
Introduction & Warnings

Hello, readers.

I know many if you must have a lot of questions about the title and contents of this book and are skeptical about giving this book a try.

So, I will try to give a short summary of this story that might not have been clear from the synopsis.

This is a story about a guy who's hurt in past and given a new chance in life without his wish, he is thrown into a situation which he might accept or not (depends on him) and heal himself. Characters which he normally glossed over, what would happen if they come to life?

I hope you like it.


ALTERNATIVE TITLE: The Whispers Of Death - A Villain's Fate

CONTENT WARNING: This story may contain instances of Rape, Marital Rape, Violence, Gore, Sexual Assault, Cannibalism, Human Experimentation, and Necrophilia. Proceed at your own caution.
