

"I will not try to kill you as long as you help me with this problem with the poison, okay?" Zander said when they took a break in the afternoon on their journey back to the capital city.


Dawn didn't know what Zenith had told him, but the king was rather well behaved now, yet she wouldn't put her guard down. No matter what, he almost killed her, even though he claimed it was an accident that he pressed the knife too hard. What a bad liar…


"Is that how you will compensate me?" Dawn narrowed her eyes.


"Don't worry, I have ordered my men to spread the information about your and Zenith's ceremony. Everyone in the whole continent will know about it."


Dawn scrunched her nose. She didn't like the idea at all.


"Your ceremony will be lavished with luxury, people will pray for you and a feast will be held in your name. Your family will get the honor to sit with me." Zander grinned.