
Rescued: Undertale

Monsters became slaves

Anne_6523 · Videojogos
Classificações insuficientes
5 Chs

3. Monsters.

He responded to the urgency in my tone, maneuvering the car to the side of the road without hesitation. As the car came to a halt, I was already unbuckling my seatbelt, my gaze still fixed on the scene that had ignited this sudden urgency.

I bolted out of the car, driven by an impulse I couldn't ignore, with Brian hot on my heels. What was I thinking? This was reckless, and I should probably stop—yet my body seemed to have its own plans, unheeding of my cautionary thoughts. I reached the alley where I'd spotted the distressing scene, and my worst fears were confirmed. Three skeletal monsters, in a pitiable state, were encircled by five humans who were raining blows upon them mercilessly. Panic clutched at my chest. Instinctively, I sought refuge in the shadows, making sure I wasn't seen. What was the right course of action? If this continued, those creatures would surely perish. I needed a plan, and I needed it fast.

"My lady, are you alright? Why did you rush off like that? Did something happen?" Brian's concerned voice reached my ears, pulling me back to reality.

Brian! Of course! He had the skills to intervene, to rescue them. "Brian, I need your assistance urgently. Do you see those skeletons there? Is there any way to save them?"

"My lady wants... to save those monsters?" Brian's voice held a touch of surprise. "I thought monsters made you uncomfortable."

"Strangers do too, but if we don't act swiftly, they'll be killed without a doubt."

Brian's gaze lingered on me for a moment, his face unreadable. And then he simply said, "Understood. If that is your wish, my lady."

Relief surged within me. Brian's unwavering support was a lifeline.

The air crackled with tension as Brian and I prepared to intervene. My heart raced, a mix of fear and DETERMINATION coursing through my veins. Brian was a formidable force, but this situation was fraught with danger. I locked eyes with him, a silent exchange of determination passing between us.

With swift precision, Brian moved, stepping out of the shadows and into the alley, his presence commanding attention.

"Hey! What's this guy doing here?" one of the humans barked, his attention diverted from the skeletons to Brian's sudden appearance.

Brian's voice, steady and authoritative, cut through the tension. "This ends now. Leave these creatures be."

The skepticism and confusion on the monsters' skeletal faces were evident. They exchanged glances, uncertainty etched into their eye sockets. It was understandable; to them, humans were often synonymous with danger and hostility.

"I think he's their accomplice! Get him!" another yelled, rallying the group.

Brian's composed demeanor didn't falter; instead, it transformed into a calm readiness. He stood tall, a guardian of the shadows, an enigma in the midst of chaos.

The first punch was thrown, a misaimed strike aimed for Brian's head. But he moved with a fluid grace that defied expectation. He sidestepped, evading the blow effortlessly, then retaliated with calculated precision. His own fist connected with the attacker's side; a strike aimed not to incapacitate but to disarm.

A sharp, unmistakable crack resounded, and the assailant crumbled to the ground, his face a mask of disbelief.

The remaining humans hesitated, a glimmer of doubt tainting their earlier confidence. Brian's stance conveyed a silent message—this wasn't going to end well for them.

And then it began—a dance of movement, a clash of fists, each blow a testament to Brian's skill. He didn't strike to maim, but his fluid motions left his opponents disoriented, grasping at shadows. One by one, they succumbed to his calculated counters, their bravado unraveling into confusion and desperation.

As the fight ensued, I couldn't help but glance at the three skeletons—the ones we were trying to save. Their expressions wavered between skepticism and astonishment. I bet they had never expected to be saved by a human, let alone one who bore the air of nobility that Brian radiated.

One of the skeletons muttered something under his breath, a mixture of awe and disbelief. "Well, I'll be... ain't that a twist."

The second on the other hand, remained cautious, his red eye-lights tracking every movement. "Heh, ain't trustin' anyone who ain't a monster that easy."

The energetic one, simply gaped, his blue eye-lights wide as saucers. "Whoa, talk about a plot twist!"

In the midst of the skirmish, Brian's calculated strikes continued to disrupt the attackers' advances. The odds were shifting, and our unlikeliest hero was turning the tide in favor of the skeletons and, in essence, for justice.

When the dust finally settled, the alleyway fell silent, save for the heavy panting of the defeated humans. Brian's gaze, unwavering in its intensity, bore down on them.

"Next time, consider your actions more carefully," he declared, his voice like ice and steel.

As the attackers ran away, nursing their bruises and bruised egos, Brian turned to the skeletons. His eyes held a measure of respect, a silent acknowledgment of their shared struggle.

The first skeleton grinned, his usual mischief returning. "Well, ain't you a royal knight in shiny armor?"

Brian's lips quirked in a faint smile. "Only when the situation calls for it."

"Brian, that was incredible!" I exclaimed, my excitement propelling me forward in a run. Oh no, why was I suddenly the center of attention? The eyes of everyone in that alley seemed to converge on me, and a wave of stage fright swept over me. I glanced over at the three skeleton monsters, their expressions a mix of uncertainty and curiosity. "Um... hi?" I managed to squeak out the greeting, my voice betraying me as my nerves got the better of me. Ugh, how embarrassing. My face felt like it was on fire, and I swear I heard a stifled snicker—was it one of them? Oh, this was mortifying.

"My lady, I've done as you asked. I believe it's time to head home," Brian interjected, attempting to lead us away from the spotlight.

But wait—why did I stop him? What was I thinking? Why was I suddenly so compelled to continue talking? I was like a bumbling disaster, digging my own social grave. "Wait," I halted him, my voice sounding small even to my own ears. Why couldn't I just keep quiet? "We... we can't just leave them like this, can we?" 

Brian's gaze sharpened, and I could practically hear his unspoken warning—'Think before you speak.' Too late, apparently.

Brian's patient tone entered my frantic thoughts. "My lady, I understand your concern, but—"

I kept going, a runaway train of thought that refused to be stopped. "I mean, they're injured and battered..."

"My lady, please—"

"and it would be... cruel to just abandon them to their fate." my internal monologue screaming at me to just stop talking.

"My lady," Brian's voice grew firmer, a subtle warning.

"And, um, you know, dying alone in an alley isn't really a great ending for anyone," I managed to string together, my voice teetering on the brink of an embarrassed whimper.

"My lady!"

I finally registered Brian's more insistent tone, and I cringed inwardly. "Hmm...?" I replied sheepishly, realizing that I might have overstepped a bit.

Brian's patience seemed to hold steady as he addressed me. "It's fine."  he said with an air of amused resignation, "We will do as you say. But before we take any further action, we should ask their permission. Is that agreeable to you, my lady?"

He had a point. While my heart may have been in the right place, rushing ahead without considering the feelings and wishes of those involved wasn't the right approach. I swear, if I could've melted into a puddle of embarrassment on the spot, I would have. But instead, I managed to eke out a somewhat coherent nod, burying my face in my hands.

As Brian approached the three puzzled skeletons, I realized that even my well-intentioned ideas had a knack for turning into bizarre and awkward situations. Maybe, just maybe, I should consider investing in duct tape for my mouth.


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