
Relife: The Story Of Kim Baek Hyun

A story about a Young developer Kim Baek Hyun, who is both Overworked and Overtired and finally dying in his computer Before he got reincarnated in his own World by a mysterious Entity, will he survive or will he die in Despair in front of his own creation? Find out by reading these story! Update everyday so hurry up and put these into your reading these cus i update these everyday anyway bye

Hehehee · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
27 Chs

Waking up

Waking up...

That moment of conflict was overwhelming, but it ended abruptly when I woke up in an empty field of grass. The gentle rustling of the wind in the tall blades surrounded me, and the warmth of the sun bathed my face like water getting in my face yet warm yet hot. I looked around with a dazed mind, trying to piece together what had just happened could these be a dream of mine? I had that thought as i wanted to confirm it as i pinched my leg as i felt that sharp pain as i immediately realized these was reality and not just a mere dream as i swallowed my saliva in shock since i just died and the next thing i knew i was alive and well but i knew i couldn't just stay sitting down hence i pushed myself up with wobbly legs, almost falling back to the ground, but I managed to find my balance. The landscape was unfamiliar yet strangely comforting. It felt like a dream, but the vividness of the colors and the crispness of the air and the shape pain of the pinch told me it was all too real.

As I stood there, taking in my surroundings, I noticed the field stretched endlessly in every direction, dotted with wildflowers swaying gently in the breeze. There was an odd sense of tranquility, a stark contrast to the chaos that had filled my life moments before-or was it just a dazed mind neverless i just ignored as i I took a deep breath, trying to steady my racing heart and clear my mind. "Where am I?" I muttered to myself. The memory of the figure with no eyes and the cryptic conversation we had echoed in my mind. "A new chance in life," he had said. "Your own game."

A sudden cold realization hit me like a bolt of lightning. Could this be the world of "Survival X," the very game I had poured my soul into? The thought was both thrilling and terrifying. If this was indeed my game, I knew every detail of these game no these world, every danger that lay ahead. But being a player in my creation was an entirely different experience than what i anticipated but i knew that i cannot ever die or lose again as i knew that Creature no Monster will ever revive me again or will he.. I thought as i quickly shurg it away.

As i look around i suddenly received a small wonder, as my mind wondered back to the figure that had brought me here. What was his motive? Why give me this chance? Questions swirled in my head, but there were no answers. All I knew was that I had to survive in these cruel world that i created a drip of sweat drip down my cheek as i smirk at these new Adventure of mine!. Will he succeed in these adventure of him or will he fall down like someone giving up?.