
Requiem of the Lost Exiled

In the unforgiving world of the Exiled Lands, where the desperate and the damned roam, one man seeks redemption through the crucible of darkness. Su, haunted by the ghosts of his past and driven by a thirst for vengeance, finds himself under the tutelage of a mysterious figure with powers beyond comprehension. As Su embarks on a harrowing journey of self-discovery and survival, he must confront the darkest depths of his own soul and unearth the strength within to face the demons that lurk in the shadows. Will he emerge from the abyss unscathed, or will he be consumed by the darkness that threatens to consume him? "Requiem of the Lost Exiled" is a gripping tale of redemption, betrayal, and the enduring power of the human spirit in the face of adversity.

WolfZael · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
23 Chs

Let the Tournament Begin

Mervan's POV

I woke up to the soft morning light filtering through the small window of the inn, casting gentle shadows on the wooden floor. The room was quiet, save for the faint rustling sounds of Eldran redoing the bandages on his corrupted hand. His face was a mask of concentration as he meticulously wrapped the cloth around the green-tinged skin, the amulets on his wrist catching the light and casting eerie reflections. His fingers moved with practiced precision, despite the obvious discomfort, and I could see beads of sweat forming on his brow.

"Morning," I mumbled, sitting up and rubbing my eyes.

Eldran glanced at me, his expression unreadable. "Morning. Today's the day huh,"

I felt a knot form in my stomach. Su had trained so hard for this moment, enduring a month of grueling sessions with Eldran. The memory of his pain and perseverance made my heart ache. I couldn't bear the thought of him going through all that without proper support.

Eldran finished his bandaging and stood up. "I have to go somewhere," he said. "But I'll take you to the arena to watch Su's matches."

His casual tone made my blood boil. "You're not staying?!" I snapped, the words coming out harsher than I intended. "You should be ashamed! Su is going to fight to death in that Arena! And you're not going to be there for him?"

Eldran's eyes softened slightly as he looked at me. "Don't worry, Kid. That brat managed to land a blow on me. There is no way he'd lose."

His words did little to soothe my anger, but I held my tongue. Eldran led me out of the inn, and we made our way through the bustling streets towards the arena. As we walked, memories of the past month flooded my mind.

I remembered Su's relentless training. Eldran pushed him day after day, from dawn until well past dusk. I watched as Su struggled, sweat pouring down his face, muscles trembling with exhaustion. Each night, he collapsed onto the desert sand, only to rise before the sun for another round of torment.

As we approached the grand arena, I couldn't help but feel a swell of pride. Su changed. He had transformed into someone formidable, someone ready to face whatever came his way. His new look reflected his transformation: chiseled muscles, a confident stance, and an air of resilience that hadn't been there before.

Eldran must have noticed my silent reflection. "He's come a long way, hasn't he?" he remarked, almost to himself.

I nodded, my heart pounding with a mix of anxiety and hope. "Yeah, he has."

We arrived at the arena, the noise of the crowd growing louder with every step. Eldran stopped and looked at me. "Trust in him, he is stronger now, after all i am his master,"

I watched as Eldran walked away, leaving me at the entrance. Taking a deep breath, I made my way inside, determined to support Su with everything I had. Today was his day, and I knew he would rise to the challenge.

Entering the arena was like stepping into a different world. The air buzzed with excitement, and the smell of sweat and anticipation was thick. People were huddled around betting stalls, placing their wagers on the upcoming fights. I could hear snippets of conversations, names being tossed around with fervor.

"Bet on Keliotor. No way he loses. Three-time champion!" one man exclaimed, slapping a pile of coins onto the counter.

Curiosity piqued, I edged closer, listening to the chatter. Keliotor's name seemed to be on everyone's lips, the clear favorite. But my mind was set. Su had worked harder than anyone, and I believed in him. I reached into my pocket, feeling the few coins Eldran had spared me. It wasn't much, but it was enough.

The crowd was dense, and I had to squeeze through the forest of legs to reach the betting counter. I barely reached the counter, standing on my tiptoes to see over the edge. The bookie glanced down at me, raising an eyebrow, clearly skeptical of a kid making a bet.

"I'd like to place a bet," I said, my voice wavering only slightly. He looked at me with a hint of amusement but took my coins anyway. "On Su."

With the bet placed, I made my way to the seating area, weaving through the throng of spectators. The noise was almost deafening, the crowd's energy palpable. I climbed up to a vantage point where I could get a good view of the arena floor and looked around eagerly for Su.

Then I spotted him. Waving frantically, I shouted, "SU!" My voice was lost in the din, but I kept waving until he noticed me. He turned, and for a moment, our eyes met. He smiled warmly at me and waved back, a gesture that filled me with a sense of pride and reassurance.

Su looked incredible. His transformation over the past month was astounding. His body had changed dramatically, muscles sculpted and defined from the relentless training. His shoulders were broad, and his chest was solid, every movement showcasing the power he had gained. His arms, once slender, were now thick with muscle, veins visible beneath his skin from the exertion. He wore a determined expression, his eyes sharp and focused.

He had grown taller too, or maybe it was just the way he carried himself now—with a sense of purpose and strength. His new armor fit him perfectly, emphasizing his powerful physique. The chest piece gleamed under the arena lights, and the forearm guards looked ready to deflect any attack.

The scars and bruises from his training were still visible, a testament to his hard work and resilience. He stood tall, exuding a confidence that hadn't been there before. He was finally a warrior, ready to take on whatever the tournament threw at him.


Seeing Mervan wave at me filled my heart with a rare warmth. Despite the chaos, he was there, cheering for me. I scanned the crowd, hoping to spot Eldran, but he was nowhere in sight. I waved back at Mervan, grateful for his unwavering support.

The commentator's voice boomed across the arena, drawing my attention. "People of Mehmoura, welcome to this year's tournament! Here, only the strong survive and the weak perish. We have 100 warriors who have come from across the lands, but only eight will move on to the second round. Fight with everything you have, for there is no room for mercy. Let the tournament begin!"

The signal was given, and the arena erupted into chaos. Warriors clashed, each one determined to prove their strength. I quickly found myself targeted by four fighters attempting to ambush me. I narrowed my eyes and muttered, "Move," before disappearing in a blur of speed. In the blink of an eye, I knocked out all four attackers, my movements precise and powerful.

I moved like a whirlwind through the chaos of battle, my movements fluid and precise. With every punch and kick, I unleashed a symphony of force, each strike a testament to the grueling month of training I had endured. My fists became blurs of motion, delivering devastating blows that sent my opponents crashing to the ground. I weaved through the melee with effortless grace, dodging attacks and countering with calculated precision. Each strike landed with the force of a sledgehammer, sending shock waves rippling through the air. With every opponent I felled, my confidence swelled, fueled by the raw power coursing through my veins.. As I fought, I took note of a few standout warriors.

One was a hulking figure with tanned skin, wielding a massive bat that he swung with devastating force. Another was thin but incredibly fast, darting around with small axes that he used with lethal precision. Then there was the mysterious one, cloaked in a hood, smaller than most but fighting with two daggers. His movements were swift and graceful, like a deadly dance.

As I observed the hooded figure, I was suddenly ambushed. A blade whizzed past my throat, missing by mere inches. "Fast, aren't we?" the assailant taunted, a smirk playing on his lips.

I didn't bother to respond. Instead, I focused on his movements, waiting for the right moment. When he lunged at me, aiming to thrust his blade into my chest, I jumped, stepping on his blade mid-air and delivering a powerful knee to his face. The impact sent him flying backwards, crashing into the ground.

Hours seemed to pass as the battle raged on, each second feeling like an eternity. I fought relentlessly, my body and mind in perfect sync. Finally, the chaos subsided, and I found myself among the eight survivors. I took a moment to catch my breath, scanning the remaining fighters. The ones I had noticed earlier were still there, along with a few others I didn't recognize.

The first round was over, and I had made it through. But I knew this was just the beginning. The real challenge was yet to come, and I had to be ready for whatever lay ahead.

Have some idea about Su's journey? Comment it and let me know :)

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