
Resident Evil : 47

He didn't know what to do when he was in a world where death can come easily even when you don't go looking for it. Determined not to become a pawn in someone else's game or a weak victim, he picked a path that even he didn't know was right or wrong. There was only one determination, to survive and build a life for himself that no one can take away on a whim.

fluffiestbunny · Videojogos
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Toto, we're not in Kansas anymore!!!

It was like waking up from an incomplete sleep where even though I can see my surroundings clearly, my brain hasn't completely woken up due to a heavy feeling in my head. I closed my eyes to keep too much light from entering my eyes in hopes of making the heavy feeling go away. After what feels like 2-3 minutes, I opened my eyes again and felt a lot better than before. But what gave me a surreal feeling was that I cannot recognize the room I was in at all.

I am a 28 year old writer who is somewhat of a loner. I don't like crowded places and too much noise, so I live in a small apartment away from the busy areas of the city. My room is very simple, a bed, a table with my laptop, a wardrobe and walls with some portraits to make the small room have a peaceful environment and to make it so that it doesn't fell empty. What I can see now is a room with four single beds including mine, with trunks at the foot of each bed and the walls are occupied with worn out posters of numbers and alphabets that can only be found in a room for small kids. What's even more bizarre is that the other three beds are occupied by what seems to be like 3 year old kids. KIDS!!! I, who is a loner and not in any relationship whatsoever, how can there be kids near me.

This woke me right up and I once again started to properly take notice of the environment I'm in. But as soon as I sat up straight, I suddenly felt dizzy and had to try very hard to make sure I don't fall down the bed. Once the dizziness subsided, I realized that my arms and legs are very small, something a child would have. This realization made me feel numb all over my body and my heart rate suddenly went through the roof. I was sweating like a pig who knew its time to become pork in someone's hamburger has come. But one lesson my 28 years of life has taught me is that losing your cool in an unfavorable situation will only lead to results which would be least desirable. So, I tried very hard to take deep breaths and make my mind start working again from the numb feeling.

Seeing my limbs again made me come to realization that I am in the body of a kid, no matter how ridiculous that thought seems to me. As a writer, I have a vivid imagination and after reading countess novels, I would make a guess that I have transmigrated into this body. Continuing this thought also made me realize that I may not be in the same world that I was living in. This made it very important to me to find out what kind of world I'm in to make sure that it's not dangerous for my immediate survival. From the setting of the room and the faded clothes which look like they have been used for quite some time makes me guess that I might be in an orphanage but to make sure I have find more information. From looking at bulb and fans in the room at least makes me reassured that I'm in a world of technology even if it seems a bit outdated. This familiarity with the technology comes a long way in reassuring me that I might be in a somewhat safe and modern world.

I slowly make my way out of the room and into a corridor which leads me to a kitchen with enough room for a table of 10 in it without making it feel cramped. I see my first adult, a woman who looks to be in late forties but I'm not sure if it's her actual age or she looks that old due to the constant weary look on her face. She's busy preparing what looks to be breakfast for 9 people if the plates on the table are any indicator. Well since she's busy, I think its the best time to poke around a little bit and find some information without standing out too much. Let's see what I can find out.

Hello, everyone. This is my first time writing and posting a story, so any constructive criticism is welomed. I have read a lot of stories, and what I have found out is that a lot of stories doesnot explain the character and story environment properly which makes the story feel like a rush job. I would like to make a story which can be as immersive as possible. I would also make many changes to the original Resident Evil to fit my needs. So please don't mind if not everything is alike as long as it doesn't feel uncommon. Thank You.

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