

VillainousMC · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
10 Chs

Lilith Drakoth

"What kind of monster are you?!" She shouted in disbelief.

"Oh... no!" Gray stared at the girl, realizing that he had messed up.

However, he wasn't expecting her reaction to being so violent. He had never seen anyone look so frightened. She rushed away from him, screaming incoherently; Gray panicked and ran after her closely, wondering if he could persuade her to keep quiet about his power. It took Gray forever to find her. By the time he finally did, he noticed being surrounded by wolves. All of them were attacking him with their razor-sharp fangs, sharp claws, and powerful strength. Their growls and barks were deafening, and he knew he had to be quick.

Gray stared at the situation the girl was in and thought to himself. 'Should I just leave?' He debated internally.

"Help me! I beg you," A young girl pleaded desperately. She was kneeling, trembling with tears streaming down her cheeks. Gray could tell she was only seven years old, just like him. She couldn't even defend herself from those wolves because she was too afraid.

'Well, I'll be damned. Tsk.' Gray said to himself, realizing the girl's tears triggered his dream of becoming a hero, just like the guys on the television. His body began to vibrate, and electricity started streaming through his body. His perception speed skyrocketed as everything in front of him was paused. He looked at his hands, seeing that each move made his body produce electricity, and the next thing that happened was his body moved on its own. He killed all the wolves by piercing their hearts with his hand.

"Bullshit!" Gray cursed aloud after realizing he could have just used superspeed to catch up with the girl. But, after a long thought, he realized she would probably be even more afraid of him. He closed his eyes and calmed his heartbeat. The electricity calmed down, and his highly enhanced senses returned to normal.

He slowly approached the little girl who was shaking. Gray saw the fear in her eyes but still put on an emotionless face. His chest felt heavy, seeing the girl crying. He poked her shoulder a few times, and when she looked at him, he brightly smiled and asked.

"Want to see a magic trick?!"

"Yes." The girl looked at Gray with curious eyes that still had drops of tears.

"Watch this!"

Gray pulls out his pockets, proving nothing is inside of them. The next thing girl saw was Gray bringing impossible things out of the pockets. Spears, swords, books, and even a TV. She watched in awe as Gray continuously took stuff out of his pockets as if his pockets were infinite. This made the girl smile slightly. She was always alone at the orphanage, other times some bullies would throw things at her. Seeing someone trying to make her smile was something she never experienced before. The girl watched Gray pull out a pair of dolls for her. She laughed lightly after receiving the gift.

Seeing the girl in a better mood, Gray felt relieved. He walked closer to her and bowed his head while pleading.

"Please, don't tell anyone what you saw today!"

The girl looked at Gray, unsure whether he was serious, then nodded. Then, her body started glowing, releasing the disguise. She had white hair, golden eyes, beautiful horns, and pointy ears. She stared at the ground while shaking. She waited for Gray's reaction.

When he saw the girl, he squealed excitedly. "You're so cool!!!"

"B-but... but I am a demon!"

"I don't care! If I say you're cool, it means you're cool!"

Suddenly he hugged the girl, surprising her. Her expression softened, and she hugged him back. This was the first time someone complimented her appearance. The usual reaction from human children was fear.

They wouldn't dare touch her, only throwing things at her. But Gray was different. Gray was the first person who treated her nicely and told her he didn't care about her species.

"What's your name?" Gray asked her, but then he remembered that his mother said it was rude to ask for someone's name without introducing him first. "Oh, my name is Makoto Gray. However, you can call me by my first name!"

"Uh... Makoto?"

"Huh? No. My first name is Gray." Gray grinned at her, happy with finding a friend. "My mom calls me that all the time!"

"Then... I am Lilith Drakoth. The first name is Lilith..." Lilith smiled shyly. She feared most of the humans, as the human kids tended to bully her, calling her weird names or even throwing rocks at her. Luckily, her cultivation had already reached the ki gathering peak, even more than Gray's father's, so the rocks didn't hurt physically. However, this hurt her feelings.

"Please, keep my race a secret. Okay?" Lilith smiled at him. "But, we should go now. There might be more monsters here." Lilith grabbed onto Gray's hand and pulled him. Gray obediently followed, but suddenly he asked.

"I was wondering. Why were you in the forest in the first place?" Gray asked curiously. "Were you lost?"

Lilith stopped walking and blushed a bit.

"Yes. I was searching for a specific monster; its core should help me improve my cultivation." She giggled nervously, trying not to look at him. After that, she seemed depressed at her failure to fight back wolves "But how could I hunt it down when I was frozen when low-tier monsters attacked me."

Gray stared at her, confused, but Lilith shook her head.

"It doesn't matter. We need to leave before any other creatures come our way." She hurriedly started walking again, dragging Gray with her. When Lilith spotted a cave, Gray stopped. He grinned and said, "Hunting monsters? Sounds like an adventure!"

"Huh? No! What are you saying?!" Lilith exclaimed. "The mutated bull I need to fight is much stronger than those wolves! It is at least ki gathering realm!"

"Aww, why don't we test its strength?" Gray asked innocently, knowing very well that this adventure was dangerous. "If it kills me, I won't blame you~." He stuck out his tongue, making Lilith laugh.

"Alright, alright... Let's go." She reluctantly agreed, smiling at Gray .

Lilith led Gray into the cave that contained several skeletons in various stages of decomposition, and they both walked around slowly, looking around every corner. Lilith was worried there could be more of these beasts lurking somewhere near. Both were holding hands and scared, but Gray wanted to prove himself to his newfound friend. So he took the lead, despite the fear, and when the first monster appeared, a giant rat almost the size of an adult human, Gray put his index finger next to his lips and shouted.

"Fire style, fireball magic!"

It startled Lilith, as she knew this sentence Gray shouted was from an anime she watched. But the next thing she saw, Gray was breathing out the small fire which quickly turned into a huge fireball completely engulfing the rat. To her surprise and slight disappointment, the flame was so hot that not even the core remained from the creature.

Lilith gazed at Gray with amazement in her eyes. Not only was the rat in the same cultivation level as the creature they were searching for, but probably even stronger. And Gray killed it in one shot!

"You're amazing, Gray!" Lilith cheered happily.


He blushed and wanted to prove himself to her more and more. He wanted to protect her and to be by her side. She extended her hand to Gray, and they walked further into the dungeon. After one hour, they found what they were looking for, the mutated bull. It stood four meters tall, and its eyes glowed in rage, making Gray shiver. However, he gathered all his courage and started punching it continuously.

"Come on! Come on!!" His arms stretched for ten meters and continuously hit the creature. The creature tried to attack, but it was pushed back by a barrage of punches, and after a while, the beast passed out.

"What now?" Gray wondered out loud while staring at the collapsed creature.

"Now, I will kill it!" Lilith exclaimed while smiling with sparkling eyes. However, she noticed that she had lost her dagger when she was attacked by wolves and began to panic. "I am so stupid!"

Gray pulled some random items from his pocket until he picked up a dagger and gave it to Lilith with a sigh of relief as he didn't have to kill one more creature. And after they extracted its core, Lilith took time absorbing it and meditating. Gray was getting tired. However, he promised to wait patiently because she would get hurt if he disturbed her cultivation. However, when she finished, he continuously nagged her to come home with him, as he wanted to show Lilith to his mother.

"Please! Please! Please!"

"F-fine!" She reluctantly agreed.

When the two of them reached home, they noticed that Gray's mother was extremely angry, which scared both Lilith and Gray.

"Look how late it is! It's almost 9 pm!" she scolded Gray, who just stared at the floor, realizing he would be punished. However, when his mother noticed Lilith, her mood instantly improved as Gray had never had friends before. Especially not the ones he would bring home. Mother knew the girl was a demon, but she didn't mind that as long as Gray had friends. "Hello there!"

"Uh... Hello." Lilith shyly bowed.

"My name is Makoto Shiro. Do you mind telling me your name?" Ayako asked the shy girl in front of her with a polite smile on her face. The small girl bowed again and gave her name.

"My name is Lilith Drakoth."