

The two shifters from the west screamed on the top of their lungs, fighting the itch feeling that crawled on their skin, but the more they scratched them, the more itchy it was to the point they felt their entire body felt the torture.


It was very unbearable. No amount of scratching and clawing their own skin could relieve the pain, if anything, it only got worse.


In this rate, they would claw themselves to death and this was one of the most painful deaths that someone could get, not to mention how embarrassing it was to scratch your entire body to death.


It would be a slow death indeed…


Meanwhile, Zaya frowned to see blood started to pool beneath them, but thanked to their healing ability, they would start to heal again before they scratched them again, rinse and repeat.


"They will scratch themselves for eternity." Zaya tilted her head.