
Chapter 4

It took them four days, but they finally Arrived outside the Clockwork Dwarven Structure, The Clockwork dwarves were long known to be the most advanced and sophisticated society on the continent, and perhaps the planet, aside from The Gifted's Species, which, as of yet, has not been given a name, they Just called themselves the Archons. And they proved to be quite the Opponent to the empire twenty years Prior.

The Clockwork Dwarves on the other hand, were technologically advanced, and used steam power a lot of the time. At some point a society of elves became afflicted with a plague or fell to the corruption and twisting of the nine planes of Hell, and they began moving in and killing the clockwork dwarves, the clockwork dwarves who weren't killed by the fallen elves disappeared, never to be seen again, at least, that was Lilly's theory. Their technology remained, and the Grappleshot on her left wrist was one such device, which Alayna was able to repair, and allowed Lilly to use it.

Even through the Icy wind, Lilly could hear the machinery faintly humming. Lilly quickly devised a plan. She couldn't see where the ritualist had placed his base, so it was likely inside, which meant they were at a distinct disadvantage unless someone could sneak in, and it sure as hell wasn't going to be Greggory doing that, and Jayda stated that she had something to go off and do, but promised she'd be back in time for the offensive.

"Mara, can you sneak in, and give a recon on how they have everything set up?" Lilly asked.

"Of course, I'll be back in less than Thirty." Mara said, and disappeared into the structure, Lilly and Greggory took a hiding position near the entrance.

"What happened between you and the Illusionist?" Greggory asked, and it shocked Lilly to know that he knew the title.

"I don't want to talk about it." Lilly replied.

"I get that, but I can tell that, whatever it was, it didn't go well. You've been distant since you got back." Greggory replied.

"Have I?" Lilly asked, "I didn't notice."

It was an obvious lie.

"Lilly, I know you're not very fond of me because I was part of the mercenary faction that Kidnapped Alayna, but I genuinely had no idea they accepted those kinds of contracts, look, Alayna will be safe, we will find her. It's not your fault that she got kidnapped." Greggory said.

"Then why does it feel like I've failed those closest to me?" Lilly asked.

"You didn't." Greggory replied.

"Tell that to my best friend, who's been dead for a year, and I had no Idea, or her daughter, Amara, or her Husband, Zathor. Tell that to Alayna, who's no doubt scared out of her mind, Greggory it's been five days, she has Anxiety and Panic Disorders. Tell that to my sister, Alexus, who hates me because our father always made us fight one another to 'inherit the family fortune' after our mother died…" Lilly's stress just all came rolling back, and she began shedding tears again," Tell that to Lily Dragonborn, Alayna's mother, or my old squamate Elara who I just dumped the role of Canoness superior on."

Lilly was definitely crying at this point, something Lilly always did her best to avoid, but this was all just too much.

"I'm sorry, I try not to cry ever and-"

"Lilly, -Lilly!" Greggory interrupted, "It's okay to not be okay. As long as you talk to someone, it doesn't have to be me, and it doesn't have to be Mara, or anyone you mention, it just has to be someone who will help you. When the Dragon attacked the college, I was lost, for weeks, I had failed to protect a good deal of my students, had I not gone into Whitereach, and spoken with the Bartender, I'd be a drunk, instead of just taking my money, Hulda refused it after a few drinks, and talked through everything with me, this was someone, I had never met before in my life, and they helped me, now, I didn't make the best decisions afterwards, as you saw, but they really helped me get my life on track."

"How do you know it would help me?" Lilly asked.

"I don't." Greggory said, "But your willingness to talk about aspects of it make me think it would."

Lilly sighed, "Okay." Lilly, albeit reluctantly, went through everything that happened between her, and the Illusionist with Greggory, and even the way she killed the Illusionist, but doubted, however, that that was the last they would see of the Illusionist.

"Why?" Greggory asked.

"The Ritualist, and the Illusionist both have a greater demon ally in the planes of hell that will resurrect them every time they die. The Cudgel might be included in that, but I find it unlikely, he's merely a fighter compared to the other two dark captains." Lilly explained, to Lilly's surprise, it did help a tiny bit talking about this to someone.

"I see you two have been getting along well enough," Jayda said behind them, "Mara should be back out in a few minutes.

True to Jayda's word, Mara left the structure not long after that.

"Alright, I know where they're holding Alayna." Mara said.

"Is she safe, is she alright?" Lilly asked.

"She looks a little shaken, but strong, nonetheless. It won't be long before she figures out, she can fit through the bars of the cage." Mara explained, and then gave them a detailed description on how the camp inside the structure is set up.

"Alright, here's the plan…" with Mara's intel Lilly devised a plan. Lilly, Greggory, and Jayda would lead the charge, while Mara would Assassinate anyone who might get the drop on them.

Once the plan was laid out, they prepared for their attack.