

A youth named Delvin, is looked down by all people except his friends and family for his low cultivation. He then gets betrayed by his teammates on a hunting expedition and gets murdered. But destiny takes a turn and he gets reborn with another soul of a researcher from earth. Read further to know how the researcher steps on martial cultivation world and conquers everyplace that he visits. Reloading- 0% Reloading- 100% Welcome player to the end game Discord link- https://discord.gg/XB9hQbpK

King_of_Succubus · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
54 Chs


The next day, early in the morning, sun shined and released it's brilliance on the kingdom making it shine with it and the academy also reflected its jade radiance as it was all made of jade stones.

On the grounds near the gate, 50 youths were standing in 5 lines with high fighting spirit within them needed for battles. Delvin was also present among them, although he didn't had a great fighting spirit his mood has improved greatly after sleeping for 2 days.

Many youths felt shocked after seeing Delvin, they thought that he wouldn't return after he was humiliated to the point of vomiting blood. Many of them including David wanted to make more sarcastic remarks but held back, because the strict instructor Rong Hai was staring at them with strict eyes.

"Now that everyone has gathered here, I will announce your mission, 1st group's mission is to hunt down 100 beasts, 2nd group's mission is to hunt down 80 beasts, 3rdgroup's mission is to hunt down 60 beasts, 4th group's mission is to hunt down 50 beasts and lastly 5th group mission is to hunt down 40 from the assigned mountains to your group. Also, note that there will be no help provided by the academy to you and you have to complete this mission within three months. After you kill a beast leave these trackers on them, so our workers can find them and carry the corpses back to the academy. After you have completed your mission, all of you will be rewarded by the academy. Lastly, I am warning you don't go deep into the mountains for hunting as you all will be killed by higher level beasts. If you meet any higher level beast than you, fire the red cracker for signal and we will help you, but after using the red cracker you will be disqualified from your mission and will receive no rewards". The instructor said, while his subordinates distributed trackers and a single red cracker to each team.

After receiving the items, every team started to move towards their destination.

An hour later, Delvin and his group finally reached their destination.

The Hallowedsorrow mountain was tall and wide, but it was covered with many big holes like many animals had dug a cave in the mountains and dried blood scent was everywhere on the mountain.

"Everyone now that we are all here we will make two teams, one team will consist of 7 people which will hunt down beasts and the other team will consist of three people which will gather all spirit herbs," Chao Xing, leader of the group commanded. His cultivation has reached 3rd level of genesis stage and is the strongest person in group 5. Many spirits herbs were present in this place as no one bothered for low-level herbs on the outskirts, so it was normal for everyone to gather them and the best part was the academy didn't take any share of spirit herbs from them, so they can collect them freely.

"Delvin, Zhou Jia, and Zhou Yijun will be the team made for collecting herbs, as you three have lowest cultivation and follow us after you have cleaned this area while the rest of us will move forward now and 10% spirit herbs of total will be given to each person, thus sharing it equally," Chao Xing said and then moved out for hunt with others.

Zhou Jia and Zhou Yijun had cultivation of 2nd level. They had ordinary face, neither handsome nor ugly just normal, apart from that they looked somewhat alike as they are from same family.

"Let us move too," Zhou Yinjun said and started to collect herbs.

Delvin also moved towards a side that had some herbs, but just when he turned to move forward, a whistling sound caught his ears.

Puchi. Blood splashed from his chest and a dagger had pierced his heart from his backside.

"Haha haah ha, Delvin, you would have never thought that you were going to die today," Zhou Jia said while laughing onto Delvin's ears.

"Splash" Blood splashed on the ground once again as Zhou Jia removed his dagger from Delvin's body.

"Why, why are you murdering me and there is no enmity between us." Delvin said after falling to the ground and turned to look at them with very much difficulty.

"Yeah, there is no enmity between us but it doesn't mean that you don't have with another person, we were tasked by him to kill you." Zhou Yinjun said with a smirk on his face.

"We will also be rewarded money by killing you, apart from that your residence will also be ours as there would be no one from your family that can get a Lieutenant rank in 2 years." Zhou Jia said.

"Do you not fear that the academy will know about this and punish you," Delvin asked them again.

"Hehe, you don't have to fear that as we are gonna bury you here, so that no one can find any evidence of murder." Zhou Yinjun said.

"Also, if someone asks we will tell them that you were eaten by the 'Goliath Frog' beast while you were collecting spirit herbs and it ran into the middle regions of the mountain so we couldn't save you. If you want to blame someone, blame yourself for not having enough cultivation to be a part of hunting team or not to be part of other group." Zhou Jia said.

"Brother Jia, isn't it also a coincidence that his father had lost his leg here. Haha haa haa, this is the best irony father lost his leg whereas son loses his life on the same mountain." Zhou Yinjun said with laughingly.

The Goliath frog was one of the species of beast, it was a very big frog that can eat two people standing on the ground at the same time and it was very good at camouflage because it is green in colour. It has a low cultivation but is great at sneak attacking.

Delvin had nothing to say after hearing their reason as they were not going to show any mercy to him and his only sorrow was regret that why he wasn't strong enough to counter them, regret that he didn't remember his father's warning, regret that he couldn't even protect his home.

'Am I really going to die now, I don't want to die.' Delvin thought to himself while looking at sky and slowly darkness covered his eyes.

"Did he really die?" Zhou Jia asked Zhou Yinjun with a shocked face as this was the first time that he had killed someone.

"What else do you think will happen to someone when you attack his heart, now help me dig around to bury his body, so that no one knows anything that happened here." Zhou Yinjun said and moved forward to dig on ground.
