
Chapter 6

When Lilly woke up, she found herself alone. Dolga must have already left. Either he left Lilly there, or didn't find her, either was it was a relief, because it meant she would still get to kill him.

Lilly let her eyes adjust to the dark, she wasn't going to risk Lighting a torch in an fallen elf filling ruin, and her left arm was still Broken, so she needed to leave her right arm free. Lilly did, however, put a makeshift sling on her arm to try to set it.

The Machinery down here wired, and breathed, the steam could be heard all throughout. Lilly began to walk, prepared to reach for Chillkiss if need be. Instead, she found a trail of Bodies all belonging to Fallen elves. All killed by Dolga, Lilly could tell, because Dolga did not care if he sunk the place, as there were steam geysers everywhere due to the damage to the pipes

Lilly then walked onto a bridge over a pit of Lava, the lava was Likely used for the forges.

"I wasn't expecting you." The Illusionist's voice rang out across the room.

"I had a bad feeling you weren't dead." Lilly said. "Why are you here? Lilly asked

"It's such a joy to fight such weakness, such a Broken mind." the Illusionist said, "However, your persistence impresses me, why do you continue to fight when you've clearly lost?"

"I haven't lost yet, I fight because the lives of those I care about are on the line, and if you think a Bum Arm is going to stop me, then you have no idea who you're dealing with." Lilly replied.

"Such Conviction! I had thought for sure you were ruined after our last chat." The Illusionist said, and he was right, Lilly was more or less Emotionally destroyed at the moment, but it wasn't going to stop her.

"And here I thought Xelina was arrogant, you really do have no Idea who you're dealing with do you?" Lilly said, Drawing Chillkiss with her right arm, and prepared for what the Illusionist would do, "You might as well give up now, because, well, my best friend is the Goddess of Chaos, and I am, at certain times, Xelina's chosen champion, I killed your boss's false prophet, my daughter was kidnapped, and now you've sincerely pissed me off."

"As you wish…" The Illusionist said, with sinister chuckle

Lilly would sincerely have to be on her guard. She walked to the center of the Bridge, where there was a path going in four directions, it was then that the Illusionist tried to attack her from behind, through a teleport strike, which Lilly Doge rolled to try to avoid, she was a bit slower than she normally would be because of her arm, but she managed to avoid it, she fired two bolts from the grappleshot at him, and they hit, stunning the Illusionist, which Lilly took advantage of and unleashed a flurry of slashes., he then managed to get a hand on Lilly, and began draining her life force with his magic, however, Lilly cut the arm off, and Kicked it into the lava.

Lilly then got a safe distance away, as the Illusionist used his magic to reform the hand and disappear.

"You're really fighting this? You're going to get yourself killed." Lilly heard her own voice say, but it was the Illusionist trying to get at her.

Lilly remained on her guard while patrolling the walkway, and she heard various Memories, one of which involved the false Prophet who deceived her when she was the cannoness Superius of the Order of the Temporal Dragoness

"You have committed the ultimate heresy, and for it, you must be punished accordingly" It wasn't an exact quote that Lilly said before beheading the false prophet, but it was close enough, then Lilly saw an Illusion of that fateful day when the false prophet was Killed, in the Illusion Lilly was about to swing her sword and decapitate him, but in this version, the false prophet spun around, and said two words. Just two Chilling words that have haunted Lilly since she quit the order: Tyrtrol Myvish.

Lilly froze when she heard them, if it was a member of the empire of sufficient rank she would have been helplessly under their control, these were the Mind Control words placed in every sister elita of Lilly's time, it was meant to be a countermeasure against treason. But once the enemy started infiltrating these orders, along with Many changes being out in place after the Betrayer was driven from the Imperial Palace, was that no further member of the sisters elita would Get control words, aside from repentant sisters, as a punishment for sinning, but even then, that stopped, which was a good thing. But they words remained in the older sisters, and they always forced them to stop for a moment. Lilly was nearly paralyzed with fear, knowing that the Illusionist knew the words.

He used this Opportunity to try to kill Lilly, who was able to react in time, and lock her blade with his.

"Recognize that, do you? It's a wonderful story as to how I found out." The Illusionist said, and Lilly was truly pissed at this point, not only had the Illusionist really damaged Lilly emotionally, he had begun to use her past against her. Lilly gave groan of anger, and began to Push him back, and the Illusionist's expression was that of Shock, not because of Lilly's surprising strength, but it was clearly because of something else.

"So, your family is descended from dragons?" The Illusionist said, pushing back, "of course you are, your ancestor, Gwendolyn Dragon-Loom was the granddaughter of a dragon, I suppose your draconic rage shouldn't be unsuspected."

Lilly didn't know what he was talking about, but she was indeed very angry. She didn't know what The Illusionist meant by Dragon rage, but Lilly took it. She Pushed him back, and then threw a bottle of Nerve Poison in his face. The Higher dose definitely did something, he reeled back in pain as the Illusion faded: there was no Lava below, and the Illusionist actually there, Lilly then threw him to the forge Area, n Breaking more bottles of nerve poison on his to keep him from recovering, Lucky for Lilly, some of the old dwarven forges were still alive, , so, while he was stunned, Lilly heal the Illusionist's face in the still hot coals, Pulled him out, and threw more nerve poison on his face where the burn is,, and then held him just above the coals again.

"Now, listen here you Gods damned Coward, You're going to deliver a message for me." Lilly told him.

"Not a chance." The Illusion replied weakly, to which Lilly Heald his face against the hot coals for a good Minute, and Pulled him out, throwing more Nerve poison on his face, and listening to him scream.

"The Message you're going to deliver will be to Xomera, you try anything when you're down there, and I will destroy your soul. You're going to tell Xomera that's from me, and you're going to tell her 'I'll be there soon.' Got it?"

"Screw off b-" Lilly didn't let him finish before burning his face again

"Got it?" Lilly asked again, and the illusionist didn't respond. "Good."

Lilly dragged him away from the forge and beat his head to a pulp into the Dwarven stonework. Tha was when Lilly came to her senses, and gave an angered sigh, although she did not show it, she was a little horrified with how she killed The Illusionist.

Lilly then searched for the exit, understanding that Dolga was Long gone. She began making her way towards Whitereach, believing that was where Greggory, Alayna, Jayda, and Mara would be going. When Lilly found them, Alayna's reaction was pure relief, something odd, however, was that Jayda was not there.

"Where's Jayda?" Lilly asked

"She said she had Business to attend to, something about her mother." Mara explained.

"Why don't we head home, Greggory, if you need a place to stay you can have the couch. I'm going to get this arm healed, and I'm going somewhere in a few days." Lilly said.

"Where?" Alayna asked.

"Well, 'Layna, I'm going to go help, my best friend, Xomera out with something, Mara and Greggory will take care of you in the meantime, but I will be back, I promise, okay?"

"Okay." Alayna replied

"Alright, let's go home." Lilly said, and they set off.