
Relife: The Story Of Kim Baek Hyun

A story about a Young developer Kim Baek Hyun, who is both Overworked and Overtired and finally dying in his computer Before he got reincarnated in his own World by a mysterious Entity, will he survive or will he die in Despair in front of his own creation? Find out by reading these story! Update everyday so hurry up and put these into your reading these cus i update these everyday anyway bye

Hehehee · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
27 Chs


Village or despair?..

As I wandered through the field, trying to make sense of my surroundings, I began to realize where I was. This place looked unmistakably like the Tutorial Field—a starting point for players in "Survival X." The grass was lush and green, and the air held a crisp freshness that hinted at morning.

Suddenly, a sharp noise—'Bing Bing!'—jolted me out of my thoughts. I whirled around, searching for the source of the sound. To my astonishment, a status window materialized right before my eyes. It shimmered with a greenish hue and displayed text in a font reminiscent of old RPG games.

"Hello player Kim Baek Hyun," it greeted me in glowing letters. Below that, a series of stats and information scrolled into view:


HP: 100

DEF: 12

Agility: 5

Endurance: 26

Intelligence: 79

Wisdom: 80

Class: Game Developer


Omniscient (limited to only your creation, e.g., the world)

Omnipotent (locked, cannot be used)

Immortality (locked, cannot be used)

Creation (locked, cannot be used)

Destruction of all non-living and living things (locked, cannot be used)

I blinked in disbelief as I read through the information. "Class? I never set this class before," I muttered, trying to comprehend the implications. It seemed that this class was heavily influenced by me. I scoffed in disbelief but gradually accepted it—this was Survival X, the world I created.

The status window remained suspended in front of me, glowing softly. I hesitantly reached out, expecting it to vanish like a hallucination, but it held firm. It was real—a tangible interface within the world of "Survival X," my own creation.

With a mix of curiosity and trepidation, I decided to explore further. The field around me stretched endlessly, but in the distance, I spotted smoke rising above the treetops. "A village," I thought aloud, realizing that my first step should be to seek out civilization in my own world.

As I made my way towards the smoke, the ground beneath my feet felt solid and real. The sensations—the warmth of the sun, the gentle breeze, even the texture of the grass—all mirrored what I had meticulously modeled in my game. It was both surreal and exhilarating at the same time.

As I approached the village, I found a wooden palisade encircling modest cottages and bustling market stalls. People moved about, engaged in various tasks, their voices mingling with the ambient sounds of daily life. It was a scene straight out of a medieval fantasy, yet here I was, a participant in my own creation

I entered the village cautiously, aware that despite my creator status, I was now a part of this world. Villagers glanced at me with curiosity, some openly staring at the unfamiliar sight of a newcomer. I felt a mixture of unease and wonderment as I navigated the narrow streets.

Spotting a tavern ahead, I decided to gather my thoughts and perhaps learn some information. Inside, the air was thick with the smell of ale and roasted meat. The tavern keeper, a stout man with a welcoming smile, greeted me warmly.

"Welcome, traveler! What brings you to our village?" he asked, pouring a tankard of ale."I... I'm not entirely sure. I just woke up, and here I was," I admitted, still processing everything that had happened.The tavern keeper chuckled knowingly. "Ah, another lost soul finding their way here. Well, you're in Hawkridge Village, nestled in the shadow of the Astern Forest. If you're looking for work or adventure, you've come to the right place!"

I felt a bit embarrassed about the names I had created, but I shrugged it off and nodded slowly, grateful for his friendly demeanor. "Thank you," I said, taking a sip of the ale. "I think I'll need some time to figure things out and find an inn."

As I sat there, thinking my next move, I couldn't shake the feeling that my presence here was no accident. The status window, the village—everything seemed to be part of a larger design. Whether by fate or some higher power, I was determined to uncover the truth behind my summoning in this creation of mine.