. At least that's what was said after the first outbreak of the virus, which turned the entire city into a zombie and caused Raccoon City to be wiped off the map by the bombing of the city. But the first place where the first zombie outbreak that claimed hundreds of lives began was several kilometers from the city of Raccoon City, in the small town isolated from civilization near the mountains. Which was used as a test base for the umbrella corporation Ethan, the sole survivor and the only case of a perfect fusion between viruses and humans, now seeks revenge at all costs. I am new to writing stories, I ask for patience to read my story and I do not speak English so I am using google translate. I do not own residen evil, or any of the characters in the story and maybe just oc, if I decide to put them. The stories will not follow a chronological order, because all the girls will be the same age, an example is Sherry who will be the same age as the main character. There will also be more changes, one is the fact that the planet will be much larger and the year will be made up of 120 months and not 12. I hope you like it and the reason I expanded the planet and made humans live longer is because I want to develop romance better and I don't want everything to rush because the characters get old and there is no time to talk about the girls. . or meet and learn about the female characters that will make up the harem. Also what I hope is to achieve the growth of the protagonist well, the story is slow and I do not want insults in the comments, if someone wants to help me translate from Spanish to English for free, I would appreciate your support. Maybe you hire an editor to upload more chapters and maybe you pay a translator to upload chapters with better quality. "Gogle translator"

kurumi654 · Videojogos
Classificações insuficientes
93 Chs

chapter 24

N/A: before I start, I will say that in this story there will be no Chris, nor lion because instead of Chris I already have a character to put that is already in the story and was introduced, but lion will not be for reasons that I will not make drama, I consider myself a pacifist person and I have never fought in my life, so a conflict between lion and Ethan, ada Wong is not going to move on to something else and I will leave as before since the books of resident evil are also in third person, another thing is that claire will not be in the harem, since with the absence of Chris she no longer has the reason to travel and look for her brother, so they can be forgetting about her, the only reason why she is in the cover image is because that is the only one where the girls of resident evil appear.

"Then what did you call me sherry for" Ethan now nervous, but happy stood in front of sherry, it was like a relief in his heart when sherry took him to tell him something, you could tell by the movements of her, that the feelings rooted to his heart were about to come out and Ethan was happy about that, since it was more than a month ago that he wanted sherry to open up with him and tell him all his worries, sorrows and cry and get rid of everything.

At a slow but steady pace, Sherry had taken Ethan to his room and Ethan again repeated his question "What do you want to talk to me, Sherry? Something stupid really when he already knew partly from Sherry's involuntary actions and movements, what she had called him for.

"Ethan if I tell you, what I'm going to tell...… you please don't leave me like them" sherry had already broken down, the feeling in her chest, could no longer be contained years after years of loneliness that she lived in her childhood and couldn't get out, it was already hurting, haci was how the pain came manifesting itself in tears of pain and sadness that came from sherry's eyes, from those beautiful blue eyes, to slide into the soft and beautiful one that was now filled with tears.

Ethan who was in front of sherry.....pues did what he had to do, he leaned in and hugged sherry, while sherry's cries filled the room, which luckily for both of them was soundproofed, something that actually filled Ethan with intrigue, after all what someone would soundproof the rooms for, since it wasn't just sherry's room that was soundproofed.


"I lived with my family when I was little, we were very happy, my parents had me at a very young age, my mother was in her early twenties and my father was 25."

The soft, sad voice brought Ethan out of his thoughts and let him hear Sherry's story....

"My mother was still studying, according to my father since he was someone who always worried about his experiments at all things, since he was a scientist, which my mother also chose to be out of love for my father, everything was peaceful while we were the three of us, since although they did not spend much time with me, I was not a capricious child and I was content with that, the little time they spent with me, but all good things come to an end"


"One day several men came to my house. One of them was a blond-haired man with sunglasses and several men in suits came with him, I wanted to stay but I couldn't as the men took me out and only my parents stayed with them. It was after there that everything started to change...Had although they were good to me in the end they were not what I was looking for in the warm parental love that a mother and father give you."

"Years after years, of loneliness, in which I didn't have a minute of my parents' time, no one was with me, so much was the desire to get at least a moment of my parents' time, that when I was 4 years old I decided to hurt myself with a kitchen knife, I was desperate, for some love, but nothing changed, they took me to the hospital, but my parents didn't come or call to know how I am."

Haci was passing the years, in which the only time in which I noticed that my parents were really my parents, were when I got the money to the bank account and the children of my school did not improve the experience, at first everything was fine, I had many friends, But then I realized that they were only with me for the money that my parents had, which did not make me any thanks, so I was alone again year after year at school, receiving nothing but insults from classmates who knew nothing but envy something that I am not proud of, because I would rather be poor but with my parents.

In the course of my life I did things of which I am not proud, I was a gang member and even stole in gangs to be accompanied, but that brought me nothing but problems that now eat me up inside, the looks of the people I stole and their eyes of terror, when the members of the gang I was in threatened them with bladed weapons, I felt sorry for them and surely it was my fault that one or the other ended up dead and I didn't even realize it".


"now i can't be alone, you know how bad i feel every time i imagine that the only family that is with me now will grow up and leave my side at some point, leaving me alone, please Ethan don't leave me i will do anything please, I don't want to be alone again in a dark room in which I will always receive false looks and smiles that will hurt me over and over again" sherry now wouldn't stop crying apparently it was more serious than Ethan thought, every feeling was breaking her, Ethan didn't know what to do at this moment, the look of terror in sherry's beautiful eyes were cornering him.

The cold sweat ran down her back, while the drops of tears, that came from sherry's face that was on her chest did not stop wetting her chest, Ethan who wanted to see sherry's face took her by both cheeks, while he lifted sherry's beautiful face, full of tears that filled her with a charm of her own, Ethan wanted to protect her, an image was superimposed on sherry when Ethan blinked, a little girl with short blonde hair, who wouldn't stop crying, next to it, also the face of Sara who was also crying as at the moment she said goodbye to Ethan, she stood next to sherry, both images of two crying girls warmed Ethan's heart, as he decided to hug sherry tightly as if he didn't want to lose her.

Sherry's heart skipped a beat when she felt the large arms embrace her, Ethan's warmth was warming her, it made her feel safe and protected. A small smile formed on Sherry's lips as she wrapped her slender arms around Ethan's broad back, who increased his embrace.

The two of them were in the middle of the room, both hugging each other as they forgot all about the outside.

Haci lasted several minutes as neither of them wanted to separate, "Don't worry, Sherry, you will always have us all, after all, we are all a family and we always support each other, so don't ever think that you will be alone anymore after all no one is going to leave you alone ever again."


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