
Requiem: When They Fall

In the tranquil town of Kamihara, Akira Shu carries the weight of a sorrow-laden past. Haunted by the disappearance of his beloved sister, Eiko, who was claimed by a mysterious dungeon, Akira's life takes a somber turn. The looming dungeons, portals to a realm of monsters and mysteries, cast a shadow over the town. As Akira grapples with his grief, he finds himself drawn to one particular dungeon, standing on the precipice of the unknown. With determination and a vow to uncover the truth, Akira embarks on a journey that will lead him to confront not only the enigmatic dungeons but also the deepest recesses of his own sorrow. "Requiem: When They Fall" is a tale of loss, resilience, and the unwavering bonds that transcend time and space. As Akira steps into the shadows, he seeks to rewrite the requiem of his life, to find solace, redemption, and answers amidst the mysteries that dwell within the dungeons.

sushifishpirate · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
36 Chs

The Guardian's Fury

The colossal figure loomed before them, a towering presence that seemed to bridge the realms of legend and reality. It was a giant white ogre, its form emanating an aura of raw power and ancient wisdom.

Without warning, the ogre's eyes narrowed, fixating on Akira, who held the Silverbloom Leaf. With a deafening roar, it lunged forward, massive fists hurtling towards them.

Instinct and adrenaline surged through Akira, propelling him into action. He leaped to the side, narrowly avoiding the brunt of the ogre's assault. The ground trembled beneath the force of the impact, sending shockwaves rippling through the chamber.

The team sprang into action, rallying around Akira. Hiroshi and Kaito unleashed a volley of arrows, each finding its mark on the ogre's thick hide. Mika's staff pulsed with magic, sending arcs of energy dancing through the air. The combined assault slowed the ogre, but it pressed on, undeterred.

Pioni's voice boomed over the chaos. "Keep it distracted! Akira, use the leaf's power to shield yourself!"

Akira nodded, his fingers clutching the Silverbloom Leaf. He focused, drawing upon the ancient energy he felt within it. A radiant barrier sprang to life, enveloping him in a shimmering cocoon.

With newfound determination, Akira reentered the fray. His strikes were swift and precise, finding the ogre's vulnerable spots. Each blow resonated with the leaf's power, sending ripples of energy through the ogre's form.

The battle raged on, a symphony of clashes, roars, and bursts of magic. The chamber echoed with the intensity of their struggle. Sweat mingled with the cool touch of the Silverbloom Leaf against Akira's skin.

As the minutes stretched into what felt like hours, the ogre's movements grew sluggish, its once powerful strikes now faltering. With one final, resounding blow, Akira struck true, his sword finding its mark. The ogre let out a thunderous bellow before crumbling to the ground, dissipating into a silvery mist.

The chamber fell into stunned silence. The battle was won.

Pioni's voice cut through the quiet. "Well fought, all of you. Akira, you have proven yourself a true seeker. The Silverbloom Leaf chose its bearer wisely."

Akira's chest swelled with a mixture of pride and exhaustion. He glanced at the leaf, still glowing with a soft, ethereal light. It was a reminder of the power that lay within the dungeons, waiting to be uncovered.

Their journey was far from over.

To be continued...