

Lilly Meya was well known within the Empire, she was Practically worshiped as a lesser Goddess, and she hated it, she just cut the head off the Snake, who had deceived her, and the Sisters Elita Order of the Temporal Dragoness. The said snake was known either as Sevellius or The False Prophet.

It was because of this exposure Lilly opted to avoid Centerpoint city, the heart of the empire, which at this point has stood for only Twenty years, and their Emperor still died with no Line of Succession, so the empire was ruled by the high Council of Rulers and chosen councilmen.

Lilly was now a mother, even if Adoptive, when her daughter was three, Lilly Adopted Alayna, whose Biological Mother, Lily Dragonborn, had been a friend of Lilly's before she died, Lily Dragonborn was killed in a bandit raid on the City of Whitereach, Leaving Alayna Orphaned, as her father never showed up, Lilly thought he was Likely dead. As she never met the man, and never heard from him. Lilly was woefully unprepared to raise a child, but she did it anyway.

One of Lilly's favorite places to visit when she got the chance was the Saint Alyssa Church in the northern half of the Tundra region. It's where Lilly held her troops out at when she was still a Cannoness Superior of the Sisters Elita, named after one of the Original Members of the Sisters Elita, and was reportedly known to Voice her Disapproval of some of the Sisters' Methods, even try to take steps to prevent some of those methods, Lilly Regarded Saint Alyssa as what a Member of the Sisters Elita should strive to be, However, that wasn't Lilly's call anymore, Lilly wasn't a member anymore. The Church was abandoned three years after the establishment of the modern empire, so Lilly had free reign to do as she pleased with the place.

Lilly trusted Mara to keep an eye on Alayna while she was gone, as Lilly regarded Mara as close friend, even if Mara did Questionable things when she left the house. Mara was known to be the world's most feared Assassin, as she went rogue from the Imperial Assassinorum after Lilly, and her best friend, Xomera, stopped the Assassinorum from rewriting Mara's memories and name, this was before the establishment of the Modern Empires, so cells of the Old Empire would do what they thought was necessary to 'help' the empire, while the empire's enemy watched from Centerpoint city at the center of Tiplella.

With the establishment of the empire, also came the Establishment of an official Godly Pantheon for the empire, this Pantheon Included five Gods, including Mariyana ( Goddess of Life and Nature) Zor (God of Judgment and Justice), Andrea (Goddess of Truth, and Spiders), Xelina (Goddess of Time and Space, and the Goddess Lilly was the Champion of, but Lilly was fairly certain she resigned from that), and Lilly's best friend, Xomera (Goddess of Death and Chaos).

Lilly found herself praying for Xomera and her family to be safe, stating that any time Xomera needs anything from Lilly, to just ask. Lilly had kept her distance especially When Xomera's now 7-year-old Daughter was born, Lilly didn't want to disrupt what Xomera had Going for her.

Lilly had her own Daughter to think about. Alayna was twelve, she hardly remembers anything from before her biological mother died, but Alayna remembers her mother's death Vividly, and would, on occasion, suffer nightmares of it. Another thing Alayna suffered from was an anxiety disorder, so Alayna would on occasion suffer panic attacks, something Lilly will always contend with as long as she takes care of Alayna.

Lilly had become good friends with the people who Lived in Whitereach, Captain Vau was old enough to Give Lilly parenting Advice when she was Struggling with raising Alayna, Degril Blade-cast was the Blacksmith, and the man who Taught Lilly to maintain her gear a lot better than she would have if they didn't meet. And someone who always remained a trusted friend to go to for Advice was Hulda, the Bartender and owner of the Righteous Stallion Bar and Inn in Whitereach, she was surprisingly wise for someone around Lilly's age.

The Jarl of Whitereach was Jorlund Stern-leader and his Bodyguard was a close friend of his, a Dark elf named Crysta. They would often walk around whitereach and greet the people in the city, to keep a strong bond with them, Jorlund would often speak to people 1 on 1, much to Crysta's Chagrin. Alayna was surprised at this when she first learned of it, as she expected people like Jarls to laze about their palaces all day.

One thing Lilly would often do, is go out bounty hunting for Whitereach, as a way to keep up with the Costs of Raising a Child and supporting her Assassin friend. The Only Times Lilly brought the targets back Alive was when there was some form of Bonus for the Bounties being Alive, and when it specifically requests them to be alive, otherwise Lilly usually killed the targets, as it's easier to keep track of a head, rather than a full body.

Alayna had Already completed All Schooling, years before she was expected to, she did apply to the Dragon's Landing College, but it was burned down when a dragon took notice of the place, the headmaster was known to survive, but he hasn't been seen since.

Mara would often go out and Assassinate Targets Assigned to her by Lilly's Sister, Alexus Meya, who was the High Inquisitor of the empire, and not on good terms with Lilly, as after their mother died when they were teens, their father would often pit them against each other in competitions to "See who inherits the family fortunes." Lilly always won. Lilly and Alexus Grew up in Noria, on the Mountain called the Griffin's Throat, it was Fairly Victorian for such an Isolated city, but it fit the Aesthetic more than Centerpoint city. Lilly often made her way up to Noria to visit her mother's grave, her father was not laid to rest there, because they were never able to recover his body when he died.

Lilly decided from that point on, she would defend her family, whatever the cost. Lilly did run into Alexus a few times when visiting her mother's grave, but they never spoke.

Lilly returned home after that, and got some rest.