
Requital For All

With the era of Vir over what comes next is the dark regime of a certain Demon Lord. His control over the world lasted only a a short period, yet this period would be remembered. As it was the darkest time in history. Yet, the worst is only beginning. Alem, the chosen seed from Earth, has been tasked to defeat Celius the Cloud Sovereign in battle to bring peace back to the multitude of universes. If he doesn't win, then the world will meet its end. "Who cares if the world is destroyed? Everyone will die eventually, he is just shortening that time. Friends, family, even me, death is inevitable." With these wise words being his last, Alem was forced to train and become the strongest as the last hope!

SN_Collier · Oriental
Classificações insuficientes
24 Chs

Chapter Fifteen

"How far is it?" The group moved quickly through the desert. Kir and Samir shared one wolf, Nor had her own, as well as Salea. While Eli rode with Alem.

"It should only be a few more kilometers." Eli spoke while following the map the alert was showcasing. "However, once we're about three hundred meters close, we will stop and travel by foot."

"Not just that, all of you will remain a hundred meters away from me. Watch the surroundings in case more people appear and stay hiding." Though Alem hated to fight, because Samir was around, he was excited to show off his skills a little. After all, Samir knew him since young, and knew his capabilities from before.

Everyone nodded. Salea wanted to tag along since she felt she could help, but Alem rejected the idea many times. "Alem, take my bow with you, alright?"

"It's fine. A single sword is enough for me." He smiled and spoke. The bow would just come in his way. Plus, they didn't have many arrows. It would be a waste. "Just keep a lookout for others and kill without mercy."

"I'm coming with you Alem.' Samir suddenly spoke. "I can back you up with my bow."

"You won't come. Stay with the group." He didn't need others around; they would only burden him.

"Fine." He sighed and didn't argue. He understood that Alem had the main say in the group. 'He really changed, but what is this place?'

They traveled for about ten more minutes before coming to a stop. "Alright, I'll finish this quick. Haha." With that, he walked towards the yellow in the distance.

"Good luck!" Eli called out with a frown.

Alem turned around and smiled before waving. "What's your relationship with my older cousin?" Samir walked towards Eli and asked with a raised eyebrow.

"We're close." She gave a weak answer, not wanting to speak more. Alem told her to keep a distance from Samir, so she would.

"Oh? If you guys are a thing, no need to hide it. I can see both of you are a bit more then just friends." Samir scratched his head and spoke with a smile.

Eli shrugged and didn't say anything more.

Seeing this, Samir frowned a little. "Kir, right? What is this place? Why are we al here?"

"Don't you know?" Kir wasn't present when Alem was yelling at him, so he didn't know many details. "This is a training world to teach us survival skills and basically increase our combat prowess. Plus, it's a competition for a certain reward."

"Training? Reward?" Still confused, he couldn't help but ask.

"Where are you from?" Kir couldn't help but ask. "Like, what's your sect or clan? And which universe is it in?"

"Sect? What do you mean? I'm just from the U.S. And as for universe? Umm, what does that mean?" Samir was even more confused, but it wasn't only him. Even Kir and the rest were lost.

"Do you not know? Alem seems to know, how do you not know?" Nor suddenly interjected. Samir looked at her and was a bit shocked.

'Damn, she's hot.' He then took a look at Eli and thought the same. 'I though it was only Salea, but all these girls are so fine. Where is this?' Swallowing a little, he looked back at Nor. "Like I told Alem, I was forced into this place. I didn't agree. I was just brought here."

"Hmm?" Nor grabbed her chin and thought for a moment. "Alright, what's your world called?"

"By world, do you mean Earth?" He said with a bit of confusion.

"Earth? Is there a world like that?" She thought for a while. Her gaze landed on Eli, but the latter shrugged and shook her head. Salea and Kir did the same.

"Do you guys not know our world is called Earth?" Samir spoke in shock. "What about the country/ Which country are you from? U.S? China? Pakistan?"

"I've never heard of those places. We come from the Nillian clan in the main universe." Nor answered while frowning.

"Main universe? Is this some sort of joke. We're on Earth, some strange island. Did all of you go crazy?" Samir frowned deeply.

Hearing his response, Nor began to understand something. She looked at the others and smiled weakly. "Maybe he is from a small universe that is still developing."

"That makes sense." The few agreed.

"But Alem?" Eli couldn't help but speak up.

"Yeah, that makes no sense." All of them then looked towards the disappearing figure. "Where did he come from?"

"How far is this thing." He sighed while walking. "Come out man! Just attack already!" Yelling loudly, Alem became impatient. "I know you can hear me, so don't keep hiding."

Look down

Suddenly, a whisper entered Alem's ears. He sighed and looked down with a dull expression. "Piece of shit."

The sand began to tunnel as a bright brown popped out from the ground.

Don't run

"I won't be running." Laughing slightly, Alem leapt towards the brown and grabbed it with his palm. "I remember fighting someone from your kind before. This should be your antenna, right?" Lifting his sword high, he swung at the large antenna.

Schreeeee Ahhh!

With a screech shaking the ground, Alem founding his body lifting towards the sky. "Finally, out?" His feet landing on top of centipedes face. "You look really disgusting." Centipedes were naturally ugly insects; well, all insects were. Atleast to Alem.

It's long body was covered in a brown hue, while its features were only similar to a centipede.

On it's tummy, there were two long arms, while it's antennas numbered in the dozens.


Opening its mouth, the centipede shook it's head, trying to get Alem into it's mouth.

"No, you don't."

"Guys, we should help him. 'Eli clenched her clothes tightly.

"It's fine. He doesn't look like he's in danger." Nor spoke with a calm expression. "Can't you see the centipede wailing? It can't get the best of Alem, haha."

"Still, it's too huge. If he falls from that height, he will die." She still felt worried. "Maybe we should just go and help, who cares what Alem said. We need to make sure he's safe."

"Don't get involved Eli. If he's confident, then just let him do as he pleases." Nor spoke coldly. "Remember, he isn't weak. If he can tame so many animals alone, then the Lord of Sand might be killable for him."

"Might? Are you basing his life on a chance?" Eli frowned deeply, glaring at Nor.

Seeing her cousin looking at her like that, Nor couldn't help but flare up. "Don't forget that he wanted to do this alone, no one forced him. And why are you glaring at me? What the hell did I do?"

Eli didn't answer and just ignored Nor. The latter got angrier. "Guys, let's calm down. "Kir couldn't help but speak up."

"Don't you see how she's acting? Alem this, Alem that. We've known him for less then a year and she's already putting more importance towards him then us? Her family?" Nor felt betrayed.

"You're just twisting it at this point Nor." Eli lashed out as well. "I never said anything like that, so why are you putting words into my mouth? Can't I worry about him?"

"You can worry, but don't blame me for his decisions. To me, the only lives that matter are yours and Kir's. Everyone else is just a tool that will be used to keep us alive." Speaking her thoughts aloud, the group couldn't help but frown a little. "Don't forget, Alem knows of this and is alright with it. He isn't dumb."

"Are you calling my cousin a tool?" Samir, who was listening on the side, suddenly glared at Nor. "You guys can fight, but why are you badmouthing my cousin? Has he done something bad? And what's wrong with Eli showing concern? Are you jealous?"

"What do you mean by that?" Nor spoke in a chilly voice.

Shrugging his shoulders, Samir focused on the fight in the distance. "I've been with a lot of woman, but you give me toxic vibes. Eli is close to Alem, even sharing a wolf, but you can't. Does that make you jealous?"

"Why would I be jealous of that?" Nor defended herself. "Everyone knows that me and him aren't close in anyway, and I don't even like the guy."

"Who knows?" Samir smirked. "He's gotten a lot better looking and even his personality is strong. Which girl wouldn't like him?"

"Well, you're wrong. I'm not into such a man." Shaking her head angrily, she then looked at Eli. "Eli, don't forget, I'm looking out for you and Kir."

"Are you?" Eli snarled.

"Eli, Nor is. Just calm down both of you." Kir felt his head begin to hurt a little. "Eli, you're then one getting overly mad. So, calm down and just think. Nor never sent him alone, he was firm about doing this alone. All of us wanted to join, but since he is confident in himself, you have to be confident as well." Kir had to be the middle man, but he also needed Eli to know that she was going a bit overboard.

"Fine." Snorting slightly, Eli walked towards Yellow and watched with the large wolf.

"She has long fallen, huh?" Kir spoke with a weird smile.

"Duh." Nor glared at him.

[System Notice!]

[Lord of Sand's has been slayed! Seven pellets appeared! A map has appeared!]

"Already done?" Everyone watched the large centipede fall from afar.


"What the hell?!" Samir looked in shock. "Where did these people come from?!" He suddenly saw dozens run towards the centipede from different areas. All of these people were further away from his location, but closer to the centipede.


"I'll go ahead first!" The wind screamed beside Samir as Eli rode Yellow towards Alem as fast as possible.

"Hurry, catch up!" Nor fell out of her trance and got on the nearest wolf with Kir, chasing behind Eli.

Salea was the next to follow.

"What the fuck! Alem is going to killed if so many surround him!" He also hopped onto the wolf next to him. "Go fast! Fast!"

Soon enough, dozens were nearing Alem from all directions. The latter was not oblivious to this, however. He had a feeling something like this would happen, so he watched all of this with a smile. In his left hand, he held onto a yellow page, while his right hand carried a few pellets. "Seems like I can probably get most of the pellets right now."

"Get the pellets and the map! Kill anyone who stands in the way!" Alem finally heard a few voices from behind him. Turning his head, he saw a group of ten galloping towards him with two headed horses.

Stuffing the pellets into his pocket, he pulled his sword out from the body of the centipede. "Let me add a bit more blood to your grave little centipede." He walked towards the incoming group with a smirk.

"There he is! Kill him!" The leader carried a large spear. When he saw Alem, a maniacal smile appeared on his face as he got even quicker.

"Kill me?" Within a few breaths, the man was only a meter away from him. "I don't think so." With a quick movements, Alem grabbed the spear from the side and pulled the man down.

"Ah!" As he fell towards the ground, his sight was filled with silver.

As blood dyed the ground further, Alem spun the spear and aimed it towards a different ride. "You're next." With his strongest throw, he launched the spear, penetrating the mans head in an instant. Yet, that wasn't done it. With two down, there was only about eight left. Most still didn't process the sudden turn. So, their horses continued to near Alem.

As the next horse neared him, Alem ducked to dodge the sword swing, yet he didn't forget to shove his sword in the side of the horse, cutting it's belly open.


With a final agonising shout, the horse fell. The rider on top falling with it. Of course, Alem ignored him for now, focusing on the rest. At this point, most began to avoid Alem, except two. Both met the same fate as the previous ride.


With three on the ground, scrambling for their weapons, Alem walked towards them with relaxed expression. His hands moved, removing their heads from their bodies.

"Great, here comes more." Swiping his blade in the air, he noticed a few more groups closing in. "Might as well use these other weapons." Dropping his sword, he picked up a whip which was laying on the floor. "Odd choice for a weapon." Slapping the air, he smiled a little. "I used this a few times, but let's hope I remember how." Every weapon was trained to mastery, but his go to were swords and daggers. He had used whips for a bit, but only for a few years before stopping.

"Surround him, he's dangerous. He might be George." One of them spoke while sitting on their own mounts. Currently, he was surrounded by three groups, circling him. One group rode on the two headed horses, one on one eyed goats, and the last were on their feet.

"He isn't George. I met that psycho." One of the people spoke. "Still, he isn't any less dangerous."

"Archers, just shoot him." The leader of the Goat riders spoke with a cold voice. "Everyone else, keep a distance. We have to get that map."

Alem rubbed his head lightly while listening to them. "Out of curiosity, what does the map lead to?"

"Ignore him, just shoot." The goat rider seemed strong minded and didn't fall for any stalling tactics and gave the signals.

"Well damn." Alem noticed the three archers, and he narrowed his eyes. 'I probably can't do much at this distance, still I should be able to dodge two of the arrows.' Although he was a great combatant, he couldn't dodge arrows at such close ranges. He was a normal human at the moment. Even the Lord of Sands was relative to him. It was just large, that was it.

"Shoot!" The man howled.

Alem watched carefully and swung his whip, hitting on of the arrows, but the other two neared him quickly. Barely moving to his left, one arrow missed while the last penetrated his shoulder.

"Fuck!" Alem groaned a little before rushing towards the archers. His right shoulder was shot so he had to switch to his weaker arm. "Fuck off!" With a hard slap, the whip entered deep into the throat of one archer. Alem did this continuously, attacking each archer before they could react.

"Charge!" The goat leader howled and took the lead.

"ALEM!" From a distance, Alem saw a beautiful woman riding a large wolf. He couldn't help but laugh a little.

"I'm fine, just stay put. Haha." Saying his piece, he ducked the swing of the goat rider, and whipped a person coming from behind him. Turning around quickly, he then whipped two horses, forcing them to fall. "Alright, next weapon." Dropping the whip, he reached for a club and began to smash the heads of the goats. Forcing the riders off.

The battle continued like this until all of Alem's friends reached the battlefield. They watched from a distance as Alem fought off the large group with one arm.

"What the fuck are you guys doing? Let's go in!" Samir growled as he charged in with a blade. Salea followed behind and Eli got her bow ready.

"Don't join!" Alem shouted from afar. "Just watch and learn." Despite being surrounded, he was able to speak.

Luckily the overall strength of the group was not high. Other then the goat rider, who was more skilled then Salea, the rest were around the same skillset as Kir and Nor were. It was an easy fight even with one arm.

From whips, to spears, to swords, even dead bodies. Alem's fighting style became even more bloody as the time went one.

"Retreat! This guys is a freak! His group is eyeing us too! Go!" The goat rider had already lost his goat, while his body was covered in blood and wounds.

"Fuck you mean retreat? You came, so stay." Alem picked up a bow. Though his right arm was injured, because of the adrenaline, he could barely use it.

Picking up arrows from the ground, he took aim and began to shoot the running enemies. One, two… each one began to fall slowly.

"Fuck! Is this guy… him?!" The goat rider suddenly turned pale. "George isn't the arena fighter! ITS HIM!"

When these words came out, everyone froze, including Alem's group.

Who was the most feared candidate? The one everyone wanted to avoid? The arena fighter. Alem was that arena fighter.

"This guy is that devil?! Fuck, I'm out!"

"Split up! He can't chase us all!!"

"His group is right there, go the other way!"

Everyone panicked and ran in all directions. Alem snorted. "Yellow, come here." He wasn't enough to chase them all down sadly. "Everyone, chase them down. Leave none alive."

"Go go go!" Nor commanded while Kir hopped onto the same wolf as Samir. Salea also rushed off with the wolves.

"Eli, get your bow ready, shoot them down." Alem spoke with a calmly.

"What about your shoulder?" She said while looking at the red that became bigger. Plus, the arrow was still stuck in his shoulder.

"Ignore it for now. Let's get rid of these guys first." With the amount that came this time, colleting all the pellets would leave them with only two or three left to obtain. "Yellow, make sure the others don't go wild."

The wolf nodded and suddenly howled.


The yellow sand suddenly began to be splattered in red.


"No, stop stop!"

Wolves chomped; blades shined in the light. The place was gory and really was jut a hell hole. Especially for Samir and Eli, both who found the sight to be nauseating.

"Yellow, go and see if any one escaped. If not, come back." Alem sat on the ground with Eli, while Kir and Salea went and collected all of the pellets. Nor was taking looking at the map and taking care of the wolves, while Samir vomited in one corner. Of course, no one went and comforted him, there was no need. He was going to see more so he had to get used to it.

"Alem, the arrow is so deep. It's probably already infected!" Eli spoke with tearful eyes, wanting to pull the arrow, but not knowing how.

"Just relax. It's not fatal." Though he said this, he knew that it could become fatal if not take care of soon. "First, let's wash the area a little, alright? Luckily it isn't in a bad place." If it was his legs, or chest, he would be worried, but his shoulder was not an issue. There were vessels there, but based on his knowledge, the arrow didn't hit anything major, probably just piercing his bone a little. Though, that was bad, it was better then piercing an organ or large vessels. He could live.

"What do I do though? How do we get it out?" She asked in a panic. Using a small container of water, she poured it on the wound. Using her small hands, she rubbed the edges, not wanting to cause more pain.

"We won't remove this until we get back." Though it was dangerous to wait, it was better then causing further damage by trying to remove it in an unknown environment. At most, he would lose an arm if he waited, it sucked, but he could bear with it. During his thousand-year battle, he had to battle without his arms for many years. It wasn't impossible for him.

"It could get worse though." She spoke with tears.

"Eli, it's fine. It doesn't even hurt. Plus, now you and I are scar buddies. You have one on your arm, and I have one on my shoulder." He laughed loudly.

"This isn't funny." Glancing at the sticking arrow, her eyes watered even further.

"Ok ok." Alem sighed. It was weird for him. Even Shameless didn't show him this much concern. He was never heavily hurt in front of his parents, so he never got so much concern from them either. Eli was the first. "Come now, let's head back and we can take of this thing, alright?"

Getting up, he pulled Eli to her feet and waited for Yellow to come back patiently.

"Alem, you good?" Samir walked over with a pale face.

"I'm doing amazing. This arrow is just glue on, a prop if you must." He spoke with a bitter smile. "I have an arrow in my shoulder, how do you think I am?"

"Luckily you aren't dying. I got a bullet wound in my shoulder once too, that shit hurt like a bitch." Samir shook his head in reminisce.

"Alem, look, we collected a total of nineteen pellets. Including our initial seven, we have twenty-six. If we can get four more, then all of us would pass the first requirement." Nor walked over with a huge smile.

Eli glared at her cousin before looking away.

"What's wrong with her?" Alem asked in confusion.

"The girl is in love." Nor said while shrugging her shoulders.

"Haha.' Alem looked down at Eli and snickered. "So, you did fall, huh?"

"Shut up. Being worried is allowed." Eli glared at Nor and Alem.

"Yeah yeah." He shook his head bitterly. "Anyways, let's get back to base first. Exploration needs to be put on hold until this injury is stabilized. Plus, with our new members, we should first get more supplies ready and then finally head out."

"Agreed." Nor nodded her head. "And this time, I won't bug you about pellets. We got so much; we can just wait it out."

"Geez? Really? You won't make me?" Alem spoke mockingly.

Seeing him act like that, Nor snorted. At that moment, Yellow returned with nothing.

"No one left, right?" Yellow nodded its head. "Alright then. Let's head back. No need to rush, just head straight home."

Yellow laid in front of Alem and let him and Eli on. Nor and the rest also got on their respective wolves and finally began to head back to base.